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4 (36) December 2013

4 (36) December 2013
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Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt

Uncoupling Repair:  Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt

When all rolling stock on the railway network was public, it was the transporter who was responsible for rolling stock maintenance.
When railcars became private, the issue of railcar maintenance was discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.

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Quality Getting Worse

At the business seminar “Problems of Organising Maintenance and Repair of Own and Rented Rolling Stock”, organised by RZD and “The RZD-Partner” business magazine on October 30, 2013, experts defined the most urgent problems in the sector of current uncoupling repair. In the opinion of Alexander Lukyanov, the First Deputy Head of the Administration for Wagon Facilities at the Central Directorate for Infrastructure – an affiliate of RZD, the most pressing problem is the decrease in the quality of repaired freight rolling stock after their scheduled repair. The average level of failure-free performance of rolling stock reduced from 97.51% to 96.66% in the first nine months of 2013. The figure was 97.18% for railcars repaired by subsidiaries of RZD (Wagon Repair Companies (WRC) – 1, 2, 3), and 95.86% - by private wagon repair companies.
It is worth noting that the rolling stock repaired by WRC – 1,2,3 gets permission to access the infrastructure after it is checked by inspectors from RZD, as representatives of the owner of the infrastructure. “Since the quality of scheduled repair provided in depots of RZD’s subsidiaries is higher than in private depots, the same system of access should be applied to railcars repaired by all wagon repair companies on the network,” believes A. Lukyanov. Today, a system of inspection control of railcars, when admitting them to the public infrastructure after scheduled repair, is being developed, and will be applied to all wagon repair companies operating in Russia.   
Poor quality scheduled repairs causes an increase in the number of freight wagon uncouplings.
To avoid financial risks and needless rejection, a guideline document “Criteria for Rejecting Cast Components of Freight Railcar Bogies of 18-100 Model and Their Equivalents During Operation” came into force on September 1, 2013. According to RZD, there is a positive effect from it already. In October, the share of confirmed defects found by inspectors on the network was 72%, while in January it was just 38%.
Meanwhile, many rolling stock owners still think that current uncoupling repair is still a business for RZD, and the company is financially interested in uncoupling more and more wagons instead of reducing non-productive losses. There is another viewpoint: amid a decline in the quality of rolling stock and components, the issue of transport safety becomes especially urgent. Therefore, it is better to check any suspect work for the presence of a crack one more time than to admit a defective railcar onto the infrastructure. Since the beginning of 2013, there have been 37 cases of solebar fractures, seven of which caused freight train crashes, and 26 – rolling stock derailments.

Time to Wait

Obviously, measures must be taken to reduce rolling stock idling time during current uncoupling repair. Irina Chiganashkina, a Member of the Presidium of the non-commercial partnership “Council of Railway Operators”, says that according to Order №K-3591 by the RF Ministry of Railways dated April 3, 2000, the average time of a railcar being idle when undergoing uncoupling repair is 20.4 hours after the VU-23 notification is given. Currently, one railcar idles 11.2 days during this type of the repair, and in case of some troubles (e.g. with a wheel-set or a bolster) – up to 22 days. 
This time is comprised of several components: delivery, lifting a railcar, removing the wheel-set, removing the railcar; directing the wheel-set to a repair depot; the second delivery of the railcar (after the wheel-set is delivered from the repair depot), the second lifting of the railcar and implementing the repaired wheel-set; taking the railcar to the repair depot because of the lack of a wheel-rolling workshop, non-destructive testing facilities, or cast parts to replace the broken component.
To reduce the time needed for current uncoupling repair, I.Chiganashkina is offering to equip maintenance depots with wheel workshops and non-destructive testing facilities, and to implement additional modular stations for current uncoupling repair at cargo mass loading/unloading sites. “We should change the situation when a railcar is inspected in places, where it cannot be repaired. This will avoid expenses on moving the rolling stock to a repair depot,” she believes.
In the words of A. Lukyanov, interaction with rolling stock owners is a rather complicated procedure. He thinks that one of the reasons for the longer time for private wagon idling during repair is the refusal of large railway rolling stock operators (such as Freight One and Federal Cargo Company) to use spares offered by RZD, and it impacts the situation on the railway network negatively, complicating shunting and train service works. “There is not enough space at tracks for current uncoupling repair for storing additional spares offered by wagon owners, who try to reduce the cost of repair,” states A. Lukyanov.   
According to Sergey Kaletin, Deputy Director General for Technical Development at Freight One, a unified approach to the repair documentation filled in by all wagon repair companies is needed. This will speed up the whole process. Additionally, e-documents should be introduced in the sector of current uncoupling repair, which, as A. Lukyanov noted, is one of the main directions of work for the Central Directorate for Infrastructure in its interaction with the owners of rolling stock. Testing of relevant software began on September 1, 2013. Now this technology is being introduced for interaction with Transgarant and Transoil. Another important issue that worries owners is providing repair and maintenance depots with cast parts. According to A. Lukyanov, the situation is normalised, a supply system has been organised. Nevertheless, in his words, an urgent question is the flexibility in setting prices for spare parts, including cast components, with regard to the current market situation
(a downward trend is observed at the moment). The problem is that RZD’s maintenance depot purchased spares at higher prices than present-day ones. About 3,500 cast spares were bought, of which about 500 have not been sold yet. “And we cannot reduce prices,” says A. Lukyanov .
At the same time, S. Kaletin argues that everyone bears certain risks to stay in the market. I. Chiganashkina notes that the average market cost of a bolster is RUB 65,000-70,000 (except the VAT), while RZD’s maintenance depots offer it for RUB 97,000. Operators have no opportunity to overpay.
“Today, our objective is not to get profit or to break even. We do our best trying to reduce losses,” she said. Thus, there is an expectation that all parties will offer reasonable prices .

Reallocation of roles

One more question discussed by participants of the seminar is the opportunity of taking current uncoupling repair away from RZD’s monopolistic control. In the opinion of Sergey Palkin, Vice President of the non-profit partnership Union of Industries of Railway Equipment (NP UIRE), Director for Technical Regulation at EvrazHolding LLC, the sector of current uncoupling repair services must be demonopolised. “When current uncoupling repair is provided by the owner of the infrastructure, depots will always be interested in achieving some definite results in the number of repaired wagons, and it means that there will be excessive requirements. Otherwise, the personnel and equipment of maintenance wagon depots will reduce,” explains S. Palkin his viewpoint.
Current uncoupling repair is an essential part of maintaining a freight wagon, and this function is unnatural for the owner of infrastructure (when almost the whole wagon fleet is private) and it must be fulfilled by rolling stock owners. “They need to unite efforts, buy from RZD all maintenance wagon depots and establish on their basis a commercial company providing services for technical inspection of railcars at some stations, finding defects and repairing them. RZD’s function in this sector must be admitting the rolling stock to the infrastructure in accordance with safety standards,” notes S. Palkin.
“A railcar must be in good order, and its owner is responsible for providing its proper performance. The owner of the infrastructure is not responsible for the technical maintenance of someone else’s railcars and RZD must not ask operators to take care of their rolling stock. Its duty is to accept cargo for transportation in fault-free rolling stock and deliver it to the consignee safely and on time,” says S. Palkin.
In the opinion of the expert, this reallocation of roles will remove a lot of problems faced by operators, wagon owners, and RZD, and have a favourable effect on the cost of services. Today, the average price of current uncoupling repair exceeds RUB 22,000 and continues to grow in line with the prices of deficit spares.
Nowadays, 92% of current uncoupling repair services is provided by RZD, and the share of private companies has increased from 2-3% to 8% in the last decade. If private wagon repair companies and railcar owners are active, competition may appear in this sector, as has happened in the rolling stock scheduled repair market.   ®
By Elena Ushkova


Quality Getting Worse

At the business seminar “Problems of Organising Maintenance and Repair of Own and Rented Rolling Stock”, organised by RZD and “The RZD-Partner” business magazine on October 30, 2013, experts defined the most urgent problems in the sector of current uncoupling repair. In the opinion of Alexander Lukyanov, the First Deputy Head of the Administration for Wagon Facilities at the Central Directorate for Infrastructure – an affiliate of RZD, the most pressing problem is the decrease in the quality of repaired freight rolling stock after their scheduled repair. The average level of failure-free performance of rolling stock reduced from 97.51% to 96.66% in the first nine months of 2013. The figure was 97.18% for railcars repaired by subsidiaries of RZD (Wagon Repair Companies (WRC) – 1, 2, 3), and 95.86% - by private wagon repair companies.
It is worth noting that the rolling stock repaired by WRC – 1,2,3 gets permission to access the infrastructure after it is checked by inspectors from RZD, as representatives of the owner of the infrastructure. “Since the quality of scheduled repair provided in depots of RZD’s subsidiaries is higher than in private depots, the same system of access should be applied to railcars repaired by all wagon repair companies on the network,” believes A. Lukyanov. Today, a system of inspection control of railcars, when admitting them to the public infrastructure after scheduled repair, is being developed, and will be applied to all wagon repair companies operating in Russia.   
Poor quality scheduled repairs causes an increase in the number of freight wagon uncouplings.
To avoid financial risks and needless rejection, a guideline document “Criteria for Rejecting Cast Components of Freight Railcar Bogies of 18-100 Model and Their Equivalents During Operation” came into force on September 1, 2013. According to RZD, there is a positive effect from it already. In October, the share of confirmed defects found by inspectors on the network was 72%, while in January it was just 38%.
Meanwhile, many rolling stock owners still think that current uncoupling repair is still a business for RZD, and the company is financially interested in uncoupling more and more wagons instead of reducing non-productive losses. There is another viewpoint: amid a decline in the quality of rolling stock and components, the issue of transport safety becomes especially urgent. Therefore, it is better to check any suspect work for the presence of a crack one more time than to admit a defective railcar onto the infrastructure. Since the beginning of 2013, there have been 37 cases of solebar fractures, seven of which caused freight train crashes, and 26 – rolling stock derailments.

Time to Wait

Obviously, measures must be taken to reduce rolling stock idling time during current uncoupling repair. Irina Chiganashkina, a Member of the Presidium of the non-commercial partnership “Council of Railway Operators”, says that according to Order №K-3591 by the RF Ministry of Railways dated April 3, 2000, the average time of a railcar being idle when undergoing uncoupling repair is 20.4 hours after the VU-23 notification is given. Currently, one railcar idles 11.2 days during this type of the repair, and in case of some troubles (e.g. with a wheel-set or a bolster) – up to 22 days. 
This time is comprised of several components: delivery, lifting a railcar, removing the wheel-set, removing the railcar; directing the wheel-set to a repair depot; the second delivery of the railcar (after the wheel-set is delivered from the repair depot), the second lifting of the railcar and implementing the repaired wheel-set; taking the railcar to the repair depot because of the lack of a wheel-rolling workshop, non-destructive testing facilities, or cast parts to replace the broken component.
To reduce the time needed for current uncoupling repair, I.Chiganashkina is offering to equip maintenance depots with wheel workshops and non-destructive testing facilities, and to implement additional modular stations for current uncoupling repair at cargo mass loading/unloading sites. “We should change the situation when a railcar is inspected in places, where it cannot be repaired. This will avoid expenses on moving the rolling stock to a repair depot,” she believes.
In the words of A. Lukyanov, interaction with rolling stock owners is a rather complicated procedure. He thinks that one of the reasons for the longer time for private wagon idling during repair is the refusal of large railway rolling stock operators (such as Freight One and Federal Cargo Company) to use spares offered by RZD, and it impacts the situation on the railway network negatively, complicating shunting and train service works. “There is not enough space at tracks for current uncoupling repair for storing additional spares offered by wagon owners, who try to reduce the cost of repair,” states A. Lukyanov.   
According to Sergey Kaletin, Deputy Director General for Technical Development at Freight One, a unified approach to the repair documentation filled in by all wagon repair companies is needed. This will speed up the whole process. Additionally, e-documents should be introduced in the sector of current uncoupling repair, which, as A. Lukyanov noted, is one of the main directions of work for the Central Directorate for Infrastructure in its interaction with the owners of rolling stock. Testing of relevant software began on September 1, 2013. Now this technology is being introduced for interaction with Transgarant and Transoil. Another important issue that worries owners is providing repair and maintenance depots with cast parts. According to A. Lukyanov, the situation is normalised, a supply system has been organised. Nevertheless, in his words, an urgent question is the flexibility in setting prices for spare parts, including cast components, with regard to the current market situation
(a downward trend is observed at the moment). The problem is that RZD’s maintenance depot purchased spares at higher prices than present-day ones. About 3,500 cast spares were bought, of which about 500 have not been sold yet. “And we cannot reduce prices,” says A. Lukyanov .
At the same time, S. Kaletin argues that everyone bears certain risks to stay in the market. I. Chiganashkina notes that the average market cost of a bolster is RUB 65,000-70,000 (except the VAT), while RZD’s maintenance depots offer it for RUB 97,000. Operators have no opportunity to overpay.
“Today, our objective is not to get profit or to break even. We do our best trying to reduce losses,” she said. Thus, there is an expectation that all parties will offer reasonable prices .

Reallocation of roles

One more question discussed by participants of the seminar is the opportunity of taking current uncoupling repair away from RZD’s monopolistic control. In the opinion of Sergey Palkin, Vice President of the non-profit partnership Union of Industries of Railway Equipment (NP UIRE), Director for Technical Regulation at EvrazHolding LLC, the sector of current uncoupling repair services must be demonopolised. “When current uncoupling repair is provided by the owner of the infrastructure, depots will always be interested in achieving some definite results in the number of repaired wagons, and it means that there will be excessive requirements. Otherwise, the personnel and equipment of maintenance wagon depots will reduce,” explains S. Palkin his viewpoint.
Current uncoupling repair is an essential part of maintaining a freight wagon, and this function is unnatural for the owner of infrastructure (when almost the whole wagon fleet is private) and it must be fulfilled by rolling stock owners. “They need to unite efforts, buy from RZD all maintenance wagon depots and establish on their basis a commercial company providing services for technical inspection of railcars at some stations, finding defects and repairing them. RZD’s function in this sector must be admitting the rolling stock to the infrastructure in accordance with safety standards,” notes S. Palkin.
“A railcar must be in good order, and its owner is responsible for providing its proper performance. The owner of the infrastructure is not responsible for the technical maintenance of someone else’s railcars and RZD must not ask operators to take care of their rolling stock. Its duty is to accept cargo for transportation in fault-free rolling stock and deliver it to the consignee safely and on time,” says S. Palkin.
In the opinion of the expert, this reallocation of roles will remove a lot of problems faced by operators, wagon owners, and RZD, and have a favourable effect on the cost of services. Today, the average price of current uncoupling repair exceeds RUB 22,000 and continues to grow in line with the prices of deficit spares.
Nowadays, 92% of current uncoupling repair services is provided by RZD, and the share of private companies has increased from 2-3% to 8% in the last decade. If private wagon repair companies and railcar owners are active, competition may appear in this sector, as has happened in the rolling stock scheduled repair market.   ®
By Elena Ushkova


When all rolling stock on the railway network was public, it was the transporter who was responsible for rolling stock maintenance.
When railcars became private, the issue of railcar maintenance was discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.


When all rolling stock on the railway network was public, it was the transporter who was responsible for rolling stock maintenance.
When railcars became private, the issue of railcar maintenance was discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.

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discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => uncoupling repair: influence of monopoly is still being felt [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>When all rolling stock on the railway network was public, it was the transporter who was responsible for rolling stock maintenance. <br /> When railcars became private, the issue of railcar maintenance was discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt ) )

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Quality Getting Worse

At the business seminar “Problems of Organising Maintenance and Repair of Own and Rented Rolling Stock”, organised by RZD and “The RZD-Partner” business magazine on October 30, 2013, experts defined the most urgent problems in the sector of current uncoupling repair. In the opinion of Alexander Lukyanov, the First Deputy Head of the Administration for Wagon Facilities at the Central Directorate for Infrastructure – an affiliate of RZD, the most pressing problem is the decrease in the quality of repaired freight rolling stock after their scheduled repair. The average level of failure-free performance of rolling stock reduced from 97.51% to 96.66% in the first nine months of 2013. The figure was 97.18% for railcars repaired by subsidiaries of RZD (Wagon Repair Companies (WRC) – 1, 2, 3), and 95.86% - by private wagon repair companies.
It is worth noting that the rolling stock repaired by WRC – 1,2,3 gets permission to access the infrastructure after it is checked by inspectors from RZD, as representatives of the owner of the infrastructure. “Since the quality of scheduled repair provided in depots of RZD’s subsidiaries is higher than in private depots, the same system of access should be applied to railcars repaired by all wagon repair companies on the network,” believes A. Lukyanov. Today, a system of inspection control of railcars, when admitting them to the public infrastructure after scheduled repair, is being developed, and will be applied to all wagon repair companies operating in Russia.   
Poor quality scheduled repairs causes an increase in the number of freight wagon uncouplings.
To avoid financial risks and needless rejection, a guideline document “Criteria for Rejecting Cast Components of Freight Railcar Bogies of 18-100 Model and Their Equivalents During Operation” came into force on September 1, 2013. According to RZD, there is a positive effect from it already. In October, the share of confirmed defects found by inspectors on the network was 72%, while in January it was just 38%.
Meanwhile, many rolling stock owners still think that current uncoupling repair is still a business for RZD, and the company is financially interested in uncoupling more and more wagons instead of reducing non-productive losses. There is another viewpoint: amid a decline in the quality of rolling stock and components, the issue of transport safety becomes especially urgent. Therefore, it is better to check any suspect work for the presence of a crack one more time than to admit a defective railcar onto the infrastructure. Since the beginning of 2013, there have been 37 cases of solebar fractures, seven of which caused freight train crashes, and 26 – rolling stock derailments.

Time to Wait

Obviously, measures must be taken to reduce rolling stock idling time during current uncoupling repair. Irina Chiganashkina, a Member of the Presidium of the non-commercial partnership “Council of Railway Operators”, says that according to Order №K-3591 by the RF Ministry of Railways dated April 3, 2000, the average time of a railcar being idle when undergoing uncoupling repair is 20.4 hours after the VU-23 notification is given. Currently, one railcar idles 11.2 days during this type of the repair, and in case of some troubles (e.g. with a wheel-set or a bolster) – up to 22 days. 
This time is comprised of several components: delivery, lifting a railcar, removing the wheel-set, removing the railcar; directing the wheel-set to a repair depot; the second delivery of the railcar (after the wheel-set is delivered from the repair depot), the second lifting of the railcar and implementing the repaired wheel-set; taking the railcar to the repair depot because of the lack of a wheel-rolling workshop, non-destructive testing facilities, or cast parts to replace the broken component.
To reduce the time needed for current uncoupling repair, I.Chiganashkina is offering to equip maintenance depots with wheel workshops and non-destructive testing facilities, and to implement additional modular stations for current uncoupling repair at cargo mass loading/unloading sites. “We should change the situation when a railcar is inspected in places, where it cannot be repaired. This will avoid expenses on moving the rolling stock to a repair depot,” she believes.
In the words of A. Lukyanov, interaction with rolling stock owners is a rather complicated procedure. He thinks that one of the reasons for the longer time for private wagon idling during repair is the refusal of large railway rolling stock operators (such as Freight One and Federal Cargo Company) to use spares offered by RZD, and it impacts the situation on the railway network negatively, complicating shunting and train service works. “There is not enough space at tracks for current uncoupling repair for storing additional spares offered by wagon owners, who try to reduce the cost of repair,” states A. Lukyanov.   
According to Sergey Kaletin, Deputy Director General for Technical Development at Freight One, a unified approach to the repair documentation filled in by all wagon repair companies is needed. This will speed up the whole process. Additionally, e-documents should be introduced in the sector of current uncoupling repair, which, as A. Lukyanov noted, is one of the main directions of work for the Central Directorate for Infrastructure in its interaction with the owners of rolling stock. Testing of relevant software began on September 1, 2013. Now this technology is being introduced for interaction with Transgarant and Transoil. Another important issue that worries owners is providing repair and maintenance depots with cast parts. According to A. Lukyanov, the situation is normalised, a supply system has been organised. Nevertheless, in his words, an urgent question is the flexibility in setting prices for spare parts, including cast components, with regard to the current market situation
(a downward trend is observed at the moment). The problem is that RZD’s maintenance depot purchased spares at higher prices than present-day ones. About 3,500 cast spares were bought, of which about 500 have not been sold yet. “And we cannot reduce prices,” says A. Lukyanov .
At the same time, S. Kaletin argues that everyone bears certain risks to stay in the market. I. Chiganashkina notes that the average market cost of a bolster is RUB 65,000-70,000 (except the VAT), while RZD’s maintenance depots offer it for RUB 97,000. Operators have no opportunity to overpay.
“Today, our objective is not to get profit or to break even. We do our best trying to reduce losses,” she said. Thus, there is an expectation that all parties will offer reasonable prices .

Reallocation of roles

One more question discussed by participants of the seminar is the opportunity of taking current uncoupling repair away from RZD’s monopolistic control. In the opinion of Sergey Palkin, Vice President of the non-profit partnership Union of Industries of Railway Equipment (NP UIRE), Director for Technical Regulation at EvrazHolding LLC, the sector of current uncoupling repair services must be demonopolised. “When current uncoupling repair is provided by the owner of the infrastructure, depots will always be interested in achieving some definite results in the number of repaired wagons, and it means that there will be excessive requirements. Otherwise, the personnel and equipment of maintenance wagon depots will reduce,” explains S. Palkin his viewpoint.
Current uncoupling repair is an essential part of maintaining a freight wagon, and this function is unnatural for the owner of infrastructure (when almost the whole wagon fleet is private) and it must be fulfilled by rolling stock owners. “They need to unite efforts, buy from RZD all maintenance wagon depots and establish on their basis a commercial company providing services for technical inspection of railcars at some stations, finding defects and repairing them. RZD’s function in this sector must be admitting the rolling stock to the infrastructure in accordance with safety standards,” notes S. Palkin.
“A railcar must be in good order, and its owner is responsible for providing its proper performance. The owner of the infrastructure is not responsible for the technical maintenance of someone else’s railcars and RZD must not ask operators to take care of their rolling stock. Its duty is to accept cargo for transportation in fault-free rolling stock and deliver it to the consignee safely and on time,” says S. Palkin.
In the opinion of the expert, this reallocation of roles will remove a lot of problems faced by operators, wagon owners, and RZD, and have a favourable effect on the cost of services. Today, the average price of current uncoupling repair exceeds RUB 22,000 and continues to grow in line with the prices of deficit spares.
Nowadays, 92% of current uncoupling repair services is provided by RZD, and the share of private companies has increased from 2-3% to 8% in the last decade. If private wagon repair companies and railcar owners are active, competition may appear in this sector, as has happened in the rolling stock scheduled repair market.   ®
By Elena Ushkova


Quality Getting Worse

At the business seminar “Problems of Organising Maintenance and Repair of Own and Rented Rolling Stock”, organised by RZD and “The RZD-Partner” business magazine on October 30, 2013, experts defined the most urgent problems in the sector of current uncoupling repair. In the opinion of Alexander Lukyanov, the First Deputy Head of the Administration for Wagon Facilities at the Central Directorate for Infrastructure – an affiliate of RZD, the most pressing problem is the decrease in the quality of repaired freight rolling stock after their scheduled repair. The average level of failure-free performance of rolling stock reduced from 97.51% to 96.66% in the first nine months of 2013. The figure was 97.18% for railcars repaired by subsidiaries of RZD (Wagon Repair Companies (WRC) – 1, 2, 3), and 95.86% - by private wagon repair companies.
It is worth noting that the rolling stock repaired by WRC – 1,2,3 gets permission to access the infrastructure after it is checked by inspectors from RZD, as representatives of the owner of the infrastructure. “Since the quality of scheduled repair provided in depots of RZD’s subsidiaries is higher than in private depots, the same system of access should be applied to railcars repaired by all wagon repair companies on the network,” believes A. Lukyanov. Today, a system of inspection control of railcars, when admitting them to the public infrastructure after scheduled repair, is being developed, and will be applied to all wagon repair companies operating in Russia.   
Poor quality scheduled repairs causes an increase in the number of freight wagon uncouplings.
To avoid financial risks and needless rejection, a guideline document “Criteria for Rejecting Cast Components of Freight Railcar Bogies of 18-100 Model and Their Equivalents During Operation” came into force on September 1, 2013. According to RZD, there is a positive effect from it already. In October, the share of confirmed defects found by inspectors on the network was 72%, while in January it was just 38%.
Meanwhile, many rolling stock owners still think that current uncoupling repair is still a business for RZD, and the company is financially interested in uncoupling more and more wagons instead of reducing non-productive losses. There is another viewpoint: amid a decline in the quality of rolling stock and components, the issue of transport safety becomes especially urgent. Therefore, it is better to check any suspect work for the presence of a crack one more time than to admit a defective railcar onto the infrastructure. Since the beginning of 2013, there have been 37 cases of solebar fractures, seven of which caused freight train crashes, and 26 – rolling stock derailments.

Time to Wait

Obviously, measures must be taken to reduce rolling stock idling time during current uncoupling repair. Irina Chiganashkina, a Member of the Presidium of the non-commercial partnership “Council of Railway Operators”, says that according to Order №K-3591 by the RF Ministry of Railways dated April 3, 2000, the average time of a railcar being idle when undergoing uncoupling repair is 20.4 hours after the VU-23 notification is given. Currently, one railcar idles 11.2 days during this type of the repair, and in case of some troubles (e.g. with a wheel-set or a bolster) – up to 22 days. 
This time is comprised of several components: delivery, lifting a railcar, removing the wheel-set, removing the railcar; directing the wheel-set to a repair depot; the second delivery of the railcar (after the wheel-set is delivered from the repair depot), the second lifting of the railcar and implementing the repaired wheel-set; taking the railcar to the repair depot because of the lack of a wheel-rolling workshop, non-destructive testing facilities, or cast parts to replace the broken component.
To reduce the time needed for current uncoupling repair, I.Chiganashkina is offering to equip maintenance depots with wheel workshops and non-destructive testing facilities, and to implement additional modular stations for current uncoupling repair at cargo mass loading/unloading sites. “We should change the situation when a railcar is inspected in places, where it cannot be repaired. This will avoid expenses on moving the rolling stock to a repair depot,” she believes.
In the words of A. Lukyanov, interaction with rolling stock owners is a rather complicated procedure. He thinks that one of the reasons for the longer time for private wagon idling during repair is the refusal of large railway rolling stock operators (such as Freight One and Federal Cargo Company) to use spares offered by RZD, and it impacts the situation on the railway network negatively, complicating shunting and train service works. “There is not enough space at tracks for current uncoupling repair for storing additional spares offered by wagon owners, who try to reduce the cost of repair,” states A. Lukyanov.   
According to Sergey Kaletin, Deputy Director General for Technical Development at Freight One, a unified approach to the repair documentation filled in by all wagon repair companies is needed. This will speed up the whole process. Additionally, e-documents should be introduced in the sector of current uncoupling repair, which, as A. Lukyanov noted, is one of the main directions of work for the Central Directorate for Infrastructure in its interaction with the owners of rolling stock. Testing of relevant software began on September 1, 2013. Now this technology is being introduced for interaction with Transgarant and Transoil. Another important issue that worries owners is providing repair and maintenance depots with cast parts. According to A. Lukyanov, the situation is normalised, a supply system has been organised. Nevertheless, in his words, an urgent question is the flexibility in setting prices for spare parts, including cast components, with regard to the current market situation
(a downward trend is observed at the moment). The problem is that RZD’s maintenance depot purchased spares at higher prices than present-day ones. About 3,500 cast spares were bought, of which about 500 have not been sold yet. “And we cannot reduce prices,” says A. Lukyanov .
At the same time, S. Kaletin argues that everyone bears certain risks to stay in the market. I. Chiganashkina notes that the average market cost of a bolster is RUB 65,000-70,000 (except the VAT), while RZD’s maintenance depots offer it for RUB 97,000. Operators have no opportunity to overpay.
“Today, our objective is not to get profit or to break even. We do our best trying to reduce losses,” she said. Thus, there is an expectation that all parties will offer reasonable prices .

Reallocation of roles

One more question discussed by participants of the seminar is the opportunity of taking current uncoupling repair away from RZD’s monopolistic control. In the opinion of Sergey Palkin, Vice President of the non-profit partnership Union of Industries of Railway Equipment (NP UIRE), Director for Technical Regulation at EvrazHolding LLC, the sector of current uncoupling repair services must be demonopolised. “When current uncoupling repair is provided by the owner of the infrastructure, depots will always be interested in achieving some definite results in the number of repaired wagons, and it means that there will be excessive requirements. Otherwise, the personnel and equipment of maintenance wagon depots will reduce,” explains S. Palkin his viewpoint.
Current uncoupling repair is an essential part of maintaining a freight wagon, and this function is unnatural for the owner of infrastructure (when almost the whole wagon fleet is private) and it must be fulfilled by rolling stock owners. “They need to unite efforts, buy from RZD all maintenance wagon depots and establish on their basis a commercial company providing services for technical inspection of railcars at some stations, finding defects and repairing them. RZD’s function in this sector must be admitting the rolling stock to the infrastructure in accordance with safety standards,” notes S. Palkin.
“A railcar must be in good order, and its owner is responsible for providing its proper performance. The owner of the infrastructure is not responsible for the technical maintenance of someone else’s railcars and RZD must not ask operators to take care of their rolling stock. Its duty is to accept cargo for transportation in fault-free rolling stock and deliver it to the consignee safely and on time,” says S. Palkin.
In the opinion of the expert, this reallocation of roles will remove a lot of problems faced by operators, wagon owners, and RZD, and have a favourable effect on the cost of services. Today, the average price of current uncoupling repair exceeds RUB 22,000 and continues to grow in line with the prices of deficit spares.
Nowadays, 92% of current uncoupling repair services is provided by RZD, and the share of private companies has increased from 2-3% to 8% in the last decade. If private wagon repair companies and railcar owners are active, competition may appear in this sector, as has happened in the rolling stock scheduled repair market.   ®
By Elena Ushkova


When all rolling stock on the railway network was public, it was the transporter who was responsible for rolling stock maintenance.
When railcars became private, the issue of railcar maintenance was discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.


When all rolling stock on the railway network was public, it was the transporter who was responsible for rolling stock maintenance.
When railcars became private, the issue of railcar maintenance was discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.

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discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => uncoupling repair: influence of monopoly is still being felt [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>When all rolling stock on the railway network was public, it was the transporter who was responsible for rolling stock maintenance. <br /> When railcars became private, the issue of railcar maintenance was discussed beyond the framework of the RZD holding company. Today, heated discussions about current uncoupling repair of rolling stock take place, and their participants sometimes have dramatically different viewpoints on the problem.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Uncoupling Repair: Influence of Monopoly Is Still Being Felt ) )

Changing Priorities

Changing Priorities

The intermodal transportation market is entering a period of escalating competition. To a significant degree, it is caused by signs of a crisis in the global and Russian economy and by a strengthening position
of foreign transporters.

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    [NAME] => Changing Priorities
    [~NAME] => Changing Priorities
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    [~ACTIVE_FROM] => 
    [TIMESTAMP_X] => 01.09.2016 18:07:13
    [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 01.09.2016 18:07:13
    [DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /publications/rzd-partner-int/36/changing-priorities/
    [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /publications/rzd-partner-int/36/changing-priorities/
    [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /info/index.php?ID=25
    [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /info/index.php?ID=25
    [DETAIL_TEXT] => 

A Subtle Approach

One of the main concerns of transport and logistics companies, working in the Customs Union is that integration processes, which take place in its framework, lag behind the strategic development plans of adjacent countries. Moreover, Russian ports in the Baltic Sea risk being dropped from the transport and logistics schemes of international trade. According to Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Sea Construction and Technologies, this is caused by several trends.
As it is known, accesses to Russian sea ports on the main routes are limited by the carrying capacity of railways. According to data from the RF Transport Ministry, the carrying capacity of about 30% of main routes, which provide 75% of the cargo turnover, is limited. Meanwhile, the commercial efficiency of projects for the development of railway accesses to ports is not always sufficient for private investors. For example, specialists believe that the project of the development of the carrying capacity of the Volkhovstroy – Belomorsk – Murmansk route can never payback, and the payback period of such projects as “Extending the Carrying Capacity of the Dmitrov – Sonkovo – Mga Route” and “Complex Reconstruction of the Mga – Gatchina – Veimarn – Ivangorod Railway Section and Railway Accesses to Ports on the Southern Shore of the Finnish Gulf” is 17 and 8 years respectively.
Obviously, such prospects puts off investors. Therefore, there is a downward trend for the share of Russian ports in international trade, especially taking into account the development programmes, which are currently being carried out in the EU.
Simultaneously, the competition for access to ports becomes the determining factor for cargo flow attraction. For example, the programme for the development of Riga Free Port envisages a major reconstruction of stations on the Riga railway network and linking rail tracks by 2021. Lithuanian Railways consider the availability of access to ports as a strategic priority in their development plans. After the projects of the IX transport corridor are implemented, the railway infrastructure on the routes to Klaipeda will be more than 412 km of double-track sections with the 120 kph design speed of freight trains by 2020.
In addition, the largest ocean transporters – MSC, Maersk, and CMA CGM –have entered the container business, which contributes to the creation of logistics terminals near container terminals.
Nowadays, such projects are carried out in most European ports in the Baltic Sea. Dredging works are being completed in the Klaipeda port this year for the harbor to service 14.5 metre draft vessels. This will allow the hub of MSC in this port to expand its container terminal from 400,000 to 750,000 TEU by 2023, and a credit from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will contribute to its expansion. The port of Kotka organises its work according to the logistics village principle. The port of Gdansk has practically left behind its competitors in the Baltic basin, such as Klaipeda, Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Aarhus, and turned into the largest sea hub, the container throughput of which will be one million TEU in 2013.
The throughput of the Tallinn port is to be expanded at the expense of the Muuga science park and the Paldiski industrial park. Experts think that RZD’s port logistics centres – railports, and especially Ust-Luga, have a similar future.
At the same time, in the opinion of A. Goloviznin, there will appear a factor able to impact negatively on the number of vessel calls at Russian ports. On January 1, 2015, Supplement IV of the MARPOL Convention limiting the sulfur level in marine fuel comes into force. Since Russia has no plants producing low-sulfur fuel (less than 0.1% sulfur), and alternative solutions won’t help (scrubbers, LNG-bunkering), experts forecast a 65-85% increase in the cost of bunker fuel at the Baltic Sea and a 40-80% growth of charter rates. Therefore, some cargo flows may be switched to the road transport in the EU.

To Each Their Own

Companies operating within the framework of the Customs Union legislation risk losing out to their colleagues from the EU even in this sector of transportation. Strange as it is, but it is the domestic competition that prevents transporters from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan from consolidating their efforts.
Sergey Shkarupa, Director General of the Sanna group of companies, says that Russian companies engaged in foreign trade often prefer to undergo customs clearance procedures in Belarus, because customs and tax expenses there are lower than in Russia. On the other hand, their ambition to cut expenses is quite understandable. In the expert’s opinion, it will be a strategic need of transport and logistics companies in the near future, because they can face an increase in operational costs and financial risks. A growth of direct and indirect operational costs is connected with the implementation of toll roads, an increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, plans for mandatory usage of snow tires for cargo vehicles, tachographs, and GLONASS-navigators. Also, the ban on heavy vehicles driving into cities can impact on the costs borne by transport and logistics companies. As a pilot project, this ban is now in force in Moscow, and later it may be implemented in St Petersburg and other large cities.
The stagnation of Russian industry prevents an increase in the level of profitability. Currently, the decline in the sales volume of different types of goods varies between 6% to 25%. Sectoral expert believe that the decline in transportation volume across all transport modes may amount to 15% in 2013. The condition of national infrastructure does not help Russian transport companies – for example, 5% of the country’s motorways carry 60% of its cargo. And the cost of motorways construction in Russia does not inspire confidence in their recovery. The cost of construction of 1 km of motorways is $5-6 million in the USA, $6-7 million in Europe, $2 million in China, and $18 million in Russia.
In the opinion of market players, competition can become tougher not only in the sector of international transportation. In the words of S. Shkarupa, more and more customers of logistics operators are starting to compete with operators launching their own segment of production logistics. And it can’t help but impact on the imbalance of the transport services market, he thinks. In the opinion of Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, this trend is quite logical. Three stages of development can be separated in the life cycle of a transport product. At the first stage companies use outsourcing services, then, after gaining experience, they try to organize logistics using their own forces, and finally, when business volume grows, they give the transportation function to outsourcing companies, whose services are more efficient.
Practice shows that an increase in the quality of transport services brings a significant economic effect to the transport business. Today, the price of transportation is the determining factor for Russian clients when choosing a contractor for transport and logistics services. Andrey Abramov, a representative of АsstrA Associated Traffic AG, notes that to some degree the contradiction between the price of a transport service and its quality lies in the system of tenders, particularly tenders for the transportation of oversized cargo, which are usually focused on the lowest price. The expert believes that the system of competitive bidding in Europe is more efficient, because initially they hold tenders for the concept of transportation, which contains no price. It covers only developed variants of the route, delivery terms, and the number of reloadings. And only at the second stage, the transporter and the customer begin to discuss the cost of transportation. “This approach is not typical of Russian customers. To some degree, it is why our company refused to work with small and medium customers hunting after the price,” he resumed.
Nevertheless, the customer-oriented approach will be the determining factor in the area of regional logistics, believes A. Lisin. In his words, nowadays, regional authorities pay more attention to logistics problems. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the launch of car assembling plants for the largest global brands such as Volkswagen and General Motors contributed to this. Today, according to the expert, there is a shortage of areas for servicing container cargoes in the region. “Therefore, the competence of transport companies to build strategic relations with a customer becomes very important,” he is sure.
Amid the signs of crisis in the global economy, we observe two competitive directions for the optimisation of transport costs. The European approach offers choice of quality, which envisages cost savings at the expense of using the most complex services. Russian companies strive for the greatest direct reduction of transport expenditure, where the determining factor is the price of transportation. We can only hope that the market will make the best choice in each economic environment.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


A Subtle Approach

One of the main concerns of transport and logistics companies, working in the Customs Union is that integration processes, which take place in its framework, lag behind the strategic development plans of adjacent countries. Moreover, Russian ports in the Baltic Sea risk being dropped from the transport and logistics schemes of international trade. According to Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Sea Construction and Technologies, this is caused by several trends.
As it is known, accesses to Russian sea ports on the main routes are limited by the carrying capacity of railways. According to data from the RF Transport Ministry, the carrying capacity of about 30% of main routes, which provide 75% of the cargo turnover, is limited. Meanwhile, the commercial efficiency of projects for the development of railway accesses to ports is not always sufficient for private investors. For example, specialists believe that the project of the development of the carrying capacity of the Volkhovstroy – Belomorsk – Murmansk route can never payback, and the payback period of such projects as “Extending the Carrying Capacity of the Dmitrov – Sonkovo – Mga Route” and “Complex Reconstruction of the Mga – Gatchina – Veimarn – Ivangorod Railway Section and Railway Accesses to Ports on the Southern Shore of the Finnish Gulf” is 17 and 8 years respectively.
Obviously, such prospects puts off investors. Therefore, there is a downward trend for the share of Russian ports in international trade, especially taking into account the development programmes, which are currently being carried out in the EU.
Simultaneously, the competition for access to ports becomes the determining factor for cargo flow attraction. For example, the programme for the development of Riga Free Port envisages a major reconstruction of stations on the Riga railway network and linking rail tracks by 2021. Lithuanian Railways consider the availability of access to ports as a strategic priority in their development plans. After the projects of the IX transport corridor are implemented, the railway infrastructure on the routes to Klaipeda will be more than 412 km of double-track sections with the 120 kph design speed of freight trains by 2020.
In addition, the largest ocean transporters – MSC, Maersk, and CMA CGM –have entered the container business, which contributes to the creation of logistics terminals near container terminals.
Nowadays, such projects are carried out in most European ports in the Baltic Sea. Dredging works are being completed in the Klaipeda port this year for the harbor to service 14.5 metre draft vessels. This will allow the hub of MSC in this port to expand its container terminal from 400,000 to 750,000 TEU by 2023, and a credit from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will contribute to its expansion. The port of Kotka organises its work according to the logistics village principle. The port of Gdansk has practically left behind its competitors in the Baltic basin, such as Klaipeda, Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Aarhus, and turned into the largest sea hub, the container throughput of which will be one million TEU in 2013.
The throughput of the Tallinn port is to be expanded at the expense of the Muuga science park and the Paldiski industrial park. Experts think that RZD’s port logistics centres – railports, and especially Ust-Luga, have a similar future.
At the same time, in the opinion of A. Goloviznin, there will appear a factor able to impact negatively on the number of vessel calls at Russian ports. On January 1, 2015, Supplement IV of the MARPOL Convention limiting the sulfur level in marine fuel comes into force. Since Russia has no plants producing low-sulfur fuel (less than 0.1% sulfur), and alternative solutions won’t help (scrubbers, LNG-bunkering), experts forecast a 65-85% increase in the cost of bunker fuel at the Baltic Sea and a 40-80% growth of charter rates. Therefore, some cargo flows may be switched to the road transport in the EU.

To Each Their Own

Companies operating within the framework of the Customs Union legislation risk losing out to their colleagues from the EU even in this sector of transportation. Strange as it is, but it is the domestic competition that prevents transporters from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan from consolidating their efforts.
Sergey Shkarupa, Director General of the Sanna group of companies, says that Russian companies engaged in foreign trade often prefer to undergo customs clearance procedures in Belarus, because customs and tax expenses there are lower than in Russia. On the other hand, their ambition to cut expenses is quite understandable. In the expert’s opinion, it will be a strategic need of transport and logistics companies in the near future, because they can face an increase in operational costs and financial risks. A growth of direct and indirect operational costs is connected with the implementation of toll roads, an increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, plans for mandatory usage of snow tires for cargo vehicles, tachographs, and GLONASS-navigators. Also, the ban on heavy vehicles driving into cities can impact on the costs borne by transport and logistics companies. As a pilot project, this ban is now in force in Moscow, and later it may be implemented in St Petersburg and other large cities.
The stagnation of Russian industry prevents an increase in the level of profitability. Currently, the decline in the sales volume of different types of goods varies between 6% to 25%. Sectoral expert believe that the decline in transportation volume across all transport modes may amount to 15% in 2013. The condition of national infrastructure does not help Russian transport companies – for example, 5% of the country’s motorways carry 60% of its cargo. And the cost of motorways construction in Russia does not inspire confidence in their recovery. The cost of construction of 1 km of motorways is $5-6 million in the USA, $6-7 million in Europe, $2 million in China, and $18 million in Russia.
In the opinion of market players, competition can become tougher not only in the sector of international transportation. In the words of S. Shkarupa, more and more customers of logistics operators are starting to compete with operators launching their own segment of production logistics. And it can’t help but impact on the imbalance of the transport services market, he thinks. In the opinion of Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, this trend is quite logical. Three stages of development can be separated in the life cycle of a transport product. At the first stage companies use outsourcing services, then, after gaining experience, they try to organize logistics using their own forces, and finally, when business volume grows, they give the transportation function to outsourcing companies, whose services are more efficient.
Practice shows that an increase in the quality of transport services brings a significant economic effect to the transport business. Today, the price of transportation is the determining factor for Russian clients when choosing a contractor for transport and logistics services. Andrey Abramov, a representative of АsstrA Associated Traffic AG, notes that to some degree the contradiction between the price of a transport service and its quality lies in the system of tenders, particularly tenders for the transportation of oversized cargo, which are usually focused on the lowest price. The expert believes that the system of competitive bidding in Europe is more efficient, because initially they hold tenders for the concept of transportation, which contains no price. It covers only developed variants of the route, delivery terms, and the number of reloadings. And only at the second stage, the transporter and the customer begin to discuss the cost of transportation. “This approach is not typical of Russian customers. To some degree, it is why our company refused to work with small and medium customers hunting after the price,” he resumed.
Nevertheless, the customer-oriented approach will be the determining factor in the area of regional logistics, believes A. Lisin. In his words, nowadays, regional authorities pay more attention to logistics problems. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the launch of car assembling plants for the largest global brands such as Volkswagen and General Motors contributed to this. Today, according to the expert, there is a shortage of areas for servicing container cargoes in the region. “Therefore, the competence of transport companies to build strategic relations with a customer becomes very important,” he is sure.
Amid the signs of crisis in the global economy, we observe two competitive directions for the optimisation of transport costs. The European approach offers choice of quality, which envisages cost savings at the expense of using the most complex services. Russian companies strive for the greatest direct reduction of transport expenditure, where the determining factor is the price of transportation. We can only hope that the market will make the best choice in each economic environment.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


The intermodal transportation market is entering a period of escalating competition. To a significant degree, it is caused by signs of a crisis in the global and Russian economy and by a strengthening position
of foreign transporters.


The intermodal transportation market is entering a period of escalating competition. To a significant degree, it is caused by signs of a crisis in the global and Russian economy and by a strengthening position
of foreign transporters.

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To a significant degree, it is caused by signs of a crisis in the global and Russian economy and by a strengthening position <br /> of foreign transporters.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Changing Priorities [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => changing priorities [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>The intermodal transportation market is entering a period of escalating competition. To a significant degree, it is caused by signs of a crisis in the global and Russian economy and by a strengthening position <br /> of foreign transporters.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Changing Priorities [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Changing Priorities [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Changing Priorities [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Changing Priorities [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Changing Priorities [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Changing Priorities [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Changing Priorities [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Changing Priorities ) )

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    [NAME] => Changing Priorities
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    [ACTIVE_FROM_X] => 
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    [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /info/index.php?ID=25
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A Subtle Approach

One of the main concerns of transport and logistics companies, working in the Customs Union is that integration processes, which take place in its framework, lag behind the strategic development plans of adjacent countries. Moreover, Russian ports in the Baltic Sea risk being dropped from the transport and logistics schemes of international trade. According to Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Sea Construction and Technologies, this is caused by several trends.
As it is known, accesses to Russian sea ports on the main routes are limited by the carrying capacity of railways. According to data from the RF Transport Ministry, the carrying capacity of about 30% of main routes, which provide 75% of the cargo turnover, is limited. Meanwhile, the commercial efficiency of projects for the development of railway accesses to ports is not always sufficient for private investors. For example, specialists believe that the project of the development of the carrying capacity of the Volkhovstroy – Belomorsk – Murmansk route can never payback, and the payback period of such projects as “Extending the Carrying Capacity of the Dmitrov – Sonkovo – Mga Route” and “Complex Reconstruction of the Mga – Gatchina – Veimarn – Ivangorod Railway Section and Railway Accesses to Ports on the Southern Shore of the Finnish Gulf” is 17 and 8 years respectively.
Obviously, such prospects puts off investors. Therefore, there is a downward trend for the share of Russian ports in international trade, especially taking into account the development programmes, which are currently being carried out in the EU.
Simultaneously, the competition for access to ports becomes the determining factor for cargo flow attraction. For example, the programme for the development of Riga Free Port envisages a major reconstruction of stations on the Riga railway network and linking rail tracks by 2021. Lithuanian Railways consider the availability of access to ports as a strategic priority in their development plans. After the projects of the IX transport corridor are implemented, the railway infrastructure on the routes to Klaipeda will be more than 412 km of double-track sections with the 120 kph design speed of freight trains by 2020.
In addition, the largest ocean transporters – MSC, Maersk, and CMA CGM –have entered the container business, which contributes to the creation of logistics terminals near container terminals.
Nowadays, such projects are carried out in most European ports in the Baltic Sea. Dredging works are being completed in the Klaipeda port this year for the harbor to service 14.5 metre draft vessels. This will allow the hub of MSC in this port to expand its container terminal from 400,000 to 750,000 TEU by 2023, and a credit from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will contribute to its expansion. The port of Kotka organises its work according to the logistics village principle. The port of Gdansk has practically left behind its competitors in the Baltic basin, such as Klaipeda, Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Aarhus, and turned into the largest sea hub, the container throughput of which will be one million TEU in 2013.
The throughput of the Tallinn port is to be expanded at the expense of the Muuga science park and the Paldiski industrial park. Experts think that RZD’s port logistics centres – railports, and especially Ust-Luga, have a similar future.
At the same time, in the opinion of A. Goloviznin, there will appear a factor able to impact negatively on the number of vessel calls at Russian ports. On January 1, 2015, Supplement IV of the MARPOL Convention limiting the sulfur level in marine fuel comes into force. Since Russia has no plants producing low-sulfur fuel (less than 0.1% sulfur), and alternative solutions won’t help (scrubbers, LNG-bunkering), experts forecast a 65-85% increase in the cost of bunker fuel at the Baltic Sea and a 40-80% growth of charter rates. Therefore, some cargo flows may be switched to the road transport in the EU.

To Each Their Own

Companies operating within the framework of the Customs Union legislation risk losing out to their colleagues from the EU even in this sector of transportation. Strange as it is, but it is the domestic competition that prevents transporters from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan from consolidating their efforts.
Sergey Shkarupa, Director General of the Sanna group of companies, says that Russian companies engaged in foreign trade often prefer to undergo customs clearance procedures in Belarus, because customs and tax expenses there are lower than in Russia. On the other hand, their ambition to cut expenses is quite understandable. In the expert’s opinion, it will be a strategic need of transport and logistics companies in the near future, because they can face an increase in operational costs and financial risks. A growth of direct and indirect operational costs is connected with the implementation of toll roads, an increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, plans for mandatory usage of snow tires for cargo vehicles, tachographs, and GLONASS-navigators. Also, the ban on heavy vehicles driving into cities can impact on the costs borne by transport and logistics companies. As a pilot project, this ban is now in force in Moscow, and later it may be implemented in St Petersburg and other large cities.
The stagnation of Russian industry prevents an increase in the level of profitability. Currently, the decline in the sales volume of different types of goods varies between 6% to 25%. Sectoral expert believe that the decline in transportation volume across all transport modes may amount to 15% in 2013. The condition of national infrastructure does not help Russian transport companies – for example, 5% of the country’s motorways carry 60% of its cargo. And the cost of motorways construction in Russia does not inspire confidence in their recovery. The cost of construction of 1 km of motorways is $5-6 million in the USA, $6-7 million in Europe, $2 million in China, and $18 million in Russia.
In the opinion of market players, competition can become tougher not only in the sector of international transportation. In the words of S. Shkarupa, more and more customers of logistics operators are starting to compete with operators launching their own segment of production logistics. And it can’t help but impact on the imbalance of the transport services market, he thinks. In the opinion of Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, this trend is quite logical. Three stages of development can be separated in the life cycle of a transport product. At the first stage companies use outsourcing services, then, after gaining experience, they try to organize logistics using their own forces, and finally, when business volume grows, they give the transportation function to outsourcing companies, whose services are more efficient.
Practice shows that an increase in the quality of transport services brings a significant economic effect to the transport business. Today, the price of transportation is the determining factor for Russian clients when choosing a contractor for transport and logistics services. Andrey Abramov, a representative of АsstrA Associated Traffic AG, notes that to some degree the contradiction between the price of a transport service and its quality lies in the system of tenders, particularly tenders for the transportation of oversized cargo, which are usually focused on the lowest price. The expert believes that the system of competitive bidding in Europe is more efficient, because initially they hold tenders for the concept of transportation, which contains no price. It covers only developed variants of the route, delivery terms, and the number of reloadings. And only at the second stage, the transporter and the customer begin to discuss the cost of transportation. “This approach is not typical of Russian customers. To some degree, it is why our company refused to work with small and medium customers hunting after the price,” he resumed.
Nevertheless, the customer-oriented approach will be the determining factor in the area of regional logistics, believes A. Lisin. In his words, nowadays, regional authorities pay more attention to logistics problems. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the launch of car assembling plants for the largest global brands such as Volkswagen and General Motors contributed to this. Today, according to the expert, there is a shortage of areas for servicing container cargoes in the region. “Therefore, the competence of transport companies to build strategic relations with a customer becomes very important,” he is sure.
Amid the signs of crisis in the global economy, we observe two competitive directions for the optimisation of transport costs. The European approach offers choice of quality, which envisages cost savings at the expense of using the most complex services. Russian companies strive for the greatest direct reduction of transport expenditure, where the determining factor is the price of transportation. We can only hope that the market will make the best choice in each economic environment.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


A Subtle Approach

One of the main concerns of transport and logistics companies, working in the Customs Union is that integration processes, which take place in its framework, lag behind the strategic development plans of adjacent countries. Moreover, Russian ports in the Baltic Sea risk being dropped from the transport and logistics schemes of international trade. According to Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Sea Construction and Technologies, this is caused by several trends.
As it is known, accesses to Russian sea ports on the main routes are limited by the carrying capacity of railways. According to data from the RF Transport Ministry, the carrying capacity of about 30% of main routes, which provide 75% of the cargo turnover, is limited. Meanwhile, the commercial efficiency of projects for the development of railway accesses to ports is not always sufficient for private investors. For example, specialists believe that the project of the development of the carrying capacity of the Volkhovstroy – Belomorsk – Murmansk route can never payback, and the payback period of such projects as “Extending the Carrying Capacity of the Dmitrov – Sonkovo – Mga Route” and “Complex Reconstruction of the Mga – Gatchina – Veimarn – Ivangorod Railway Section and Railway Accesses to Ports on the Southern Shore of the Finnish Gulf” is 17 and 8 years respectively.
Obviously, such prospects puts off investors. Therefore, there is a downward trend for the share of Russian ports in international trade, especially taking into account the development programmes, which are currently being carried out in the EU.
Simultaneously, the competition for access to ports becomes the determining factor for cargo flow attraction. For example, the programme for the development of Riga Free Port envisages a major reconstruction of stations on the Riga railway network and linking rail tracks by 2021. Lithuanian Railways consider the availability of access to ports as a strategic priority in their development plans. After the projects of the IX transport corridor are implemented, the railway infrastructure on the routes to Klaipeda will be more than 412 km of double-track sections with the 120 kph design speed of freight trains by 2020.
In addition, the largest ocean transporters – MSC, Maersk, and CMA CGM –have entered the container business, which contributes to the creation of logistics terminals near container terminals.
Nowadays, such projects are carried out in most European ports in the Baltic Sea. Dredging works are being completed in the Klaipeda port this year for the harbor to service 14.5 metre draft vessels. This will allow the hub of MSC in this port to expand its container terminal from 400,000 to 750,000 TEU by 2023, and a credit from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will contribute to its expansion. The port of Kotka organises its work according to the logistics village principle. The port of Gdansk has practically left behind its competitors in the Baltic basin, such as Klaipeda, Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Aarhus, and turned into the largest sea hub, the container throughput of which will be one million TEU in 2013.
The throughput of the Tallinn port is to be expanded at the expense of the Muuga science park and the Paldiski industrial park. Experts think that RZD’s port logistics centres – railports, and especially Ust-Luga, have a similar future.
At the same time, in the opinion of A. Goloviznin, there will appear a factor able to impact negatively on the number of vessel calls at Russian ports. On January 1, 2015, Supplement IV of the MARPOL Convention limiting the sulfur level in marine fuel comes into force. Since Russia has no plants producing low-sulfur fuel (less than 0.1% sulfur), and alternative solutions won’t help (scrubbers, LNG-bunkering), experts forecast a 65-85% increase in the cost of bunker fuel at the Baltic Sea and a 40-80% growth of charter rates. Therefore, some cargo flows may be switched to the road transport in the EU.

To Each Their Own

Companies operating within the framework of the Customs Union legislation risk losing out to their colleagues from the EU even in this sector of transportation. Strange as it is, but it is the domestic competition that prevents transporters from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan from consolidating their efforts.
Sergey Shkarupa, Director General of the Sanna group of companies, says that Russian companies engaged in foreign trade often prefer to undergo customs clearance procedures in Belarus, because customs and tax expenses there are lower than in Russia. On the other hand, their ambition to cut expenses is quite understandable. In the expert’s opinion, it will be a strategic need of transport and logistics companies in the near future, because they can face an increase in operational costs and financial risks. A growth of direct and indirect operational costs is connected with the implementation of toll roads, an increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, plans for mandatory usage of snow tires for cargo vehicles, tachographs, and GLONASS-navigators. Also, the ban on heavy vehicles driving into cities can impact on the costs borne by transport and logistics companies. As a pilot project, this ban is now in force in Moscow, and later it may be implemented in St Petersburg and other large cities.
The stagnation of Russian industry prevents an increase in the level of profitability. Currently, the decline in the sales volume of different types of goods varies between 6% to 25%. Sectoral expert believe that the decline in transportation volume across all transport modes may amount to 15% in 2013. The condition of national infrastructure does not help Russian transport companies – for example, 5% of the country’s motorways carry 60% of its cargo. And the cost of motorways construction in Russia does not inspire confidence in their recovery. The cost of construction of 1 km of motorways is $5-6 million in the USA, $6-7 million in Europe, $2 million in China, and $18 million in Russia.
In the opinion of market players, competition can become tougher not only in the sector of international transportation. In the words of S. Shkarupa, more and more customers of logistics operators are starting to compete with operators launching their own segment of production logistics. And it can’t help but impact on the imbalance of the transport services market, he thinks. In the opinion of Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, this trend is quite logical. Three stages of development can be separated in the life cycle of a transport product. At the first stage companies use outsourcing services, then, after gaining experience, they try to organize logistics using their own forces, and finally, when business volume grows, they give the transportation function to outsourcing companies, whose services are more efficient.
Practice shows that an increase in the quality of transport services brings a significant economic effect to the transport business. Today, the price of transportation is the determining factor for Russian clients when choosing a contractor for transport and logistics services. Andrey Abramov, a representative of АsstrA Associated Traffic AG, notes that to some degree the contradiction between the price of a transport service and its quality lies in the system of tenders, particularly tenders for the transportation of oversized cargo, which are usually focused on the lowest price. The expert believes that the system of competitive bidding in Europe is more efficient, because initially they hold tenders for the concept of transportation, which contains no price. It covers only developed variants of the route, delivery terms, and the number of reloadings. And only at the second stage, the transporter and the customer begin to discuss the cost of transportation. “This approach is not typical of Russian customers. To some degree, it is why our company refused to work with small and medium customers hunting after the price,” he resumed.
Nevertheless, the customer-oriented approach will be the determining factor in the area of regional logistics, believes A. Lisin. In his words, nowadays, regional authorities pay more attention to logistics problems. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the launch of car assembling plants for the largest global brands such as Volkswagen and General Motors contributed to this. Today, according to the expert, there is a shortage of areas for servicing container cargoes in the region. “Therefore, the competence of transport companies to build strategic relations with a customer becomes very important,” he is sure.
Amid the signs of crisis in the global economy, we observe two competitive directions for the optimisation of transport costs. The European approach offers choice of quality, which envisages cost savings at the expense of using the most complex services. Russian companies strive for the greatest direct reduction of transport expenditure, where the determining factor is the price of transportation. We can only hope that the market will make the best choice in each economic environment.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


The intermodal transportation market is entering a period of escalating competition. To a significant degree, it is caused by signs of a crisis in the global and Russian economy and by a strengthening position
of foreign transporters.


The intermodal transportation market is entering a period of escalating competition. To a significant degree, it is caused by signs of a crisis in the global and Russian economy and by a strengthening position
of foreign transporters.

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RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres

RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres

The Russian transport services market needs a large scale network of transport and logistics centres. Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.

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Reference Points

The Russian transport community has been trying to accomplish the objective of creating logistics centers in the country for several years. Market players suffer from a shortage of terminal and warehousing facilities. The deficit is caused by the lack of relevant investment, which limits change in the field of transportation. In fact, changes planned in the sector should be targeted not only at increasing the ease of maintenance of transportation, but also at the expansion of the range of services. According to the latest research of the World Bank, Russia falls behind not only the world’s leading countries in the sector of logistics services, but even its neighbours – Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine.
RZD has already stated its readiness to be the consolidating link in this sector and transfer to a new scheme of transportation. It will happen stage by stage. According to Alexey Lavrenov, Deputy Head of the Department for Managing the Transport and Logistics Business Block at RZD, the first stage will be the development of the core network of 10 transport and logistics centres near the points of tonnage origination and main cargo destination areas. Then secondary transport and logistics centres, optimising the performance of the whole network, will be constructed. Specialists at the company think that transport and logistics complexes built in the first stage can attract up to 120 million tons of additional cargo to the railway, and the main role will be played by three off-dock terminals, the first of which will be built at the Ugolnaya station of the Far Eastern Railway – an affiliate of RZD. 
Alexey Tsydenov, Deputy Transport Minister of Russia, says that it will be an off-dock terminal at Vladivostok port. Cargoes delivered by sea will be directed to the off-dock terminal to undergo all necessary procedures, including customs clearance. This system will simplify and speed up freight delivery, they believe at the Transport Ministry. The advantages of this system, however, are not obvious. Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Marine Construction and Technologies LLC, says that the idea of creating off-dock terminals may be out of date. Particularly, expansion of the route to an off-dock terminal can simplify cargo servicing, but it also can reduce already limited infrastructure capacities, making this problem even worse. He says that earlier the idea of an off-dock terminal used to be topical because customs, customs brokers, and transport forwarders did not have enough time to register the freight and deliver it to the station. Today, customs clearance takes less time, consequently the problem is not that acute. In the opinion of A. Goloviznin, the efficiency of an off-dock terminal depends upon its closeness to tonnage originating points, places of goods production, consumption, or places where freight is reloaded from one transport mode to another. “In this country construction of an off-dock terminal near a sea port is justified from the economic viewpoint only in some places. The creation of the Ust-Luga industrial zone in the port with the same name has the best prospects,” believes the expert. Economic factors, especially those with a multiplier effect for the performance of the whole network, will be taken into account during creation of off-dock terminals, say specialists at RZD. “Such terminals are constructed in places of freight gravitation. For example, there is the largest grain terminal in Novorossiysk, and the biggest coal terminal in the Far Eastern region. Off-dock terminals are convenient, because a full range of services is provided there to transport companies. Also, state-of-the-art equipment is used there,” notes Artur Kalukhov, Head of a Department at the Central Directorate for the Terminal and Warehousing Complex of RZD.   
Off-dock terminals can contribute to simplifying the transportation process for the company and its customers. For example, it can help stabilise irregular loadings at iron and steel works or to solve the problem of the lack of storage capacities at such ports as Novorossiysk and St Petersburg, the area of which is limited by the city. An off-dock terminal can help customers accumulate shipload lots on special tracks and avoid significant losses, which can be suffered because of the idling of vessels.

Will Investors Take a Risk?

All these plans can be ruined by uncertainty, caused by adding PPP mechanisms to the financial programme of the project. Administrations of districts and cities, where the transport and logistics centres will be built, will allocate an area for the new facilities and invite investors. Good intentions, however, do not always mean success. It is worth remembering that budgets for Far Eastern or North Caucasus regions, which are the gateways for foreign trade economic activity, are subsidised. There are doubts that the first stage of the project will be carried out in 2014-2015. According to Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, one should take into account that the reduction of RZD’s investment programme can negatively impact on the intended rates of development of the network of transport and logistics centres. “The reduction in the financial part of RZD’s investment programme can slow down the realisation of the project. If the network gets an additional stimulus for development, it will have a favourable effect,” he emphasised.
In the opinion of Dmitry Abramin, CEO of Transport Corporation CJSC, it will be better if private business is engaged in modernising the terminal and warehousing facilities, and RZD should focus on removing bottle-necks on the infrastructure. At the same time the expert recognises that a higher quality of logistics services on railways will contribute to fulfilling the constantly increasing demand for cargo transportation, and attracting part of the cargo flow away from road transport.    
Creation of a network of transport and logistics centres in Russia will depend on the whole economic situation on the railways. According to the latest statements made by the Government, the situation is close to stagnation. Are private investors able to take the risks of participating in projects with a long-term payback period, to which the construction of terminal and warehousing facilities refers, amid a lack of apparent prospects, non-coordinated separate parts of the economic system at macro- and micro-levels, and high loan rates?

Making Logistics Chains

The network of transport and logistics centres linked by shuttle container trains will service land-based international transport corridors. Their development is one of the main objectives set out in the framework of the federal target programme “Development of the Transport System of Russia”. The organisational structure for managing the international transport corridor has not been created yet. According to Dmitry Antonov, CEO of Sojuzvneshtrans LLC, the full list of participants in the North-South international transport corridor, priorities of its transport policy and the rules for interaction between the different market players have not been defined yet.
“Currently, the corridor is empty. Its activity is not regulated,” he says he. And the attractiveness of the Asian-European route is impacted by, for example, such factor as the lack of technologies contributing to smoothing out the seasonality. It is not a secret that from the end of November till February temperatures in Kazakhstan fall to -50°C. This temperature is fatal for electronics exported from China to Europe.
Amid uncertainty in the legal and regulatory base, including land legislation, and the lack of institutional mechanisms for the regulation of transport forwarding activity, a complex approach becomes especially important to increase the competitiveness and further development of the terminal and warehousing logistics market in Russia. The concept of the development of transport and logistics centres in Russia, made by RZD, envisages such system solutions, which will contribute to regulating interaction between all participants in the transport process.
The project will contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the national transport system due to a reduction in expenses, increasing the speed of cargo transportation, and making the whole system more stable. The practice of the best foreign companies confirms it: there are no idling trains if there are logistics centres.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


Reference Points

The Russian transport community has been trying to accomplish the objective of creating logistics centers in the country for several years. Market players suffer from a shortage of terminal and warehousing facilities. The deficit is caused by the lack of relevant investment, which limits change in the field of transportation. In fact, changes planned in the sector should be targeted not only at increasing the ease of maintenance of transportation, but also at the expansion of the range of services. According to the latest research of the World Bank, Russia falls behind not only the world’s leading countries in the sector of logistics services, but even its neighbours – Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine.
RZD has already stated its readiness to be the consolidating link in this sector and transfer to a new scheme of transportation. It will happen stage by stage. According to Alexey Lavrenov, Deputy Head of the Department for Managing the Transport and Logistics Business Block at RZD, the first stage will be the development of the core network of 10 transport and logistics centres near the points of tonnage origination and main cargo destination areas. Then secondary transport and logistics centres, optimising the performance of the whole network, will be constructed. Specialists at the company think that transport and logistics complexes built in the first stage can attract up to 120 million tons of additional cargo to the railway, and the main role will be played by three off-dock terminals, the first of which will be built at the Ugolnaya station of the Far Eastern Railway – an affiliate of RZD. 
Alexey Tsydenov, Deputy Transport Minister of Russia, says that it will be an off-dock terminal at Vladivostok port. Cargoes delivered by sea will be directed to the off-dock terminal to undergo all necessary procedures, including customs clearance. This system will simplify and speed up freight delivery, they believe at the Transport Ministry. The advantages of this system, however, are not obvious. Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Marine Construction and Technologies LLC, says that the idea of creating off-dock terminals may be out of date. Particularly, expansion of the route to an off-dock terminal can simplify cargo servicing, but it also can reduce already limited infrastructure capacities, making this problem even worse. He says that earlier the idea of an off-dock terminal used to be topical because customs, customs brokers, and transport forwarders did not have enough time to register the freight and deliver it to the station. Today, customs clearance takes less time, consequently the problem is not that acute. In the opinion of A. Goloviznin, the efficiency of an off-dock terminal depends upon its closeness to tonnage originating points, places of goods production, consumption, or places where freight is reloaded from one transport mode to another. “In this country construction of an off-dock terminal near a sea port is justified from the economic viewpoint only in some places. The creation of the Ust-Luga industrial zone in the port with the same name has the best prospects,” believes the expert. Economic factors, especially those with a multiplier effect for the performance of the whole network, will be taken into account during creation of off-dock terminals, say specialists at RZD. “Such terminals are constructed in places of freight gravitation. For example, there is the largest grain terminal in Novorossiysk, and the biggest coal terminal in the Far Eastern region. Off-dock terminals are convenient, because a full range of services is provided there to transport companies. Also, state-of-the-art equipment is used there,” notes Artur Kalukhov, Head of a Department at the Central Directorate for the Terminal and Warehousing Complex of RZD.   
Off-dock terminals can contribute to simplifying the transportation process for the company and its customers. For example, it can help stabilise irregular loadings at iron and steel works or to solve the problem of the lack of storage capacities at such ports as Novorossiysk and St Petersburg, the area of which is limited by the city. An off-dock terminal can help customers accumulate shipload lots on special tracks and avoid significant losses, which can be suffered because of the idling of vessels.

Will Investors Take a Risk?

All these plans can be ruined by uncertainty, caused by adding PPP mechanisms to the financial programme of the project. Administrations of districts and cities, where the transport and logistics centres will be built, will allocate an area for the new facilities and invite investors. Good intentions, however, do not always mean success. It is worth remembering that budgets for Far Eastern or North Caucasus regions, which are the gateways for foreign trade economic activity, are subsidised. There are doubts that the first stage of the project will be carried out in 2014-2015. According to Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, one should take into account that the reduction of RZD’s investment programme can negatively impact on the intended rates of development of the network of transport and logistics centres. “The reduction in the financial part of RZD’s investment programme can slow down the realisation of the project. If the network gets an additional stimulus for development, it will have a favourable effect,” he emphasised.
In the opinion of Dmitry Abramin, CEO of Transport Corporation CJSC, it will be better if private business is engaged in modernising the terminal and warehousing facilities, and RZD should focus on removing bottle-necks on the infrastructure. At the same time the expert recognises that a higher quality of logistics services on railways will contribute to fulfilling the constantly increasing demand for cargo transportation, and attracting part of the cargo flow away from road transport.    
Creation of a network of transport and logistics centres in Russia will depend on the whole economic situation on the railways. According to the latest statements made by the Government, the situation is close to stagnation. Are private investors able to take the risks of participating in projects with a long-term payback period, to which the construction of terminal and warehousing facilities refers, amid a lack of apparent prospects, non-coordinated separate parts of the economic system at macro- and micro-levels, and high loan rates?

Making Logistics Chains

The network of transport and logistics centres linked by shuttle container trains will service land-based international transport corridors. Their development is one of the main objectives set out in the framework of the federal target programme “Development of the Transport System of Russia”. The organisational structure for managing the international transport corridor has not been created yet. According to Dmitry Antonov, CEO of Sojuzvneshtrans LLC, the full list of participants in the North-South international transport corridor, priorities of its transport policy and the rules for interaction between the different market players have not been defined yet.
“Currently, the corridor is empty. Its activity is not regulated,” he says he. And the attractiveness of the Asian-European route is impacted by, for example, such factor as the lack of technologies contributing to smoothing out the seasonality. It is not a secret that from the end of November till February temperatures in Kazakhstan fall to -50°C. This temperature is fatal for electronics exported from China to Europe.
Amid uncertainty in the legal and regulatory base, including land legislation, and the lack of institutional mechanisms for the regulation of transport forwarding activity, a complex approach becomes especially important to increase the competitiveness and further development of the terminal and warehousing logistics market in Russia. The concept of the development of transport and logistics centres in Russia, made by RZD, envisages such system solutions, which will contribute to regulating interaction between all participants in the transport process.
The project will contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the national transport system due to a reduction in expenses, increasing the speed of cargo transportation, and making the whole system more stable. The practice of the best foreign companies confirms it: there are no idling trains if there are logistics centres.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


The Russian transport services market needs a large scale network of transport and logistics centres. Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.


The Russian transport services market needs a large scale network of transport and logistics centres. Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.

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Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => rzd creates a network of logistics centres [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>The Russian transport services market needs a large scale network of transport and logistics centres. Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres ) )

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Reference Points

The Russian transport community has been trying to accomplish the objective of creating logistics centers in the country for several years. Market players suffer from a shortage of terminal and warehousing facilities. The deficit is caused by the lack of relevant investment, which limits change in the field of transportation. In fact, changes planned in the sector should be targeted not only at increasing the ease of maintenance of transportation, but also at the expansion of the range of services. According to the latest research of the World Bank, Russia falls behind not only the world’s leading countries in the sector of logistics services, but even its neighbours – Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine.
RZD has already stated its readiness to be the consolidating link in this sector and transfer to a new scheme of transportation. It will happen stage by stage. According to Alexey Lavrenov, Deputy Head of the Department for Managing the Transport and Logistics Business Block at RZD, the first stage will be the development of the core network of 10 transport and logistics centres near the points of tonnage origination and main cargo destination areas. Then secondary transport and logistics centres, optimising the performance of the whole network, will be constructed. Specialists at the company think that transport and logistics complexes built in the first stage can attract up to 120 million tons of additional cargo to the railway, and the main role will be played by three off-dock terminals, the first of which will be built at the Ugolnaya station of the Far Eastern Railway – an affiliate of RZD. 
Alexey Tsydenov, Deputy Transport Minister of Russia, says that it will be an off-dock terminal at Vladivostok port. Cargoes delivered by sea will be directed to the off-dock terminal to undergo all necessary procedures, including customs clearance. This system will simplify and speed up freight delivery, they believe at the Transport Ministry. The advantages of this system, however, are not obvious. Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Marine Construction and Technologies LLC, says that the idea of creating off-dock terminals may be out of date. Particularly, expansion of the route to an off-dock terminal can simplify cargo servicing, but it also can reduce already limited infrastructure capacities, making this problem even worse. He says that earlier the idea of an off-dock terminal used to be topical because customs, customs brokers, and transport forwarders did not have enough time to register the freight and deliver it to the station. Today, customs clearance takes less time, consequently the problem is not that acute. In the opinion of A. Goloviznin, the efficiency of an off-dock terminal depends upon its closeness to tonnage originating points, places of goods production, consumption, or places where freight is reloaded from one transport mode to another. “In this country construction of an off-dock terminal near a sea port is justified from the economic viewpoint only in some places. The creation of the Ust-Luga industrial zone in the port with the same name has the best prospects,” believes the expert. Economic factors, especially those with a multiplier effect for the performance of the whole network, will be taken into account during creation of off-dock terminals, say specialists at RZD. “Such terminals are constructed in places of freight gravitation. For example, there is the largest grain terminal in Novorossiysk, and the biggest coal terminal in the Far Eastern region. Off-dock terminals are convenient, because a full range of services is provided there to transport companies. Also, state-of-the-art equipment is used there,” notes Artur Kalukhov, Head of a Department at the Central Directorate for the Terminal and Warehousing Complex of RZD.   
Off-dock terminals can contribute to simplifying the transportation process for the company and its customers. For example, it can help stabilise irregular loadings at iron and steel works or to solve the problem of the lack of storage capacities at such ports as Novorossiysk and St Petersburg, the area of which is limited by the city. An off-dock terminal can help customers accumulate shipload lots on special tracks and avoid significant losses, which can be suffered because of the idling of vessels.

Will Investors Take a Risk?

All these plans can be ruined by uncertainty, caused by adding PPP mechanisms to the financial programme of the project. Administrations of districts and cities, where the transport and logistics centres will be built, will allocate an area for the new facilities and invite investors. Good intentions, however, do not always mean success. It is worth remembering that budgets for Far Eastern or North Caucasus regions, which are the gateways for foreign trade economic activity, are subsidised. There are doubts that the first stage of the project will be carried out in 2014-2015. According to Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, one should take into account that the reduction of RZD’s investment programme can negatively impact on the intended rates of development of the network of transport and logistics centres. “The reduction in the financial part of RZD’s investment programme can slow down the realisation of the project. If the network gets an additional stimulus for development, it will have a favourable effect,” he emphasised.
In the opinion of Dmitry Abramin, CEO of Transport Corporation CJSC, it will be better if private business is engaged in modernising the terminal and warehousing facilities, and RZD should focus on removing bottle-necks on the infrastructure. At the same time the expert recognises that a higher quality of logistics services on railways will contribute to fulfilling the constantly increasing demand for cargo transportation, and attracting part of the cargo flow away from road transport.    
Creation of a network of transport and logistics centres in Russia will depend on the whole economic situation on the railways. According to the latest statements made by the Government, the situation is close to stagnation. Are private investors able to take the risks of participating in projects with a long-term payback period, to which the construction of terminal and warehousing facilities refers, amid a lack of apparent prospects, non-coordinated separate parts of the economic system at macro- and micro-levels, and high loan rates?

Making Logistics Chains

The network of transport and logistics centres linked by shuttle container trains will service land-based international transport corridors. Their development is one of the main objectives set out in the framework of the federal target programme “Development of the Transport System of Russia”. The organisational structure for managing the international transport corridor has not been created yet. According to Dmitry Antonov, CEO of Sojuzvneshtrans LLC, the full list of participants in the North-South international transport corridor, priorities of its transport policy and the rules for interaction between the different market players have not been defined yet.
“Currently, the corridor is empty. Its activity is not regulated,” he says he. And the attractiveness of the Asian-European route is impacted by, for example, such factor as the lack of technologies contributing to smoothing out the seasonality. It is not a secret that from the end of November till February temperatures in Kazakhstan fall to -50°C. This temperature is fatal for electronics exported from China to Europe.
Amid uncertainty in the legal and regulatory base, including land legislation, and the lack of institutional mechanisms for the regulation of transport forwarding activity, a complex approach becomes especially important to increase the competitiveness and further development of the terminal and warehousing logistics market in Russia. The concept of the development of transport and logistics centres in Russia, made by RZD, envisages such system solutions, which will contribute to regulating interaction between all participants in the transport process.
The project will contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the national transport system due to a reduction in expenses, increasing the speed of cargo transportation, and making the whole system more stable. The practice of the best foreign companies confirms it: there are no idling trains if there are logistics centres.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


Reference Points

The Russian transport community has been trying to accomplish the objective of creating logistics centers in the country for several years. Market players suffer from a shortage of terminal and warehousing facilities. The deficit is caused by the lack of relevant investment, which limits change in the field of transportation. In fact, changes planned in the sector should be targeted not only at increasing the ease of maintenance of transportation, but also at the expansion of the range of services. According to the latest research of the World Bank, Russia falls behind not only the world’s leading countries in the sector of logistics services, but even its neighbours – Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine.
RZD has already stated its readiness to be the consolidating link in this sector and transfer to a new scheme of transportation. It will happen stage by stage. According to Alexey Lavrenov, Deputy Head of the Department for Managing the Transport and Logistics Business Block at RZD, the first stage will be the development of the core network of 10 transport and logistics centres near the points of tonnage origination and main cargo destination areas. Then secondary transport and logistics centres, optimising the performance of the whole network, will be constructed. Specialists at the company think that transport and logistics complexes built in the first stage can attract up to 120 million tons of additional cargo to the railway, and the main role will be played by three off-dock terminals, the first of which will be built at the Ugolnaya station of the Far Eastern Railway – an affiliate of RZD. 
Alexey Tsydenov, Deputy Transport Minister of Russia, says that it will be an off-dock terminal at Vladivostok port. Cargoes delivered by sea will be directed to the off-dock terminal to undergo all necessary procedures, including customs clearance. This system will simplify and speed up freight delivery, they believe at the Transport Ministry. The advantages of this system, however, are not obvious. Alexander Goloviznin, Director for Analytics and Logistics at Marine Construction and Technologies LLC, says that the idea of creating off-dock terminals may be out of date. Particularly, expansion of the route to an off-dock terminal can simplify cargo servicing, but it also can reduce already limited infrastructure capacities, making this problem even worse. He says that earlier the idea of an off-dock terminal used to be topical because customs, customs brokers, and transport forwarders did not have enough time to register the freight and deliver it to the station. Today, customs clearance takes less time, consequently the problem is not that acute. In the opinion of A. Goloviznin, the efficiency of an off-dock terminal depends upon its closeness to tonnage originating points, places of goods production, consumption, or places where freight is reloaded from one transport mode to another. “In this country construction of an off-dock terminal near a sea port is justified from the economic viewpoint only in some places. The creation of the Ust-Luga industrial zone in the port with the same name has the best prospects,” believes the expert. Economic factors, especially those with a multiplier effect for the performance of the whole network, will be taken into account during creation of off-dock terminals, say specialists at RZD. “Such terminals are constructed in places of freight gravitation. For example, there is the largest grain terminal in Novorossiysk, and the biggest coal terminal in the Far Eastern region. Off-dock terminals are convenient, because a full range of services is provided there to transport companies. Also, state-of-the-art equipment is used there,” notes Artur Kalukhov, Head of a Department at the Central Directorate for the Terminal and Warehousing Complex of RZD.   
Off-dock terminals can contribute to simplifying the transportation process for the company and its customers. For example, it can help stabilise irregular loadings at iron and steel works or to solve the problem of the lack of storage capacities at such ports as Novorossiysk and St Petersburg, the area of which is limited by the city. An off-dock terminal can help customers accumulate shipload lots on special tracks and avoid significant losses, which can be suffered because of the idling of vessels.

Will Investors Take a Risk?

All these plans can be ruined by uncertainty, caused by adding PPP mechanisms to the financial programme of the project. Administrations of districts and cities, where the transport and logistics centres will be built, will allocate an area for the new facilities and invite investors. Good intentions, however, do not always mean success. It is worth remembering that budgets for Far Eastern or North Caucasus regions, which are the gateways for foreign trade economic activity, are subsidised. There are doubts that the first stage of the project will be carried out in 2014-2015. According to Alexander Lisin, Executive Director of Povolzhskaya Logistics Association, one should take into account that the reduction of RZD’s investment programme can negatively impact on the intended rates of development of the network of transport and logistics centres. “The reduction in the financial part of RZD’s investment programme can slow down the realisation of the project. If the network gets an additional stimulus for development, it will have a favourable effect,” he emphasised.
In the opinion of Dmitry Abramin, CEO of Transport Corporation CJSC, it will be better if private business is engaged in modernising the terminal and warehousing facilities, and RZD should focus on removing bottle-necks on the infrastructure. At the same time the expert recognises that a higher quality of logistics services on railways will contribute to fulfilling the constantly increasing demand for cargo transportation, and attracting part of the cargo flow away from road transport.    
Creation of a network of transport and logistics centres in Russia will depend on the whole economic situation on the railways. According to the latest statements made by the Government, the situation is close to stagnation. Are private investors able to take the risks of participating in projects with a long-term payback period, to which the construction of terminal and warehousing facilities refers, amid a lack of apparent prospects, non-coordinated separate parts of the economic system at macro- and micro-levels, and high loan rates?

Making Logistics Chains

The network of transport and logistics centres linked by shuttle container trains will service land-based international transport corridors. Their development is one of the main objectives set out in the framework of the federal target programme “Development of the Transport System of Russia”. The organisational structure for managing the international transport corridor has not been created yet. According to Dmitry Antonov, CEO of Sojuzvneshtrans LLC, the full list of participants in the North-South international transport corridor, priorities of its transport policy and the rules for interaction between the different market players have not been defined yet.
“Currently, the corridor is empty. Its activity is not regulated,” he says he. And the attractiveness of the Asian-European route is impacted by, for example, such factor as the lack of technologies contributing to smoothing out the seasonality. It is not a secret that from the end of November till February temperatures in Kazakhstan fall to -50°C. This temperature is fatal for electronics exported from China to Europe.
Amid uncertainty in the legal and regulatory base, including land legislation, and the lack of institutional mechanisms for the regulation of transport forwarding activity, a complex approach becomes especially important to increase the competitiveness and further development of the terminal and warehousing logistics market in Russia. The concept of the development of transport and logistics centres in Russia, made by RZD, envisages such system solutions, which will contribute to regulating interaction between all participants in the transport process.
The project will contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the national transport system due to a reduction in expenses, increasing the speed of cargo transportation, and making the whole system more stable. The practice of the best foreign companies confirms it: there are no idling trains if there are logistics centres.
By Oksana Perepelitsa


The Russian transport services market needs a large scale network of transport and logistics centres. Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.


The Russian transport services market needs a large scale network of transport and logistics centres. Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.

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Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => rzd creates a network of logistics centres [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>The Russian transport services market needs a large scale network of transport and logistics centres. Difficulties can arise, however, when the concept of the terminal and logistics business, developed by RZD, is put into practice. These difficulties will be caused by a reduction in the company’s investment programme and a slowdown in the rate of Russian economic growth.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => RZD Creates a Network of Logistics Centres ) )

Locomotives: beyond the reach of market

Locomotives: beyond the reach of market

The Russian locomotive market is growing from year to year. But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015.
Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products
in the foreseeable future?

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Very Important Client

Most locomotives operating in Russia have already become technically obsolete. About 30% of them have been used for more than 30 years. According to the Council of Participants of Railway Rolling Stock Operators’ Services Market, in the middle of this year the number of broken traction vehicles on the network exceeded the norm by 4.2 times. As the whole locomotive fleet is worn up to 75%, approximately 15% of the carrier’s locomotives are under repair.
At the same time the Russian locomotive market is growing annually. According to the Institute for problems of natural monopolies (IPEM), Russian factories produced 411 locomotives in 2010, 581 in 2011, 950 in 2012. In the first half of 2013, production amounted to 408 units of new locomotives.
The current fleet of RZD consists of more than 20,000 traction units. In the first half of 2013 the company bought 287 locomotives, including electric locomotives (“Granit” 2ES10, 2ES5K, 2ÈS6, “Ermak” 3ES5K, “Donchak” 2ES4K), diesel locomotives (“Vityaz” 2TE25A, 2TE116U) and also foreign diesel locomotives produced by General Electric. The number of shunting locomotives also increased as the company had purchased diesel locomotives TEM18D, TEM18V, TEM7A, TEM14.
By 2015 RZD is going to buy 1,075 electric locomotives and 1,094 diesel locomotives. It is expected to raise funds by deployment of infrastructure bonds and leasing tools.
Some operator companies in Russia also have their own locomotives. However, their interest in further buying of new vehicles depends on how the situation with private carriers will be developed. Today it is also possible to get permission to use locomotives on mainlines, but it requires a lot of time and effort. Anyway big operators still want to become carriers. So, this summer, Freight One acquired two locomotives on the secondary market, repaired them and launched on the routes on the South-Eastern Railway (between Novolipetsk iron and steel works and the Stoilensky ore mining and processing works in the Belgorod region).
Industrial railway companies (whose length of railroads is almost the same as RZD’s) also sometimes renew their locomotive parks. But still the main obstacle here is the lack of funds. In addition to this, the representatives of such companies say that Russian manufacturers fail to meet the customer’s requirements for quality. “Companies do not develop new and innovative locomotives for the industry, because they don’t have clients except RZD. And, of course, it is easier to work with one powerful customer”, said Victor Evpakov, Vice President of non-commercial union Gruzpromtrans. According to him, Russian manufacturers lag considerably behind their foreign colleagues, and almost all of the models that are available today were developed during the Soviet period. But this is not the case.
Transmashholding offers many new shunting diesel locomotives-TEM18V, TEM TMH, TEM35, TEM33, TEM LTH.
The shunting diesel locomotive TEM35 with combined (hybrid) propulsion system has the power of 571 kW, says Transmashholding. The diesel fuel savings of 20 to 30% depending on the operating conditions and modes of operation.  The technical solution is implemented for the first time and has no comparison in Russia. TEM33 with two-section diesel power plant has a capacity of 2x571 kW. Its main difference from the TEM35 is that second diesel-generator that allows it to work at maximum power for longer. TEM35 and TEM33 are operated by one driver without using the assistant. The life cycle of the locomotive is 40 years. This year both models will be certificated.
But there are more innovations. Together with the Czech company CZ Loko, Transmashholding created TEM LTH. Nowadays it is only a prototype. The distinctive feature of the design is lower harmful substances in exhaust gases EU Stage III (B), evidence of its environmental friendliness. In addition, the model is equipped with an electric AC/AC transmission.
Another novelty is the shunting TEM19 with the gas engine running on compressed natural gas. The design allows the fuel to reduce operating costs by using cheaper liquefied natural gas and reduce engine operating time during the winter.
According to representatives of Transmashholding, low demand for shunting locomotives today is not true. “For the first half of 2013 year our holding company sold 93 TEM18DM shunting locomotives, which are used throughout Russia and abroad in the Baltic countries, Mongolia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc. The single-section diesel locomotive TEM18DM with electric power transmission is used for shunting and light main work,” the company noted.
But if we talk about industrial railways, still the main buyer here is RZD. So, in the first half of the year, the carrier acquired 9 locomotives from the Finnish company Wartsila diesel TEM18V, and this year is going to purchase another 12 innovative TEM TMH shunting locomotives with the Caterpillar diesel engine, which successfully operates in the countries of the European Union.
So lack of innovation is really not the case. The problem is that the price for new vehicles is too high.

New Models for a Growing Market

But what requirements do Russian customers usually have? Obviously, the buyer is interested in technology with low running costs, reduced fuel consumption and increased overhaul life. In addition to this, considerable attention is currently paid to environmental friendliness.
According to the company Skoda, which is thinking about entering the Russian market, their clients also think about safety. “New locomotives must comply with the strictest criteria. Their construction must be strong, the driver cabin should be equipped with so-called crumple zones, which will take a lot of damage in case of a collision,” the company representative said.
Russian companies Sinara and Transmashholding present new models of locomotives almost every year. So, Transmashholding has created a family of main-line diesel locomotives, which are designed for driving freight trains on the 1520 mm track. These are: two-section locomotive 2TE25A “Vityaz” developed with the use of asynchronous traction motors; and the diesel locomotive 2TE25AM, which significantly increases freight capacity to non-electrified sections of the rail network, reduces bottlenecks, increases the weight of trains, and ultimately reduces the time of cargo delivery; diesel locomotive 2TE116U with cost-effective diesel-generator; 3TE116U with booster section, which can move independently on depot’s routes, which greatly facilitates the work of the locomotive depot.
The shunting diesel locomotive with hybrid power unit TEM9N SinaraHybrid, created by Sinara, recently won second place in the contest of the best innovations by members of the Council of railway rolling stock operators. The machine was developed in partnership with leading national research-and-production organisations, research institutions and manufacturers of components. “RZD and a number of other potential customers are showing a great interest in this vehicle. We expect that the TEM9H SinaraHybrid locomotive will complete all certification tests by the end of 2013. After that we will begin its serial production,” says General Director of Sinara Evgeny Gritsenko.
Moreover, the development of gas turbine-electric locomotives is promising as RZD should replace up to 30% of diesel fuel consumed by autonomous locomotives with natural gas by 2030. Gas turbine-electric locomotive GT1-001 was created for the implementation of the energy strategy. In 2009 during testing it successfully carried the weight of 15 thousand tons, which is the world record for unmanned locomotives with one power unit. Life cycle cost of this vehicle ($980 million) is almost 20% lower than that of the main diesel locomotive 2TE116, but the effect is obvious: one filling is sufficient for 750 km, exceeding the 2TE116. In addition, harmful emissions are many times lower than required by the EU. Experts believe that this development by domestic manufacturers might soon gain popularity in Russia, as well as attract foreign customers.

Looking for new players

However, today due to the financial and legal reasons modern technologies are available only to the carrier – RZD. This, according to specialists, can stop the development of innovations: working only for one customer manufacturers have no incentive to offer something completely new.
According to Sergey Maltsev, General Director of Globaltrans LLC (which owns 58 locomotives), the current situation must be changed, and the only way out is to let private companies become carriers. “We have many times said about our interest in the liberalisation of the market of locomotive traction,” said Mr Maltsev. “Eleven years of experience in our own locomotives proved our efficiency and ability to reduce the cost of cargo transportation. Proven technology of interaction with infrastructure and cargo-shipping, careful control of all operations lead to a significant improvement in the efficiency of private locomotives compared to RZD’s locomotives.”
Still there is a great discussion around this. But according to S. Maltsev, private locomotive traction is the only way to keep the flow of investment in the industry. Thus the amount of attracted investment could reach RUB 400 billion by 2020. In addition, thanks to private carriers time of cargo delivery can reduce up to 30-40%, fleet of cars involved could decrease in 15-20%, and the cost of freight of consignors can fall up to 10-15%. ®
By Christina Alexandrova


Very Important Client

Most locomotives operating in Russia have already become technically obsolete. About 30% of them have been used for more than 30 years. According to the Council of Participants of Railway Rolling Stock Operators’ Services Market, in the middle of this year the number of broken traction vehicles on the network exceeded the norm by 4.2 times. As the whole locomotive fleet is worn up to 75%, approximately 15% of the carrier’s locomotives are under repair.
At the same time the Russian locomotive market is growing annually. According to the Institute for problems of natural monopolies (IPEM), Russian factories produced 411 locomotives in 2010, 581 in 2011, 950 in 2012. In the first half of 2013, production amounted to 408 units of new locomotives.
The current fleet of RZD consists of more than 20,000 traction units. In the first half of 2013 the company bought 287 locomotives, including electric locomotives (“Granit” 2ES10, 2ES5K, 2ÈS6, “Ermak” 3ES5K, “Donchak” 2ES4K), diesel locomotives (“Vityaz” 2TE25A, 2TE116U) and also foreign diesel locomotives produced by General Electric. The number of shunting locomotives also increased as the company had purchased diesel locomotives TEM18D, TEM18V, TEM7A, TEM14.
By 2015 RZD is going to buy 1,075 electric locomotives and 1,094 diesel locomotives. It is expected to raise funds by deployment of infrastructure bonds and leasing tools.
Some operator companies in Russia also have their own locomotives. However, their interest in further buying of new vehicles depends on how the situation with private carriers will be developed. Today it is also possible to get permission to use locomotives on mainlines, but it requires a lot of time and effort. Anyway big operators still want to become carriers. So, this summer, Freight One acquired two locomotives on the secondary market, repaired them and launched on the routes on the South-Eastern Railway (between Novolipetsk iron and steel works and the Stoilensky ore mining and processing works in the Belgorod region).
Industrial railway companies (whose length of railroads is almost the same as RZD’s) also sometimes renew their locomotive parks. But still the main obstacle here is the lack of funds. In addition to this, the representatives of such companies say that Russian manufacturers fail to meet the customer’s requirements for quality. “Companies do not develop new and innovative locomotives for the industry, because they don’t have clients except RZD. And, of course, it is easier to work with one powerful customer”, said Victor Evpakov, Vice President of non-commercial union Gruzpromtrans. According to him, Russian manufacturers lag considerably behind their foreign colleagues, and almost all of the models that are available today were developed during the Soviet period. But this is not the case.
Transmashholding offers many new shunting diesel locomotives-TEM18V, TEM TMH, TEM35, TEM33, TEM LTH.
The shunting diesel locomotive TEM35 with combined (hybrid) propulsion system has the power of 571 kW, says Transmashholding. The diesel fuel savings of 20 to 30% depending on the operating conditions and modes of operation.  The technical solution is implemented for the first time and has no comparison in Russia. TEM33 with two-section diesel power plant has a capacity of 2x571 kW. Its main difference from the TEM35 is that second diesel-generator that allows it to work at maximum power for longer. TEM35 and TEM33 are operated by one driver without using the assistant. The life cycle of the locomotive is 40 years. This year both models will be certificated.
But there are more innovations. Together with the Czech company CZ Loko, Transmashholding created TEM LTH. Nowadays it is only a prototype. The distinctive feature of the design is lower harmful substances in exhaust gases EU Stage III (B), evidence of its environmental friendliness. In addition, the model is equipped with an electric AC/AC transmission.
Another novelty is the shunting TEM19 with the gas engine running on compressed natural gas. The design allows the fuel to reduce operating costs by using cheaper liquefied natural gas and reduce engine operating time during the winter.
According to representatives of Transmashholding, low demand for shunting locomotives today is not true. “For the first half of 2013 year our holding company sold 93 TEM18DM shunting locomotives, which are used throughout Russia and abroad in the Baltic countries, Mongolia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc. The single-section diesel locomotive TEM18DM with electric power transmission is used for shunting and light main work,” the company noted.
But if we talk about industrial railways, still the main buyer here is RZD. So, in the first half of the year, the carrier acquired 9 locomotives from the Finnish company Wartsila diesel TEM18V, and this year is going to purchase another 12 innovative TEM TMH shunting locomotives with the Caterpillar diesel engine, which successfully operates in the countries of the European Union.
So lack of innovation is really not the case. The problem is that the price for new vehicles is too high.

New Models for a Growing Market

But what requirements do Russian customers usually have? Obviously, the buyer is interested in technology with low running costs, reduced fuel consumption and increased overhaul life. In addition to this, considerable attention is currently paid to environmental friendliness.
According to the company Skoda, which is thinking about entering the Russian market, their clients also think about safety. “New locomotives must comply with the strictest criteria. Their construction must be strong, the driver cabin should be equipped with so-called crumple zones, which will take a lot of damage in case of a collision,” the company representative said.
Russian companies Sinara and Transmashholding present new models of locomotives almost every year. So, Transmashholding has created a family of main-line diesel locomotives, which are designed for driving freight trains on the 1520 mm track. These are: two-section locomotive 2TE25A “Vityaz” developed with the use of asynchronous traction motors; and the diesel locomotive 2TE25AM, which significantly increases freight capacity to non-electrified sections of the rail network, reduces bottlenecks, increases the weight of trains, and ultimately reduces the time of cargo delivery; diesel locomotive 2TE116U with cost-effective diesel-generator; 3TE116U with booster section, which can move independently on depot’s routes, which greatly facilitates the work of the locomotive depot.
The shunting diesel locomotive with hybrid power unit TEM9N SinaraHybrid, created by Sinara, recently won second place in the contest of the best innovations by members of the Council of railway rolling stock operators. The machine was developed in partnership with leading national research-and-production organisations, research institutions and manufacturers of components. “RZD and a number of other potential customers are showing a great interest in this vehicle. We expect that the TEM9H SinaraHybrid locomotive will complete all certification tests by the end of 2013. After that we will begin its serial production,” says General Director of Sinara Evgeny Gritsenko.
Moreover, the development of gas turbine-electric locomotives is promising as RZD should replace up to 30% of diesel fuel consumed by autonomous locomotives with natural gas by 2030. Gas turbine-electric locomotive GT1-001 was created for the implementation of the energy strategy. In 2009 during testing it successfully carried the weight of 15 thousand tons, which is the world record for unmanned locomotives with one power unit. Life cycle cost of this vehicle ($980 million) is almost 20% lower than that of the main diesel locomotive 2TE116, but the effect is obvious: one filling is sufficient for 750 km, exceeding the 2TE116. In addition, harmful emissions are many times lower than required by the EU. Experts believe that this development by domestic manufacturers might soon gain popularity in Russia, as well as attract foreign customers.

Looking for new players

However, today due to the financial and legal reasons modern technologies are available only to the carrier – RZD. This, according to specialists, can stop the development of innovations: working only for one customer manufacturers have no incentive to offer something completely new.
According to Sergey Maltsev, General Director of Globaltrans LLC (which owns 58 locomotives), the current situation must be changed, and the only way out is to let private companies become carriers. “We have many times said about our interest in the liberalisation of the market of locomotive traction,” said Mr Maltsev. “Eleven years of experience in our own locomotives proved our efficiency and ability to reduce the cost of cargo transportation. Proven technology of interaction with infrastructure and cargo-shipping, careful control of all operations lead to a significant improvement in the efficiency of private locomotives compared to RZD’s locomotives.”
Still there is a great discussion around this. But according to S. Maltsev, private locomotive traction is the only way to keep the flow of investment in the industry. Thus the amount of attracted investment could reach RUB 400 billion by 2020. In addition, thanks to private carriers time of cargo delivery can reduce up to 30-40%, fleet of cars involved could decrease in 15-20%, and the cost of freight of consignors can fall up to 10-15%. ®
By Christina Alexandrova


The Russian locomotive market is growing from year to year. But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015.
Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products
in the foreseeable future?


The Russian locomotive market is growing from year to year. But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015.
Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products
in the foreseeable future?

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But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015. <br /> Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products <br /> in the foreseeable future? </p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>The Russian locomotive market is growing from year to year. But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015. <br /> Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products <br /> in the foreseeable future? </p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market ) )

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Very Important Client

Most locomotives operating in Russia have already become technically obsolete. About 30% of them have been used for more than 30 years. According to the Council of Participants of Railway Rolling Stock Operators’ Services Market, in the middle of this year the number of broken traction vehicles on the network exceeded the norm by 4.2 times. As the whole locomotive fleet is worn up to 75%, approximately 15% of the carrier’s locomotives are under repair.
At the same time the Russian locomotive market is growing annually. According to the Institute for problems of natural monopolies (IPEM), Russian factories produced 411 locomotives in 2010, 581 in 2011, 950 in 2012. In the first half of 2013, production amounted to 408 units of new locomotives.
The current fleet of RZD consists of more than 20,000 traction units. In the first half of 2013 the company bought 287 locomotives, including electric locomotives (“Granit” 2ES10, 2ES5K, 2ÈS6, “Ermak” 3ES5K, “Donchak” 2ES4K), diesel locomotives (“Vityaz” 2TE25A, 2TE116U) and also foreign diesel locomotives produced by General Electric. The number of shunting locomotives also increased as the company had purchased diesel locomotives TEM18D, TEM18V, TEM7A, TEM14.
By 2015 RZD is going to buy 1,075 electric locomotives and 1,094 diesel locomotives. It is expected to raise funds by deployment of infrastructure bonds and leasing tools.
Some operator companies in Russia also have their own locomotives. However, their interest in further buying of new vehicles depends on how the situation with private carriers will be developed. Today it is also possible to get permission to use locomotives on mainlines, but it requires a lot of time and effort. Anyway big operators still want to become carriers. So, this summer, Freight One acquired two locomotives on the secondary market, repaired them and launched on the routes on the South-Eastern Railway (between Novolipetsk iron and steel works and the Stoilensky ore mining and processing works in the Belgorod region).
Industrial railway companies (whose length of railroads is almost the same as RZD’s) also sometimes renew their locomotive parks. But still the main obstacle here is the lack of funds. In addition to this, the representatives of such companies say that Russian manufacturers fail to meet the customer’s requirements for quality. “Companies do not develop new and innovative locomotives for the industry, because they don’t have clients except RZD. And, of course, it is easier to work with one powerful customer”, said Victor Evpakov, Vice President of non-commercial union Gruzpromtrans. According to him, Russian manufacturers lag considerably behind their foreign colleagues, and almost all of the models that are available today were developed during the Soviet period. But this is not the case.
Transmashholding offers many new shunting diesel locomotives-TEM18V, TEM TMH, TEM35, TEM33, TEM LTH.
The shunting diesel locomotive TEM35 with combined (hybrid) propulsion system has the power of 571 kW, says Transmashholding. The diesel fuel savings of 20 to 30% depending on the operating conditions and modes of operation.  The technical solution is implemented for the first time and has no comparison in Russia. TEM33 with two-section diesel power plant has a capacity of 2x571 kW. Its main difference from the TEM35 is that second diesel-generator that allows it to work at maximum power for longer. TEM35 and TEM33 are operated by one driver without using the assistant. The life cycle of the locomotive is 40 years. This year both models will be certificated.
But there are more innovations. Together with the Czech company CZ Loko, Transmashholding created TEM LTH. Nowadays it is only a prototype. The distinctive feature of the design is lower harmful substances in exhaust gases EU Stage III (B), evidence of its environmental friendliness. In addition, the model is equipped with an electric AC/AC transmission.
Another novelty is the shunting TEM19 with the gas engine running on compressed natural gas. The design allows the fuel to reduce operating costs by using cheaper liquefied natural gas and reduce engine operating time during the winter.
According to representatives of Transmashholding, low demand for shunting locomotives today is not true. “For the first half of 2013 year our holding company sold 93 TEM18DM shunting locomotives, which are used throughout Russia and abroad in the Baltic countries, Mongolia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc. The single-section diesel locomotive TEM18DM with electric power transmission is used for shunting and light main work,” the company noted.
But if we talk about industrial railways, still the main buyer here is RZD. So, in the first half of the year, the carrier acquired 9 locomotives from the Finnish company Wartsila diesel TEM18V, and this year is going to purchase another 12 innovative TEM TMH shunting locomotives with the Caterpillar diesel engine, which successfully operates in the countries of the European Union.
So lack of innovation is really not the case. The problem is that the price for new vehicles is too high.

New Models for a Growing Market

But what requirements do Russian customers usually have? Obviously, the buyer is interested in technology with low running costs, reduced fuel consumption and increased overhaul life. In addition to this, considerable attention is currently paid to environmental friendliness.
According to the company Skoda, which is thinking about entering the Russian market, their clients also think about safety. “New locomotives must comply with the strictest criteria. Their construction must be strong, the driver cabin should be equipped with so-called crumple zones, which will take a lot of damage in case of a collision,” the company representative said.
Russian companies Sinara and Transmashholding present new models of locomotives almost every year. So, Transmashholding has created a family of main-line diesel locomotives, which are designed for driving freight trains on the 1520 mm track. These are: two-section locomotive 2TE25A “Vityaz” developed with the use of asynchronous traction motors; and the diesel locomotive 2TE25AM, which significantly increases freight capacity to non-electrified sections of the rail network, reduces bottlenecks, increases the weight of trains, and ultimately reduces the time of cargo delivery; diesel locomotive 2TE116U with cost-effective diesel-generator; 3TE116U with booster section, which can move independently on depot’s routes, which greatly facilitates the work of the locomotive depot.
The shunting diesel locomotive with hybrid power unit TEM9N SinaraHybrid, created by Sinara, recently won second place in the contest of the best innovations by members of the Council of railway rolling stock operators. The machine was developed in partnership with leading national research-and-production organisations, research institutions and manufacturers of components. “RZD and a number of other potential customers are showing a great interest in this vehicle. We expect that the TEM9H SinaraHybrid locomotive will complete all certification tests by the end of 2013. After that we will begin its serial production,” says General Director of Sinara Evgeny Gritsenko.
Moreover, the development of gas turbine-electric locomotives is promising as RZD should replace up to 30% of diesel fuel consumed by autonomous locomotives with natural gas by 2030. Gas turbine-electric locomotive GT1-001 was created for the implementation of the energy strategy. In 2009 during testing it successfully carried the weight of 15 thousand tons, which is the world record for unmanned locomotives with one power unit. Life cycle cost of this vehicle ($980 million) is almost 20% lower than that of the main diesel locomotive 2TE116, but the effect is obvious: one filling is sufficient for 750 km, exceeding the 2TE116. In addition, harmful emissions are many times lower than required by the EU. Experts believe that this development by domestic manufacturers might soon gain popularity in Russia, as well as attract foreign customers.

Looking for new players

However, today due to the financial and legal reasons modern technologies are available only to the carrier – RZD. This, according to specialists, can stop the development of innovations: working only for one customer manufacturers have no incentive to offer something completely new.
According to Sergey Maltsev, General Director of Globaltrans LLC (which owns 58 locomotives), the current situation must be changed, and the only way out is to let private companies become carriers. “We have many times said about our interest in the liberalisation of the market of locomotive traction,” said Mr Maltsev. “Eleven years of experience in our own locomotives proved our efficiency and ability to reduce the cost of cargo transportation. Proven technology of interaction with infrastructure and cargo-shipping, careful control of all operations lead to a significant improvement in the efficiency of private locomotives compared to RZD’s locomotives.”
Still there is a great discussion around this. But according to S. Maltsev, private locomotive traction is the only way to keep the flow of investment in the industry. Thus the amount of attracted investment could reach RUB 400 billion by 2020. In addition, thanks to private carriers time of cargo delivery can reduce up to 30-40%, fleet of cars involved could decrease in 15-20%, and the cost of freight of consignors can fall up to 10-15%. ®
By Christina Alexandrova


Very Important Client

Most locomotives operating in Russia have already become technically obsolete. About 30% of them have been used for more than 30 years. According to the Council of Participants of Railway Rolling Stock Operators’ Services Market, in the middle of this year the number of broken traction vehicles on the network exceeded the norm by 4.2 times. As the whole locomotive fleet is worn up to 75%, approximately 15% of the carrier’s locomotives are under repair.
At the same time the Russian locomotive market is growing annually. According to the Institute for problems of natural monopolies (IPEM), Russian factories produced 411 locomotives in 2010, 581 in 2011, 950 in 2012. In the first half of 2013, production amounted to 408 units of new locomotives.
The current fleet of RZD consists of more than 20,000 traction units. In the first half of 2013 the company bought 287 locomotives, including electric locomotives (“Granit” 2ES10, 2ES5K, 2ÈS6, “Ermak” 3ES5K, “Donchak” 2ES4K), diesel locomotives (“Vityaz” 2TE25A, 2TE116U) and also foreign diesel locomotives produced by General Electric. The number of shunting locomotives also increased as the company had purchased diesel locomotives TEM18D, TEM18V, TEM7A, TEM14.
By 2015 RZD is going to buy 1,075 electric locomotives and 1,094 diesel locomotives. It is expected to raise funds by deployment of infrastructure bonds and leasing tools.
Some operator companies in Russia also have their own locomotives. However, their interest in further buying of new vehicles depends on how the situation with private carriers will be developed. Today it is also possible to get permission to use locomotives on mainlines, but it requires a lot of time and effort. Anyway big operators still want to become carriers. So, this summer, Freight One acquired two locomotives on the secondary market, repaired them and launched on the routes on the South-Eastern Railway (between Novolipetsk iron and steel works and the Stoilensky ore mining and processing works in the Belgorod region).
Industrial railway companies (whose length of railroads is almost the same as RZD’s) also sometimes renew their locomotive parks. But still the main obstacle here is the lack of funds. In addition to this, the representatives of such companies say that Russian manufacturers fail to meet the customer’s requirements for quality. “Companies do not develop new and innovative locomotives for the industry, because they don’t have clients except RZD. And, of course, it is easier to work with one powerful customer”, said Victor Evpakov, Vice President of non-commercial union Gruzpromtrans. According to him, Russian manufacturers lag considerably behind their foreign colleagues, and almost all of the models that are available today were developed during the Soviet period. But this is not the case.
Transmashholding offers many new shunting diesel locomotives-TEM18V, TEM TMH, TEM35, TEM33, TEM LTH.
The shunting diesel locomotive TEM35 with combined (hybrid) propulsion system has the power of 571 kW, says Transmashholding. The diesel fuel savings of 20 to 30% depending on the operating conditions and modes of operation.  The technical solution is implemented for the first time and has no comparison in Russia. TEM33 with two-section diesel power plant has a capacity of 2x571 kW. Its main difference from the TEM35 is that second diesel-generator that allows it to work at maximum power for longer. TEM35 and TEM33 are operated by one driver without using the assistant. The life cycle of the locomotive is 40 years. This year both models will be certificated.
But there are more innovations. Together with the Czech company CZ Loko, Transmashholding created TEM LTH. Nowadays it is only a prototype. The distinctive feature of the design is lower harmful substances in exhaust gases EU Stage III (B), evidence of its environmental friendliness. In addition, the model is equipped with an electric AC/AC transmission.
Another novelty is the shunting TEM19 with the gas engine running on compressed natural gas. The design allows the fuel to reduce operating costs by using cheaper liquefied natural gas and reduce engine operating time during the winter.
According to representatives of Transmashholding, low demand for shunting locomotives today is not true. “For the first half of 2013 year our holding company sold 93 TEM18DM shunting locomotives, which are used throughout Russia and abroad in the Baltic countries, Mongolia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc. The single-section diesel locomotive TEM18DM with electric power transmission is used for shunting and light main work,” the company noted.
But if we talk about industrial railways, still the main buyer here is RZD. So, in the first half of the year, the carrier acquired 9 locomotives from the Finnish company Wartsila diesel TEM18V, and this year is going to purchase another 12 innovative TEM TMH shunting locomotives with the Caterpillar diesel engine, which successfully operates in the countries of the European Union.
So lack of innovation is really not the case. The problem is that the price for new vehicles is too high.

New Models for a Growing Market

But what requirements do Russian customers usually have? Obviously, the buyer is interested in technology with low running costs, reduced fuel consumption and increased overhaul life. In addition to this, considerable attention is currently paid to environmental friendliness.
According to the company Skoda, which is thinking about entering the Russian market, their clients also think about safety. “New locomotives must comply with the strictest criteria. Their construction must be strong, the driver cabin should be equipped with so-called crumple zones, which will take a lot of damage in case of a collision,” the company representative said.
Russian companies Sinara and Transmashholding present new models of locomotives almost every year. So, Transmashholding has created a family of main-line diesel locomotives, which are designed for driving freight trains on the 1520 mm track. These are: two-section locomotive 2TE25A “Vityaz” developed with the use of asynchronous traction motors; and the diesel locomotive 2TE25AM, which significantly increases freight capacity to non-electrified sections of the rail network, reduces bottlenecks, increases the weight of trains, and ultimately reduces the time of cargo delivery; diesel locomotive 2TE116U with cost-effective diesel-generator; 3TE116U with booster section, which can move independently on depot’s routes, which greatly facilitates the work of the locomotive depot.
The shunting diesel locomotive with hybrid power unit TEM9N SinaraHybrid, created by Sinara, recently won second place in the contest of the best innovations by members of the Council of railway rolling stock operators. The machine was developed in partnership with leading national research-and-production organisations, research institutions and manufacturers of components. “RZD and a number of other potential customers are showing a great interest in this vehicle. We expect that the TEM9H SinaraHybrid locomotive will complete all certification tests by the end of 2013. After that we will begin its serial production,” says General Director of Sinara Evgeny Gritsenko.
Moreover, the development of gas turbine-electric locomotives is promising as RZD should replace up to 30% of diesel fuel consumed by autonomous locomotives with natural gas by 2030. Gas turbine-electric locomotive GT1-001 was created for the implementation of the energy strategy. In 2009 during testing it successfully carried the weight of 15 thousand tons, which is the world record for unmanned locomotives with one power unit. Life cycle cost of this vehicle ($980 million) is almost 20% lower than that of the main diesel locomotive 2TE116, but the effect is obvious: one filling is sufficient for 750 km, exceeding the 2TE116. In addition, harmful emissions are many times lower than required by the EU. Experts believe that this development by domestic manufacturers might soon gain popularity in Russia, as well as attract foreign customers.

Looking for new players

However, today due to the financial and legal reasons modern technologies are available only to the carrier – RZD. This, according to specialists, can stop the development of innovations: working only for one customer manufacturers have no incentive to offer something completely new.
According to Sergey Maltsev, General Director of Globaltrans LLC (which owns 58 locomotives), the current situation must be changed, and the only way out is to let private companies become carriers. “We have many times said about our interest in the liberalisation of the market of locomotive traction,” said Mr Maltsev. “Eleven years of experience in our own locomotives proved our efficiency and ability to reduce the cost of cargo transportation. Proven technology of interaction with infrastructure and cargo-shipping, careful control of all operations lead to a significant improvement in the efficiency of private locomotives compared to RZD’s locomotives.”
Still there is a great discussion around this. But according to S. Maltsev, private locomotive traction is the only way to keep the flow of investment in the industry. Thus the amount of attracted investment could reach RUB 400 billion by 2020. In addition, thanks to private carriers time of cargo delivery can reduce up to 30-40%, fleet of cars involved could decrease in 15-20%, and the cost of freight of consignors can fall up to 10-15%. ®
By Christina Alexandrova


The Russian locomotive market is growing from year to year. But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015.
Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products
in the foreseeable future?


The Russian locomotive market is growing from year to year. But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015.
Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products
in the foreseeable future?

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But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015. <br /> Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products <br /> in the foreseeable future? </p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>The Russian locomotive market is growing from year to year. But still there is only one client here - Russian Railways JSC. While other players are just going to become carriers, RZD has ambitious plans to buy 2169 vehicles by 2015. <br /> Are manufacturers ready to satisfy the customer with new products <br /> in the foreseeable future? </p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Locomotives: beyond the reach of market ) )

Company. Panorama

Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.

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UVZ Plans to Participate in a Rolling Stock Assembly Plant in Vietnam
Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.
According to O.Sienko, a feasibility study is being developed, but there is no preliminary estimate of the amount of financing required. He added that the rolling stock will be supplied to Vietnam's domestic market.
In the framework of this project, UVZ is discussing an opportunity of creating a rolling stock operator in Vietnam, said Andrey Shlensky, Deputy CEO of the Russian company. “There are two options: either we find a customer and launch a JV with him (to manage the plant), or establish an operator, and then the plant is ours,” he said.

Transmashholding and Lithuanian Railways Can Create a JV to Produce Locomotives
Transmashholding (TMH) and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Joint Activity.
According to the document, the parties are discussing the possible creation of a JV engaged in production of locomotives and other railway rolling stock products. Additionally, the Memorandum envisages expert and consulting support to projects of introducing and producing innovative developments in Lithuania, and project support.
TMH and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai will also cooperate to develop offers and initiatives for the development of the transport R&D sector, creation of a developed railway infrastructure, modernisation, and development of state-of-the-art rolling stock.

BOD of NCSP Approved the Company’s Development Concept till 2018
The Board of Directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) adopted the proposed plan for the company’s development till 2018, the investment in the business of the group of companies will be RUB 30.9 billion over five years.
It is planned to invest RUB 4.8 billion in 2014, RUB 7.4 billion and RUB 9.6 billion in 2015-2016.
“The investment provision for 2014 are our funds. It is difficult to make a forecast about 2015. Perhaps, we will need a loan, but this issue will be worked over in early 2014,” said Yuri Matvienko, CEO of NCSP.
Funds will be invested in the extension of container terminals in the ports of Novorossiysk and Baltiysk, a complex reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal, the construction of a mineral fertilizer terminal in Novorossiysk, and fleet renewal. However, fully-fledged reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal is still a matter for discussions.

Rustranscom Buys TransLes
Rustranscom (RTC) holding company bought one of Russia's largest transporters of timber – TransLes.
The contract is valued at RUB 3 billion (approximately $92 million). It was funded by means of RTC’s own funds and a loan from VTB. The holding company plans to renew the fleet of TransLes, because most of its railcars will be withdrawn from service in 2016.
“The fleet of TransLes is rather old and needs renewal. RTC plans to buy up to 1,500-2,000 new railcars for timber transportation per annum (negotiations are being held with Uralvagonzavod). By 2018 we are going to extend the rolling stock of the operator to 13,000-14,000 units,” the representative of the company’s press-service said.

UWC and Tatravagonka Launch Freight Car Casting Production Plant
United Wagon Company and Tatravagonka a.s., the largest manufacturer of freight cars in Europe, have launched a JV named Railway Casted Components a.s. (RCC) to produce Barber bogie heavy castings for rolling stock designed for 1520 mm gauge track. The President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin and the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico attended the ceremony.
The Railway Casted Components a.s. facility is located in the city of Prakovce (Slovakia). The plant's production capacity is 3,600 freight car sets per year. The total JV investment is expected to amount to approximately €20 million.
RCC’s products are heavy castings for innovative Barber bogie with an axle load of up to 23.5 tf and 25 tf.
Railway Casted Components a.s. has already received the conformity certificate of Federal Budgetary Organisation “Register of Certification on the Federal Railway Transport”. Shipments of RCC products are expected in early 2014.

RZD and Rosseti Will Cooperate to Improve Transport Infrastructure
Russian Railways and Russian Grids JSC (Rosseti) have created a joint working group to coordinate the efficient usage of research and investment in electrical energy and transport infrastructure.
The working group is headed by First Deputy CEO of Rosseti Roman Berdnikov and Senior Vice President of RZD Valentin Gapanovich.
The priorities are to coordinate joint development between RZD as one of the largest consumers of electrical energy in Russia, and Rosseti as the main infrastructure organisation providing electric energy transfer and distribution.
The group’s objectives include the development of a single technical policy for the use and development of facilities for electrical networks and power supply for the railway infrastructure; to develop standard protocols when repairing damaged high-voltage lines supplying RZD’s power facilities with electrical energy, to exchange urgent information about the technical condition of capacities servicing RZD’s facilities, etc.

RZD Is Going to Develop a New Type of Transport

Russian Railways JSC is going to develop a dramatically new type of transport – high-speed railways based on magnet levitation. According to Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice President – Engineer-in-Chief of RZD, it is high time to put the results of our research into practice.
Research in this sector is carried within the framework of the technological programme entitled “High-Speed Smart Railways” adopted by the RF Government.
The company believes that this transport can be used for both passenger and cargo transportation, therefore, the projects may be interesting to investors.

Directorate of Railway Stations to Raise over RUB 262 Billion in Extra-Budgetary Investment
On October 17, 2013, Sergei Abramov, the Head of the Directorate of Railway Stations, a branch of Russian Railways, signed a number of cooperation agreements on the development of Russian station complexes and transport interchange hubs.
The cooperation agreement concluded with the Inter-Regional Association for Socio-Economic Cooperation “The Central Federal District”, envisages the establishment of targeted programmes financed from budgets at different levels, as well as cooperation in attracting private investors, investment funds and banks to projects to develop transport interchange hubs in Moscow.
The Agreement on Strategic Cooperation signed with GazEnergoStroy envisages the modernisation of infrastructure and energy supplies at RZD' station complexes, including the introduction of modern triple generation technologies (supplying heat, electricity and cooling) and the parallel recycling of biological and solid waste. The Memorandum of Cooperation concluded with Gaztechleasing provide for the implementation of a set of measures necessary to realise joint investment projects using financial leases.
According to a memorandum from the Trinity Development Group Inc. (Canada), Canadian partners will invest in projects to develop transport hubs at commercial real estate properties in Moscow and regions of Russia.

Gazprom and Sinara Want to Develop the Usage of Gas Motor Fuel at Railway Transport
Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo LLC is going to develop the use of natural gas as a motor fuel for rail transport.
According to the cooperation agreement signed by Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo and Sinara – Transport Machines, the parties will jointly develop and implement a programme to create, test, and introduce models of railway transport using natural gas as fuel.
Sinara – Transport Machines will develop gas locomotives. Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo will coordinate the construction of the natural gas vehicle infrastructure, meeting modern requirements and international standards.
The process of the development of the railway fleet using natural gas as a fuel will be synchronised with the development of capacities for the production of gas motor fuel and gas fueling infrastructure.

RZDstroy and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group Will Launch JV
In the near future RZDstroy OJSC, a construction and industrial federal-scale company, a subsidiary of RZD, and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group will launch a joint venture named RZDstroy-Rhomberg-Sersa. Its goal will be the joint participation in railway infrastructure projects in Russia, Austria, and other European countries.
A relevant memorandum about the interaction between the companies was signed in October 2013 at the business forum “Strategic Partnership 1520: Central and Eastern Europe.”
“Our main contribution in the framework of this interaction will be the provision of expert support, introduction of advanced engineering solutions, technologies and know-how for business projects. We are going to focus on the modernisation of tunnel complexes and the development of engineering projects for non-ballast track construction,” said Hubert Rhomberg, CEO of the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group.

United Wagon Company and Timken Sign Partnership Agreement

At the 4th International Railway Salon “EXPO 1520”, United Wagon Company (UWC, Russia) and Timken (the USA) announced the beginning of long-term cooperation.
According to the agreement signed by the companies, next-generation cargo wagons with 25-ton axle load Barber bogies made by Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant will be equipped with bearings made by Timken and will be added to RZD’s under-control operation programme.
The parties agreed that supplies of 800 bearings (150x250mm) made by Timken will be equipped on gondola wagons of the 12-9853 model made by the Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant.
The under-control operation programme envisages holding commission inspections of the rolling stock equipped with Timken bearings by representatives of RZD, NVC Wagons OJSC, Timken-Rus Service Company, and the owner and the producer of the railway machinery. In addition, service stations will be organised to place a stock of bearings on the network.
The results of the under-control operation of railcars are expected to prove that Timken bearings have better trouble-free performance parameters, so they will be widely used in the Russian wagon building market.


UVZ Plans to Participate in a Rolling Stock Assembly Plant in Vietnam
Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.
According to O.Sienko, a feasibility study is being developed, but there is no preliminary estimate of the amount of financing required. He added that the rolling stock will be supplied to Vietnam's domestic market.
In the framework of this project, UVZ is discussing an opportunity of creating a rolling stock operator in Vietnam, said Andrey Shlensky, Deputy CEO of the Russian company. “There are two options: either we find a customer and launch a JV with him (to manage the plant), or establish an operator, and then the plant is ours,” he said.

Transmashholding and Lithuanian Railways Can Create a JV to Produce Locomotives
Transmashholding (TMH) and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Joint Activity.
According to the document, the parties are discussing the possible creation of a JV engaged in production of locomotives and other railway rolling stock products. Additionally, the Memorandum envisages expert and consulting support to projects of introducing and producing innovative developments in Lithuania, and project support.
TMH and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai will also cooperate to develop offers and initiatives for the development of the transport R&D sector, creation of a developed railway infrastructure, modernisation, and development of state-of-the-art rolling stock.

BOD of NCSP Approved the Company’s Development Concept till 2018
The Board of Directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) adopted the proposed plan for the company’s development till 2018, the investment in the business of the group of companies will be RUB 30.9 billion over five years.
It is planned to invest RUB 4.8 billion in 2014, RUB 7.4 billion and RUB 9.6 billion in 2015-2016.
“The investment provision for 2014 are our funds. It is difficult to make a forecast about 2015. Perhaps, we will need a loan, but this issue will be worked over in early 2014,” said Yuri Matvienko, CEO of NCSP.
Funds will be invested in the extension of container terminals in the ports of Novorossiysk and Baltiysk, a complex reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal, the construction of a mineral fertilizer terminal in Novorossiysk, and fleet renewal. However, fully-fledged reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal is still a matter for discussions.

Rustranscom Buys TransLes
Rustranscom (RTC) holding company bought one of Russia's largest transporters of timber – TransLes.
The contract is valued at RUB 3 billion (approximately $92 million). It was funded by means of RTC’s own funds and a loan from VTB. The holding company plans to renew the fleet of TransLes, because most of its railcars will be withdrawn from service in 2016.
“The fleet of TransLes is rather old and needs renewal. RTC plans to buy up to 1,500-2,000 new railcars for timber transportation per annum (negotiations are being held with Uralvagonzavod). By 2018 we are going to extend the rolling stock of the operator to 13,000-14,000 units,” the representative of the company’s press-service said.

UWC and Tatravagonka Launch Freight Car Casting Production Plant
United Wagon Company and Tatravagonka a.s., the largest manufacturer of freight cars in Europe, have launched a JV named Railway Casted Components a.s. (RCC) to produce Barber bogie heavy castings for rolling stock designed for 1520 mm gauge track. The President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin and the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico attended the ceremony.
The Railway Casted Components a.s. facility is located in the city of Prakovce (Slovakia). The plant's production capacity is 3,600 freight car sets per year. The total JV investment is expected to amount to approximately €20 million.
RCC’s products are heavy castings for innovative Barber bogie with an axle load of up to 23.5 tf and 25 tf.
Railway Casted Components a.s. has already received the conformity certificate of Federal Budgetary Organisation “Register of Certification on the Federal Railway Transport”. Shipments of RCC products are expected in early 2014.

RZD and Rosseti Will Cooperate to Improve Transport Infrastructure
Russian Railways and Russian Grids JSC (Rosseti) have created a joint working group to coordinate the efficient usage of research and investment in electrical energy and transport infrastructure.
The working group is headed by First Deputy CEO of Rosseti Roman Berdnikov and Senior Vice President of RZD Valentin Gapanovich.
The priorities are to coordinate joint development between RZD as one of the largest consumers of electrical energy in Russia, and Rosseti as the main infrastructure organisation providing electric energy transfer and distribution.
The group’s objectives include the development of a single technical policy for the use and development of facilities for electrical networks and power supply for the railway infrastructure; to develop standard protocols when repairing damaged high-voltage lines supplying RZD’s power facilities with electrical energy, to exchange urgent information about the technical condition of capacities servicing RZD’s facilities, etc.

RZD Is Going to Develop a New Type of Transport

Russian Railways JSC is going to develop a dramatically new type of transport – high-speed railways based on magnet levitation. According to Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice President – Engineer-in-Chief of RZD, it is high time to put the results of our research into practice.
Research in this sector is carried within the framework of the technological programme entitled “High-Speed Smart Railways” adopted by the RF Government.
The company believes that this transport can be used for both passenger and cargo transportation, therefore, the projects may be interesting to investors.

Directorate of Railway Stations to Raise over RUB 262 Billion in Extra-Budgetary Investment
On October 17, 2013, Sergei Abramov, the Head of the Directorate of Railway Stations, a branch of Russian Railways, signed a number of cooperation agreements on the development of Russian station complexes and transport interchange hubs.
The cooperation agreement concluded with the Inter-Regional Association for Socio-Economic Cooperation “The Central Federal District”, envisages the establishment of targeted programmes financed from budgets at different levels, as well as cooperation in attracting private investors, investment funds and banks to projects to develop transport interchange hubs in Moscow.
The Agreement on Strategic Cooperation signed with GazEnergoStroy envisages the modernisation of infrastructure and energy supplies at RZD' station complexes, including the introduction of modern triple generation technologies (supplying heat, electricity and cooling) and the parallel recycling of biological and solid waste. The Memorandum of Cooperation concluded with Gaztechleasing provide for the implementation of a set of measures necessary to realise joint investment projects using financial leases.
According to a memorandum from the Trinity Development Group Inc. (Canada), Canadian partners will invest in projects to develop transport hubs at commercial real estate properties in Moscow and regions of Russia.

Gazprom and Sinara Want to Develop the Usage of Gas Motor Fuel at Railway Transport
Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo LLC is going to develop the use of natural gas as a motor fuel for rail transport.
According to the cooperation agreement signed by Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo and Sinara – Transport Machines, the parties will jointly develop and implement a programme to create, test, and introduce models of railway transport using natural gas as fuel.
Sinara – Transport Machines will develop gas locomotives. Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo will coordinate the construction of the natural gas vehicle infrastructure, meeting modern requirements and international standards.
The process of the development of the railway fleet using natural gas as a fuel will be synchronised with the development of capacities for the production of gas motor fuel and gas fueling infrastructure.

RZDstroy and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group Will Launch JV
In the near future RZDstroy OJSC, a construction and industrial federal-scale company, a subsidiary of RZD, and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group will launch a joint venture named RZDstroy-Rhomberg-Sersa. Its goal will be the joint participation in railway infrastructure projects in Russia, Austria, and other European countries.
A relevant memorandum about the interaction between the companies was signed in October 2013 at the business forum “Strategic Partnership 1520: Central and Eastern Europe.”
“Our main contribution in the framework of this interaction will be the provision of expert support, introduction of advanced engineering solutions, technologies and know-how for business projects. We are going to focus on the modernisation of tunnel complexes and the development of engineering projects for non-ballast track construction,” said Hubert Rhomberg, CEO of the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group.

United Wagon Company and Timken Sign Partnership Agreement

At the 4th International Railway Salon “EXPO 1520”, United Wagon Company (UWC, Russia) and Timken (the USA) announced the beginning of long-term cooperation.
According to the agreement signed by the companies, next-generation cargo wagons with 25-ton axle load Barber bogies made by Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant will be equipped with bearings made by Timken and will be added to RZD’s under-control operation programme.
The parties agreed that supplies of 800 bearings (150x250mm) made by Timken will be equipped on gondola wagons of the 12-9853 model made by the Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant.
The under-control operation programme envisages holding commission inspections of the rolling stock equipped with Timken bearings by representatives of RZD, NVC Wagons OJSC, Timken-Rus Service Company, and the owner and the producer of the railway machinery. In addition, service stations will be organised to place a stock of bearings on the network.
The results of the under-control operation of railcars are expected to prove that Timken bearings have better trouble-free performance parameters, so they will be widely used in the Russian wagon building market.


Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.


Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.

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Panorama [SECTION_META_KEYWORDS] => company. panorama [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.<br /> Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Company. Panorama [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => company. panorama [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.<br /> Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Company. Panorama [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Company. Panorama [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Company. Panorama [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Company. Panorama [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Company. Panorama [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Company. Panorama [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Company. Panorama [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Company. Panorama ) )

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UVZ Plans to Participate in a Rolling Stock Assembly Plant in Vietnam
Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.
According to O.Sienko, a feasibility study is being developed, but there is no preliminary estimate of the amount of financing required. He added that the rolling stock will be supplied to Vietnam's domestic market.
In the framework of this project, UVZ is discussing an opportunity of creating a rolling stock operator in Vietnam, said Andrey Shlensky, Deputy CEO of the Russian company. “There are two options: either we find a customer and launch a JV with him (to manage the plant), or establish an operator, and then the plant is ours,” he said.

Transmashholding and Lithuanian Railways Can Create a JV to Produce Locomotives
Transmashholding (TMH) and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Joint Activity.
According to the document, the parties are discussing the possible creation of a JV engaged in production of locomotives and other railway rolling stock products. Additionally, the Memorandum envisages expert and consulting support to projects of introducing and producing innovative developments in Lithuania, and project support.
TMH and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai will also cooperate to develop offers and initiatives for the development of the transport R&D sector, creation of a developed railway infrastructure, modernisation, and development of state-of-the-art rolling stock.

BOD of NCSP Approved the Company’s Development Concept till 2018
The Board of Directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) adopted the proposed plan for the company’s development till 2018, the investment in the business of the group of companies will be RUB 30.9 billion over five years.
It is planned to invest RUB 4.8 billion in 2014, RUB 7.4 billion and RUB 9.6 billion in 2015-2016.
“The investment provision for 2014 are our funds. It is difficult to make a forecast about 2015. Perhaps, we will need a loan, but this issue will be worked over in early 2014,” said Yuri Matvienko, CEO of NCSP.
Funds will be invested in the extension of container terminals in the ports of Novorossiysk and Baltiysk, a complex reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal, the construction of a mineral fertilizer terminal in Novorossiysk, and fleet renewal. However, fully-fledged reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal is still a matter for discussions.

Rustranscom Buys TransLes
Rustranscom (RTC) holding company bought one of Russia's largest transporters of timber – TransLes.
The contract is valued at RUB 3 billion (approximately $92 million). It was funded by means of RTC’s own funds and a loan from VTB. The holding company plans to renew the fleet of TransLes, because most of its railcars will be withdrawn from service in 2016.
“The fleet of TransLes is rather old and needs renewal. RTC plans to buy up to 1,500-2,000 new railcars for timber transportation per annum (negotiations are being held with Uralvagonzavod). By 2018 we are going to extend the rolling stock of the operator to 13,000-14,000 units,” the representative of the company’s press-service said.

UWC and Tatravagonka Launch Freight Car Casting Production Plant
United Wagon Company and Tatravagonka a.s., the largest manufacturer of freight cars in Europe, have launched a JV named Railway Casted Components a.s. (RCC) to produce Barber bogie heavy castings for rolling stock designed for 1520 mm gauge track. The President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin and the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico attended the ceremony.
The Railway Casted Components a.s. facility is located in the city of Prakovce (Slovakia). The plant's production capacity is 3,600 freight car sets per year. The total JV investment is expected to amount to approximately €20 million.
RCC’s products are heavy castings for innovative Barber bogie with an axle load of up to 23.5 tf and 25 tf.
Railway Casted Components a.s. has already received the conformity certificate of Federal Budgetary Organisation “Register of Certification on the Federal Railway Transport”. Shipments of RCC products are expected in early 2014.

RZD and Rosseti Will Cooperate to Improve Transport Infrastructure
Russian Railways and Russian Grids JSC (Rosseti) have created a joint working group to coordinate the efficient usage of research and investment in electrical energy and transport infrastructure.
The working group is headed by First Deputy CEO of Rosseti Roman Berdnikov and Senior Vice President of RZD Valentin Gapanovich.
The priorities are to coordinate joint development between RZD as one of the largest consumers of electrical energy in Russia, and Rosseti as the main infrastructure organisation providing electric energy transfer and distribution.
The group’s objectives include the development of a single technical policy for the use and development of facilities for electrical networks and power supply for the railway infrastructure; to develop standard protocols when repairing damaged high-voltage lines supplying RZD’s power facilities with electrical energy, to exchange urgent information about the technical condition of capacities servicing RZD’s facilities, etc.

RZD Is Going to Develop a New Type of Transport

Russian Railways JSC is going to develop a dramatically new type of transport – high-speed railways based on magnet levitation. According to Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice President – Engineer-in-Chief of RZD, it is high time to put the results of our research into practice.
Research in this sector is carried within the framework of the technological programme entitled “High-Speed Smart Railways” adopted by the RF Government.
The company believes that this transport can be used for both passenger and cargo transportation, therefore, the projects may be interesting to investors.

Directorate of Railway Stations to Raise over RUB 262 Billion in Extra-Budgetary Investment
On October 17, 2013, Sergei Abramov, the Head of the Directorate of Railway Stations, a branch of Russian Railways, signed a number of cooperation agreements on the development of Russian station complexes and transport interchange hubs.
The cooperation agreement concluded with the Inter-Regional Association for Socio-Economic Cooperation “The Central Federal District”, envisages the establishment of targeted programmes financed from budgets at different levels, as well as cooperation in attracting private investors, investment funds and banks to projects to develop transport interchange hubs in Moscow.
The Agreement on Strategic Cooperation signed with GazEnergoStroy envisages the modernisation of infrastructure and energy supplies at RZD' station complexes, including the introduction of modern triple generation technologies (supplying heat, electricity and cooling) and the parallel recycling of biological and solid waste. The Memorandum of Cooperation concluded with Gaztechleasing provide for the implementation of a set of measures necessary to realise joint investment projects using financial leases.
According to a memorandum from the Trinity Development Group Inc. (Canada), Canadian partners will invest in projects to develop transport hubs at commercial real estate properties in Moscow and regions of Russia.

Gazprom and Sinara Want to Develop the Usage of Gas Motor Fuel at Railway Transport
Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo LLC is going to develop the use of natural gas as a motor fuel for rail transport.
According to the cooperation agreement signed by Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo and Sinara – Transport Machines, the parties will jointly develop and implement a programme to create, test, and introduce models of railway transport using natural gas as fuel.
Sinara – Transport Machines will develop gas locomotives. Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo will coordinate the construction of the natural gas vehicle infrastructure, meeting modern requirements and international standards.
The process of the development of the railway fleet using natural gas as a fuel will be synchronised with the development of capacities for the production of gas motor fuel and gas fueling infrastructure.

RZDstroy and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group Will Launch JV
In the near future RZDstroy OJSC, a construction and industrial federal-scale company, a subsidiary of RZD, and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group will launch a joint venture named RZDstroy-Rhomberg-Sersa. Its goal will be the joint participation in railway infrastructure projects in Russia, Austria, and other European countries.
A relevant memorandum about the interaction between the companies was signed in October 2013 at the business forum “Strategic Partnership 1520: Central and Eastern Europe.”
“Our main contribution in the framework of this interaction will be the provision of expert support, introduction of advanced engineering solutions, technologies and know-how for business projects. We are going to focus on the modernisation of tunnel complexes and the development of engineering projects for non-ballast track construction,” said Hubert Rhomberg, CEO of the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group.

United Wagon Company and Timken Sign Partnership Agreement

At the 4th International Railway Salon “EXPO 1520”, United Wagon Company (UWC, Russia) and Timken (the USA) announced the beginning of long-term cooperation.
According to the agreement signed by the companies, next-generation cargo wagons with 25-ton axle load Barber bogies made by Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant will be equipped with bearings made by Timken and will be added to RZD’s under-control operation programme.
The parties agreed that supplies of 800 bearings (150x250mm) made by Timken will be equipped on gondola wagons of the 12-9853 model made by the Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant.
The under-control operation programme envisages holding commission inspections of the rolling stock equipped with Timken bearings by representatives of RZD, NVC Wagons OJSC, Timken-Rus Service Company, and the owner and the producer of the railway machinery. In addition, service stations will be organised to place a stock of bearings on the network.
The results of the under-control operation of railcars are expected to prove that Timken bearings have better trouble-free performance parameters, so they will be widely used in the Russian wagon building market.


UVZ Plans to Participate in a Rolling Stock Assembly Plant in Vietnam
Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.
According to O.Sienko, a feasibility study is being developed, but there is no preliminary estimate of the amount of financing required. He added that the rolling stock will be supplied to Vietnam's domestic market.
In the framework of this project, UVZ is discussing an opportunity of creating a rolling stock operator in Vietnam, said Andrey Shlensky, Deputy CEO of the Russian company. “There are two options: either we find a customer and launch a JV with him (to manage the plant), or establish an operator, and then the plant is ours,” he said.

Transmashholding and Lithuanian Railways Can Create a JV to Produce Locomotives
Transmashholding (TMH) and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Joint Activity.
According to the document, the parties are discussing the possible creation of a JV engaged in production of locomotives and other railway rolling stock products. Additionally, the Memorandum envisages expert and consulting support to projects of introducing and producing innovative developments in Lithuania, and project support.
TMH and Lietuvos gelezinkeliai will also cooperate to develop offers and initiatives for the development of the transport R&D sector, creation of a developed railway infrastructure, modernisation, and development of state-of-the-art rolling stock.

BOD of NCSP Approved the Company’s Development Concept till 2018
The Board of Directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) adopted the proposed plan for the company’s development till 2018, the investment in the business of the group of companies will be RUB 30.9 billion over five years.
It is planned to invest RUB 4.8 billion in 2014, RUB 7.4 billion and RUB 9.6 billion in 2015-2016.
“The investment provision for 2014 are our funds. It is difficult to make a forecast about 2015. Perhaps, we will need a loan, but this issue will be worked over in early 2014,” said Yuri Matvienko, CEO of NCSP.
Funds will be invested in the extension of container terminals in the ports of Novorossiysk and Baltiysk, a complex reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal, the construction of a mineral fertilizer terminal in Novorossiysk, and fleet renewal. However, fully-fledged reconstruction of the Sheskharis oil terminal is still a matter for discussions.

Rustranscom Buys TransLes
Rustranscom (RTC) holding company bought one of Russia's largest transporters of timber – TransLes.
The contract is valued at RUB 3 billion (approximately $92 million). It was funded by means of RTC’s own funds and a loan from VTB. The holding company plans to renew the fleet of TransLes, because most of its railcars will be withdrawn from service in 2016.
“The fleet of TransLes is rather old and needs renewal. RTC plans to buy up to 1,500-2,000 new railcars for timber transportation per annum (negotiations are being held with Uralvagonzavod). By 2018 we are going to extend the rolling stock of the operator to 13,000-14,000 units,” the representative of the company’s press-service said.

UWC and Tatravagonka Launch Freight Car Casting Production Plant
United Wagon Company and Tatravagonka a.s., the largest manufacturer of freight cars in Europe, have launched a JV named Railway Casted Components a.s. (RCC) to produce Barber bogie heavy castings for rolling stock designed for 1520 mm gauge track. The President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin and the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico attended the ceremony.
The Railway Casted Components a.s. facility is located in the city of Prakovce (Slovakia). The plant's production capacity is 3,600 freight car sets per year. The total JV investment is expected to amount to approximately €20 million.
RCC’s products are heavy castings for innovative Barber bogie with an axle load of up to 23.5 tf and 25 tf.
Railway Casted Components a.s. has already received the conformity certificate of Federal Budgetary Organisation “Register of Certification on the Federal Railway Transport”. Shipments of RCC products are expected in early 2014.

RZD and Rosseti Will Cooperate to Improve Transport Infrastructure
Russian Railways and Russian Grids JSC (Rosseti) have created a joint working group to coordinate the efficient usage of research and investment in electrical energy and transport infrastructure.
The working group is headed by First Deputy CEO of Rosseti Roman Berdnikov and Senior Vice President of RZD Valentin Gapanovich.
The priorities are to coordinate joint development between RZD as one of the largest consumers of electrical energy in Russia, and Rosseti as the main infrastructure organisation providing electric energy transfer and distribution.
The group’s objectives include the development of a single technical policy for the use and development of facilities for electrical networks and power supply for the railway infrastructure; to develop standard protocols when repairing damaged high-voltage lines supplying RZD’s power facilities with electrical energy, to exchange urgent information about the technical condition of capacities servicing RZD’s facilities, etc.

RZD Is Going to Develop a New Type of Transport

Russian Railways JSC is going to develop a dramatically new type of transport – high-speed railways based on magnet levitation. According to Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice President – Engineer-in-Chief of RZD, it is high time to put the results of our research into practice.
Research in this sector is carried within the framework of the technological programme entitled “High-Speed Smart Railways” adopted by the RF Government.
The company believes that this transport can be used for both passenger and cargo transportation, therefore, the projects may be interesting to investors.

Directorate of Railway Stations to Raise over RUB 262 Billion in Extra-Budgetary Investment
On October 17, 2013, Sergei Abramov, the Head of the Directorate of Railway Stations, a branch of Russian Railways, signed a number of cooperation agreements on the development of Russian station complexes and transport interchange hubs.
The cooperation agreement concluded with the Inter-Regional Association for Socio-Economic Cooperation “The Central Federal District”, envisages the establishment of targeted programmes financed from budgets at different levels, as well as cooperation in attracting private investors, investment funds and banks to projects to develop transport interchange hubs in Moscow.
The Agreement on Strategic Cooperation signed with GazEnergoStroy envisages the modernisation of infrastructure and energy supplies at RZD' station complexes, including the introduction of modern triple generation technologies (supplying heat, electricity and cooling) and the parallel recycling of biological and solid waste. The Memorandum of Cooperation concluded with Gaztechleasing provide for the implementation of a set of measures necessary to realise joint investment projects using financial leases.
According to a memorandum from the Trinity Development Group Inc. (Canada), Canadian partners will invest in projects to develop transport hubs at commercial real estate properties in Moscow and regions of Russia.

Gazprom and Sinara Want to Develop the Usage of Gas Motor Fuel at Railway Transport
Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo LLC is going to develop the use of natural gas as a motor fuel for rail transport.
According to the cooperation agreement signed by Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo and Sinara – Transport Machines, the parties will jointly develop and implement a programme to create, test, and introduce models of railway transport using natural gas as fuel.
Sinara – Transport Machines will develop gas locomotives. Gazprom Gazomotornoe Toplivo will coordinate the construction of the natural gas vehicle infrastructure, meeting modern requirements and international standards.
The process of the development of the railway fleet using natural gas as a fuel will be synchronised with the development of capacities for the production of gas motor fuel and gas fueling infrastructure.

RZDstroy and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group Will Launch JV
In the near future RZDstroy OJSC, a construction and industrial federal-scale company, a subsidiary of RZD, and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group will launch a joint venture named RZDstroy-Rhomberg-Sersa. Its goal will be the joint participation in railway infrastructure projects in Russia, Austria, and other European countries.
A relevant memorandum about the interaction between the companies was signed in October 2013 at the business forum “Strategic Partnership 1520: Central and Eastern Europe.”
“Our main contribution in the framework of this interaction will be the provision of expert support, introduction of advanced engineering solutions, technologies and know-how for business projects. We are going to focus on the modernisation of tunnel complexes and the development of engineering projects for non-ballast track construction,” said Hubert Rhomberg, CEO of the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group.

United Wagon Company and Timken Sign Partnership Agreement

At the 4th International Railway Salon “EXPO 1520”, United Wagon Company (UWC, Russia) and Timken (the USA) announced the beginning of long-term cooperation.
According to the agreement signed by the companies, next-generation cargo wagons with 25-ton axle load Barber bogies made by Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant will be equipped with bearings made by Timken and will be added to RZD’s under-control operation programme.
The parties agreed that supplies of 800 bearings (150x250mm) made by Timken will be equipped on gondola wagons of the 12-9853 model made by the Tikhvin Railcar Building Plant.
The under-control operation programme envisages holding commission inspections of the rolling stock equipped with Timken bearings by representatives of RZD, NVC Wagons OJSC, Timken-Rus Service Company, and the owner and the producer of the railway machinery. In addition, service stations will be organised to place a stock of bearings on the network.
The results of the under-control operation of railcars are expected to prove that Timken bearings have better trouble-free performance parameters, so they will be widely used in the Russian wagon building market.


Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.


Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.
Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.

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Panorama [SECTION_META_KEYWORDS] => company. panorama [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.<br /> Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Company. Panorama [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => company. panorama [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is going to participate in the construction of a plant for railway rolling stock assembly in Vietnam, said Oleg Sienko, CEO of the company.<br /> Earlier a Memorandum of cooperation between Vietnamese-Russian joint bank and Uralvgonzavod was signed in the presence of the RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Company. 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Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations

Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations

Investments in infrastructure contribute to improving services for passengers. Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate
for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies
have invested in.

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Attracting Investment

– Mr Abramov, what does the Directorate for Railway Stations do to attract investment and how much has been invested so far?

– A priority in this sphere is the development of the system of passenger hubs in the Moscow region. The Directorate is to build 58 such hubs, according to the agreement on cooperation in developing hubs in Moscow and providing the necessary facilities for the adjacent zone. The document was signed by the government of the city and RZD in November 2011. The list of hubs covers 42 stations on the Moscow underground, 30 railway stations, and seven intercity bus stations. This is part of the large-scale programme of construction of passenger hubs in Moscow. The project started in early 2012, and is to be carried out by 2020.
Next year we are going to complete construction at 44 hubs, and by 2020 – the work at all facilities, which is a major construction project. The design documentation for the first eight major hubs will be developed by the end of 2013. Pre-design documentation for other hubs, where major construction works are needed, will be completed in 2013. Investment for it is given by our project company RZD – Development of Railway Stations OJSC by way of a specialised affiliated company RW-Metro. By the end of this year the amount of attracted investment will exceed RUB 6 billion.
I’d like to note that the Directorate together with employees of the transport police and representatives of municipal authorities in 2011-2013 in Moscow released more than 13,000 sq m of land adjacent to railway stations from illicit trade facilities. These zones have been improved.

– Could you comment on the cooperation with local authorities in the reconstruction and the modernisation of regional railway stations?

– It is a separate issue and a very important area of investment activity in the development of railway station infrastructure. We develop partnerships with regional and local authorities. Currently, there are 35 agreements in place, covering the reconstruction of 105 railway stations. In 2009-2012 approximately RUB 800 million was attracted from regional budgets. In future this investment is to amount to RUB 5.7 billion. Of that, at least RUB 700 million will be received in 2013.
Additionally, regional authorities work actively to attract private investment to reconstruction and modernisation projects for railway stations and the creation of state-of-the-art intermodal transport hubs. They understand in the regions that such projects contribute to social and economic activity, and stimulates business expansion from metropolitan cities to the outer regions and provides an increase in the number of vacancies on the local labour market.

Network Projects

– What is the amount of investment given by network operators?

– Network operators are engaged in trade and provision of services at railway stations and adjacent areas, organisation of parking lots. In addition to investment in infrastructure for their own business (purchase of equipment), they invest in the repair of railway stations.
In the last three years, investment in the development of railway stations increased significantly: in 2012 it was RUB 662 million, and in 2013 it is expected to reach RUB 3 billion. This trend will continue: in particular, the total investment in 2014 will be RUB 3.18 billion. This sum excludes funds paid by network operators in accordance with options in the framework of partnership agreements concluded with RZD. And these sums are not small – RUB 70-130 million every year.
The network projects at railway stations are carried out in accordance with partnership agreements concluded by RZD and its partners selected using the results of open tenders. Vending networks (automated trade), systems of payment terminals and bank services developed most actively in 2013. There appeared more restaurants and cafes. A priority was the development of modern enterprises, including food-courts – a number of fast food outlets for different price ranges located in one zone. The sales volume of mini-markets, supermarkets, newspaper stalls all grew. New services appeared. In January-August 2013, the number of such business units increased to 3,400, a 60% growth in comparison with the same period of 2012. The plan for 2014 is 4,200 business units. The largest number of them will be in the public catering sector (the operator is Catering at Railway Stations OJSC), vending (TransVend CJSC and VendService CJSC), retail (TransConfectioner OJSC and TransMarket OJSC), and the sector of payment terminals (OplataExpress LLC).
Pilot projects for a new logistics service are carried out at some railway stations: automated parcel terminals are installed there so that people can send or receive postal packages or small parcels on an automatic basis 24 hours a day.
The optimisation of transport schemes contributed to an expansion of the parking lots network. Now there are 759 car-places, another 616 are to be built by year-end. Since January 1, 2013, this business is managed by RW-Metro OJSC. New parking lots will appear near Kursky, Belorussky, Rizhsky and Savelovsky railway stations. A number of parking lots are to be created according to the programme of the development of passenger hubs in Moscow. Moreover, park-and-ride facilities will be put into operation at such hubs – there must be 4,800 car places in them by year-end.
In the regions the directorates carry out other customer-focused projects. For example, they equip computer rooms and billiard-rooms, provide bike share services, on the model of Germany.
Management of the development of all services is integrated into the framework of the single service space concept. Due to the optimisation of the work of railway structures and implementation of state-of-the-art technologies, additional room can be released for commercial usage at railway stations. And this process is continuing.
The total amount of station area available to rent increased in 2013. And it will be increased even more in 2014. Therefore, about 12.3% of railway stations’ area will be given for commercial use, and the revenue gained is to grow by 11% in comparison with 2013.  
For that, the railways stations of the Sochi hub are being zoned before transferring them to the Directorate for Railway Stations on the threshold of the Olympic Games in 2014.

– What about traditional services for passengers?

– In this sphere we strive at implementing typical technological solutions. This helps to increase the quality of services and lower costs. In particular, a project of automatic baggage lockers is being carried out. An external investor – RZD – Development of Railway Stations – was attracted for that. Additional 540 lockers were installed at the Kazansky railway station in March 2013, of which 156 have already been put in operation, and the rest are being prepared for operation.
This year next-generation automatic lockers were improved: contactless smart cards are used as a means of payment and an access key. The number of such lockers is to amount to 3,600 in the near future, and to 5,300 in 2014. 
At 22 railway stations luggage storage services are available to be outsourced to network operators. Wi-Fi internet services have become traditional. More than 5,000 people use this service every day. Wi-Fi networks function at the 54 largest railway stations in Russia, including all stations on the Moscow transport hub. Before the end of 2014, the number of railway stations with internet is to grow to 100, including large and small stations. The cleaning business continues to develop: outsourcing companies are to service 167 facilities by the end of 2013, and 181 in 2014.

Smart Innovations

– The Directorate for Railway Stations invests a lot in innovative technologies. What do you focus on?

– In 2013-2014 the investment programme will focus on the widespread use of renewable environment-friendly energy sources. They are the sun, the wind, land, water, and air. Such projects have a long payback period. Therefore, it is reasonable to use innovative technologies for the construction of new facilities to get a multiplicative effect: in this case one can save on the cost of switching to power and heat-supplying networks, and sometimes – on the construction of power transmission lines. Practice shows that it is profitable to conclude long-term energy service contracts for the introduction of solar module systems and heat pumps (geothermal, solar collectors).
We plan to begin using air cleaning and purifying systems with a recirculation mode, which saves electric power and heat in a cold season.
All this complex equipment is integrated into the framework of the “Anapa Smart Railway Station” project. On July 31, 2013, a two-lot competition was announced – for the construction of an intelligent LED-lighting network and a single power saving system for heating, ventilation, conditioning, and hot water supply.
NIIAS OJSC is now completing the concept “Smart Railway Station”. They update it in accordance with the expanded Standard register of innovative technologies, changes in approach to the management of railway station complexes and the objectives of increasing the quality of services (including those for a barrier-free environment for people with limited mobility), and taking into account integrated complex safety systems. ®
Interviewed by Alexander Solntsev


Attracting Investment

– Mr Abramov, what does the Directorate for Railway Stations do to attract investment and how much has been invested so far?

– A priority in this sphere is the development of the system of passenger hubs in the Moscow region. The Directorate is to build 58 such hubs, according to the agreement on cooperation in developing hubs in Moscow and providing the necessary facilities for the adjacent zone. The document was signed by the government of the city and RZD in November 2011. The list of hubs covers 42 stations on the Moscow underground, 30 railway stations, and seven intercity bus stations. This is part of the large-scale programme of construction of passenger hubs in Moscow. The project started in early 2012, and is to be carried out by 2020.
Next year we are going to complete construction at 44 hubs, and by 2020 – the work at all facilities, which is a major construction project. The design documentation for the first eight major hubs will be developed by the end of 2013. Pre-design documentation for other hubs, where major construction works are needed, will be completed in 2013. Investment for it is given by our project company RZD – Development of Railway Stations OJSC by way of a specialised affiliated company RW-Metro. By the end of this year the amount of attracted investment will exceed RUB 6 billion.
I’d like to note that the Directorate together with employees of the transport police and representatives of municipal authorities in 2011-2013 in Moscow released more than 13,000 sq m of land adjacent to railway stations from illicit trade facilities. These zones have been improved.

– Could you comment on the cooperation with local authorities in the reconstruction and the modernisation of regional railway stations?

– It is a separate issue and a very important area of investment activity in the development of railway station infrastructure. We develop partnerships with regional and local authorities. Currently, there are 35 agreements in place, covering the reconstruction of 105 railway stations. In 2009-2012 approximately RUB 800 million was attracted from regional budgets. In future this investment is to amount to RUB 5.7 billion. Of that, at least RUB 700 million will be received in 2013.
Additionally, regional authorities work actively to attract private investment to reconstruction and modernisation projects for railway stations and the creation of state-of-the-art intermodal transport hubs. They understand in the regions that such projects contribute to social and economic activity, and stimulates business expansion from metropolitan cities to the outer regions and provides an increase in the number of vacancies on the local labour market.

Network Projects

– What is the amount of investment given by network operators?

– Network operators are engaged in trade and provision of services at railway stations and adjacent areas, organisation of parking lots. In addition to investment in infrastructure for their own business (purchase of equipment), they invest in the repair of railway stations.
In the last three years, investment in the development of railway stations increased significantly: in 2012 it was RUB 662 million, and in 2013 it is expected to reach RUB 3 billion. This trend will continue: in particular, the total investment in 2014 will be RUB 3.18 billion. This sum excludes funds paid by network operators in accordance with options in the framework of partnership agreements concluded with RZD. And these sums are not small – RUB 70-130 million every year.
The network projects at railway stations are carried out in accordance with partnership agreements concluded by RZD and its partners selected using the results of open tenders. Vending networks (automated trade), systems of payment terminals and bank services developed most actively in 2013. There appeared more restaurants and cafes. A priority was the development of modern enterprises, including food-courts – a number of fast food outlets for different price ranges located in one zone. The sales volume of mini-markets, supermarkets, newspaper stalls all grew. New services appeared. In January-August 2013, the number of such business units increased to 3,400, a 60% growth in comparison with the same period of 2012. The plan for 2014 is 4,200 business units. The largest number of them will be in the public catering sector (the operator is Catering at Railway Stations OJSC), vending (TransVend CJSC and VendService CJSC), retail (TransConfectioner OJSC and TransMarket OJSC), and the sector of payment terminals (OplataExpress LLC).
Pilot projects for a new logistics service are carried out at some railway stations: automated parcel terminals are installed there so that people can send or receive postal packages or small parcels on an automatic basis 24 hours a day.
The optimisation of transport schemes contributed to an expansion of the parking lots network. Now there are 759 car-places, another 616 are to be built by year-end. Since January 1, 2013, this business is managed by RW-Metro OJSC. New parking lots will appear near Kursky, Belorussky, Rizhsky and Savelovsky railway stations. A number of parking lots are to be created according to the programme of the development of passenger hubs in Moscow. Moreover, park-and-ride facilities will be put into operation at such hubs – there must be 4,800 car places in them by year-end.
In the regions the directorates carry out other customer-focused projects. For example, they equip computer rooms and billiard-rooms, provide bike share services, on the model of Germany.
Management of the development of all services is integrated into the framework of the single service space concept. Due to the optimisation of the work of railway structures and implementation of state-of-the-art technologies, additional room can be released for commercial usage at railway stations. And this process is continuing.
The total amount of station area available to rent increased in 2013. And it will be increased even more in 2014. Therefore, about 12.3% of railway stations’ area will be given for commercial use, and the revenue gained is to grow by 11% in comparison with 2013.  
For that, the railways stations of the Sochi hub are being zoned before transferring them to the Directorate for Railway Stations on the threshold of the Olympic Games in 2014.

– What about traditional services for passengers?

– In this sphere we strive at implementing typical technological solutions. This helps to increase the quality of services and lower costs. In particular, a project of automatic baggage lockers is being carried out. An external investor – RZD – Development of Railway Stations – was attracted for that. Additional 540 lockers were installed at the Kazansky railway station in March 2013, of which 156 have already been put in operation, and the rest are being prepared for operation.
This year next-generation automatic lockers were improved: contactless smart cards are used as a means of payment and an access key. The number of such lockers is to amount to 3,600 in the near future, and to 5,300 in 2014. 
At 22 railway stations luggage storage services are available to be outsourced to network operators. Wi-Fi internet services have become traditional. More than 5,000 people use this service every day. Wi-Fi networks function at the 54 largest railway stations in Russia, including all stations on the Moscow transport hub. Before the end of 2014, the number of railway stations with internet is to grow to 100, including large and small stations. The cleaning business continues to develop: outsourcing companies are to service 167 facilities by the end of 2013, and 181 in 2014.

Smart Innovations

– The Directorate for Railway Stations invests a lot in innovative technologies. What do you focus on?

– In 2013-2014 the investment programme will focus on the widespread use of renewable environment-friendly energy sources. They are the sun, the wind, land, water, and air. Such projects have a long payback period. Therefore, it is reasonable to use innovative technologies for the construction of new facilities to get a multiplicative effect: in this case one can save on the cost of switching to power and heat-supplying networks, and sometimes – on the construction of power transmission lines. Practice shows that it is profitable to conclude long-term energy service contracts for the introduction of solar module systems and heat pumps (geothermal, solar collectors).
We plan to begin using air cleaning and purifying systems with a recirculation mode, which saves electric power and heat in a cold season.
All this complex equipment is integrated into the framework of the “Anapa Smart Railway Station” project. On July 31, 2013, a two-lot competition was announced – for the construction of an intelligent LED-lighting network and a single power saving system for heating, ventilation, conditioning, and hot water supply.
NIIAS OJSC is now completing the concept “Smart Railway Station”. They update it in accordance with the expanded Standard register of innovative technologies, changes in approach to the management of railway station complexes and the objectives of increasing the quality of services (including those for a barrier-free environment for people with limited mobility), and taking into account integrated complex safety systems. ®
Interviewed by Alexander Solntsev


Investments in infrastructure contribute to improving services for passengers. Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate
for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies
have invested in.


Investments in infrastructure contribute to improving services for passengers. Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate
for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies
have invested in.

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Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate <br /> for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies<br /> have invested in.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => private companies take an interest in the development of railway stations [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>Investments in infrastructure contribute to improving services for passengers. Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate <br /> for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies<br /> have invested in.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations ) )

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Attracting Investment

– Mr Abramov, what does the Directorate for Railway Stations do to attract investment and how much has been invested so far?

– A priority in this sphere is the development of the system of passenger hubs in the Moscow region. The Directorate is to build 58 such hubs, according to the agreement on cooperation in developing hubs in Moscow and providing the necessary facilities for the adjacent zone. The document was signed by the government of the city and RZD in November 2011. The list of hubs covers 42 stations on the Moscow underground, 30 railway stations, and seven intercity bus stations. This is part of the large-scale programme of construction of passenger hubs in Moscow. The project started in early 2012, and is to be carried out by 2020.
Next year we are going to complete construction at 44 hubs, and by 2020 – the work at all facilities, which is a major construction project. The design documentation for the first eight major hubs will be developed by the end of 2013. Pre-design documentation for other hubs, where major construction works are needed, will be completed in 2013. Investment for it is given by our project company RZD – Development of Railway Stations OJSC by way of a specialised affiliated company RW-Metro. By the end of this year the amount of attracted investment will exceed RUB 6 billion.
I’d like to note that the Directorate together with employees of the transport police and representatives of municipal authorities in 2011-2013 in Moscow released more than 13,000 sq m of land adjacent to railway stations from illicit trade facilities. These zones have been improved.

– Could you comment on the cooperation with local authorities in the reconstruction and the modernisation of regional railway stations?

– It is a separate issue and a very important area of investment activity in the development of railway station infrastructure. We develop partnerships with regional and local authorities. Currently, there are 35 agreements in place, covering the reconstruction of 105 railway stations. In 2009-2012 approximately RUB 800 million was attracted from regional budgets. In future this investment is to amount to RUB 5.7 billion. Of that, at least RUB 700 million will be received in 2013.
Additionally, regional authorities work actively to attract private investment to reconstruction and modernisation projects for railway stations and the creation of state-of-the-art intermodal transport hubs. They understand in the regions that such projects contribute to social and economic activity, and stimulates business expansion from metropolitan cities to the outer regions and provides an increase in the number of vacancies on the local labour market.

Network Projects

– What is the amount of investment given by network operators?

– Network operators are engaged in trade and provision of services at railway stations and adjacent areas, organisation of parking lots. In addition to investment in infrastructure for their own business (purchase of equipment), they invest in the repair of railway stations.
In the last three years, investment in the development of railway stations increased significantly: in 2012 it was RUB 662 million, and in 2013 it is expected to reach RUB 3 billion. This trend will continue: in particular, the total investment in 2014 will be RUB 3.18 billion. This sum excludes funds paid by network operators in accordance with options in the framework of partnership agreements concluded with RZD. And these sums are not small – RUB 70-130 million every year.
The network projects at railway stations are carried out in accordance with partnership agreements concluded by RZD and its partners selected using the results of open tenders. Vending networks (automated trade), systems of payment terminals and bank services developed most actively in 2013. There appeared more restaurants and cafes. A priority was the development of modern enterprises, including food-courts – a number of fast food outlets for different price ranges located in one zone. The sales volume of mini-markets, supermarkets, newspaper stalls all grew. New services appeared. In January-August 2013, the number of such business units increased to 3,400, a 60% growth in comparison with the same period of 2012. The plan for 2014 is 4,200 business units. The largest number of them will be in the public catering sector (the operator is Catering at Railway Stations OJSC), vending (TransVend CJSC and VendService CJSC), retail (TransConfectioner OJSC and TransMarket OJSC), and the sector of payment terminals (OplataExpress LLC).
Pilot projects for a new logistics service are carried out at some railway stations: automated parcel terminals are installed there so that people can send or receive postal packages or small parcels on an automatic basis 24 hours a day.
The optimisation of transport schemes contributed to an expansion of the parking lots network. Now there are 759 car-places, another 616 are to be built by year-end. Since January 1, 2013, this business is managed by RW-Metro OJSC. New parking lots will appear near Kursky, Belorussky, Rizhsky and Savelovsky railway stations. A number of parking lots are to be created according to the programme of the development of passenger hubs in Moscow. Moreover, park-and-ride facilities will be put into operation at such hubs – there must be 4,800 car places in them by year-end.
In the regions the directorates carry out other customer-focused projects. For example, they equip computer rooms and billiard-rooms, provide bike share services, on the model of Germany.
Management of the development of all services is integrated into the framework of the single service space concept. Due to the optimisation of the work of railway structures and implementation of state-of-the-art technologies, additional room can be released for commercial usage at railway stations. And this process is continuing.
The total amount of station area available to rent increased in 2013. And it will be increased even more in 2014. Therefore, about 12.3% of railway stations’ area will be given for commercial use, and the revenue gained is to grow by 11% in comparison with 2013.  
For that, the railways stations of the Sochi hub are being zoned before transferring them to the Directorate for Railway Stations on the threshold of the Olympic Games in 2014.

– What about traditional services for passengers?

– In this sphere we strive at implementing typical technological solutions. This helps to increase the quality of services and lower costs. In particular, a project of automatic baggage lockers is being carried out. An external investor – RZD – Development of Railway Stations – was attracted for that. Additional 540 lockers were installed at the Kazansky railway station in March 2013, of which 156 have already been put in operation, and the rest are being prepared for operation.
This year next-generation automatic lockers were improved: contactless smart cards are used as a means of payment and an access key. The number of such lockers is to amount to 3,600 in the near future, and to 5,300 in 2014. 
At 22 railway stations luggage storage services are available to be outsourced to network operators. Wi-Fi internet services have become traditional. More than 5,000 people use this service every day. Wi-Fi networks function at the 54 largest railway stations in Russia, including all stations on the Moscow transport hub. Before the end of 2014, the number of railway stations with internet is to grow to 100, including large and small stations. The cleaning business continues to develop: outsourcing companies are to service 167 facilities by the end of 2013, and 181 in 2014.

Smart Innovations

– The Directorate for Railway Stations invests a lot in innovative technologies. What do you focus on?

– In 2013-2014 the investment programme will focus on the widespread use of renewable environment-friendly energy sources. They are the sun, the wind, land, water, and air. Such projects have a long payback period. Therefore, it is reasonable to use innovative technologies for the construction of new facilities to get a multiplicative effect: in this case one can save on the cost of switching to power and heat-supplying networks, and sometimes – on the construction of power transmission lines. Practice shows that it is profitable to conclude long-term energy service contracts for the introduction of solar module systems and heat pumps (geothermal, solar collectors).
We plan to begin using air cleaning and purifying systems with a recirculation mode, which saves electric power and heat in a cold season.
All this complex equipment is integrated into the framework of the “Anapa Smart Railway Station” project. On July 31, 2013, a two-lot competition was announced – for the construction of an intelligent LED-lighting network and a single power saving system for heating, ventilation, conditioning, and hot water supply.
NIIAS OJSC is now completing the concept “Smart Railway Station”. They update it in accordance with the expanded Standard register of innovative technologies, changes in approach to the management of railway station complexes and the objectives of increasing the quality of services (including those for a barrier-free environment for people with limited mobility), and taking into account integrated complex safety systems. ®
Interviewed by Alexander Solntsev


Attracting Investment

– Mr Abramov, what does the Directorate for Railway Stations do to attract investment and how much has been invested so far?

– A priority in this sphere is the development of the system of passenger hubs in the Moscow region. The Directorate is to build 58 such hubs, according to the agreement on cooperation in developing hubs in Moscow and providing the necessary facilities for the adjacent zone. The document was signed by the government of the city and RZD in November 2011. The list of hubs covers 42 stations on the Moscow underground, 30 railway stations, and seven intercity bus stations. This is part of the large-scale programme of construction of passenger hubs in Moscow. The project started in early 2012, and is to be carried out by 2020.
Next year we are going to complete construction at 44 hubs, and by 2020 – the work at all facilities, which is a major construction project. The design documentation for the first eight major hubs will be developed by the end of 2013. Pre-design documentation for other hubs, where major construction works are needed, will be completed in 2013. Investment for it is given by our project company RZD – Development of Railway Stations OJSC by way of a specialised affiliated company RW-Metro. By the end of this year the amount of attracted investment will exceed RUB 6 billion.
I’d like to note that the Directorate together with employees of the transport police and representatives of municipal authorities in 2011-2013 in Moscow released more than 13,000 sq m of land adjacent to railway stations from illicit trade facilities. These zones have been improved.

– Could you comment on the cooperation with local authorities in the reconstruction and the modernisation of regional railway stations?

– It is a separate issue and a very important area of investment activity in the development of railway station infrastructure. We develop partnerships with regional and local authorities. Currently, there are 35 agreements in place, covering the reconstruction of 105 railway stations. In 2009-2012 approximately RUB 800 million was attracted from regional budgets. In future this investment is to amount to RUB 5.7 billion. Of that, at least RUB 700 million will be received in 2013.
Additionally, regional authorities work actively to attract private investment to reconstruction and modernisation projects for railway stations and the creation of state-of-the-art intermodal transport hubs. They understand in the regions that such projects contribute to social and economic activity, and stimulates business expansion from metropolitan cities to the outer regions and provides an increase in the number of vacancies on the local labour market.

Network Projects

– What is the amount of investment given by network operators?

– Network operators are engaged in trade and provision of services at railway stations and adjacent areas, organisation of parking lots. In addition to investment in infrastructure for their own business (purchase of equipment), they invest in the repair of railway stations.
In the last three years, investment in the development of railway stations increased significantly: in 2012 it was RUB 662 million, and in 2013 it is expected to reach RUB 3 billion. This trend will continue: in particular, the total investment in 2014 will be RUB 3.18 billion. This sum excludes funds paid by network operators in accordance with options in the framework of partnership agreements concluded with RZD. And these sums are not small – RUB 70-130 million every year.
The network projects at railway stations are carried out in accordance with partnership agreements concluded by RZD and its partners selected using the results of open tenders. Vending networks (automated trade), systems of payment terminals and bank services developed most actively in 2013. There appeared more restaurants and cafes. A priority was the development of modern enterprises, including food-courts – a number of fast food outlets for different price ranges located in one zone. The sales volume of mini-markets, supermarkets, newspaper stalls all grew. New services appeared. In January-August 2013, the number of such business units increased to 3,400, a 60% growth in comparison with the same period of 2012. The plan for 2014 is 4,200 business units. The largest number of them will be in the public catering sector (the operator is Catering at Railway Stations OJSC), vending (TransVend CJSC and VendService CJSC), retail (TransConfectioner OJSC and TransMarket OJSC), and the sector of payment terminals (OplataExpress LLC).
Pilot projects for a new logistics service are carried out at some railway stations: automated parcel terminals are installed there so that people can send or receive postal packages or small parcels on an automatic basis 24 hours a day.
The optimisation of transport schemes contributed to an expansion of the parking lots network. Now there are 759 car-places, another 616 are to be built by year-end. Since January 1, 2013, this business is managed by RW-Metro OJSC. New parking lots will appear near Kursky, Belorussky, Rizhsky and Savelovsky railway stations. A number of parking lots are to be created according to the programme of the development of passenger hubs in Moscow. Moreover, park-and-ride facilities will be put into operation at such hubs – there must be 4,800 car places in them by year-end.
In the regions the directorates carry out other customer-focused projects. For example, they equip computer rooms and billiard-rooms, provide bike share services, on the model of Germany.
Management of the development of all services is integrated into the framework of the single service space concept. Due to the optimisation of the work of railway structures and implementation of state-of-the-art technologies, additional room can be released for commercial usage at railway stations. And this process is continuing.
The total amount of station area available to rent increased in 2013. And it will be increased even more in 2014. Therefore, about 12.3% of railway stations’ area will be given for commercial use, and the revenue gained is to grow by 11% in comparison with 2013.  
For that, the railways stations of the Sochi hub are being zoned before transferring them to the Directorate for Railway Stations on the threshold of the Olympic Games in 2014.

– What about traditional services for passengers?

– In this sphere we strive at implementing typical technological solutions. This helps to increase the quality of services and lower costs. In particular, a project of automatic baggage lockers is being carried out. An external investor – RZD – Development of Railway Stations – was attracted for that. Additional 540 lockers were installed at the Kazansky railway station in March 2013, of which 156 have already been put in operation, and the rest are being prepared for operation.
This year next-generation automatic lockers were improved: contactless smart cards are used as a means of payment and an access key. The number of such lockers is to amount to 3,600 in the near future, and to 5,300 in 2014. 
At 22 railway stations luggage storage services are available to be outsourced to network operators. Wi-Fi internet services have become traditional. More than 5,000 people use this service every day. Wi-Fi networks function at the 54 largest railway stations in Russia, including all stations on the Moscow transport hub. Before the end of 2014, the number of railway stations with internet is to grow to 100, including large and small stations. The cleaning business continues to develop: outsourcing companies are to service 167 facilities by the end of 2013, and 181 in 2014.

Smart Innovations

– The Directorate for Railway Stations invests a lot in innovative technologies. What do you focus on?

– In 2013-2014 the investment programme will focus on the widespread use of renewable environment-friendly energy sources. They are the sun, the wind, land, water, and air. Such projects have a long payback period. Therefore, it is reasonable to use innovative technologies for the construction of new facilities to get a multiplicative effect: in this case one can save on the cost of switching to power and heat-supplying networks, and sometimes – on the construction of power transmission lines. Practice shows that it is profitable to conclude long-term energy service contracts for the introduction of solar module systems and heat pumps (geothermal, solar collectors).
We plan to begin using air cleaning and purifying systems with a recirculation mode, which saves electric power and heat in a cold season.
All this complex equipment is integrated into the framework of the “Anapa Smart Railway Station” project. On July 31, 2013, a two-lot competition was announced – for the construction of an intelligent LED-lighting network and a single power saving system for heating, ventilation, conditioning, and hot water supply.
NIIAS OJSC is now completing the concept “Smart Railway Station”. They update it in accordance with the expanded Standard register of innovative technologies, changes in approach to the management of railway station complexes and the objectives of increasing the quality of services (including those for a barrier-free environment for people with limited mobility), and taking into account integrated complex safety systems. ®
Interviewed by Alexander Solntsev


Investments in infrastructure contribute to improving services for passengers. Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate
for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies
have invested in.


Investments in infrastructure contribute to improving services for passengers. Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate
for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies
have invested in.

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Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate <br /> for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies<br /> have invested in.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => private companies take an interest in the development of railway stations [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>Investments in infrastructure contribute to improving services for passengers. Attracting private investment and innovations assists the efficient development of railway stations. Sergey Abramov, Head of the Directorate <br /> for Railway Stations of RZD, talks about projects, which private companies<br /> have invested in.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Private Companies Take an Interest in the Development of Railway Stations ) )

Northern Sea Route: Restart

Northern Sea Route: Restart

The Northern Sea Route is now considered not only as an internal route for
the Arctic regions of Russia, but also as an international transport corridor, where the turnover of vessels carrying foreign flags has more than doubled in 2013.

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Strategy of Success

According to Alexander Olshevsky, Head of the Administration of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), over 614 permissions for navigation via the Arctic route were granted in 2013, much more than in the previous year (just over 400 permissions). During the navigation, 94 vessels carrying foreign flags sailed via the Northern Sea Route, of which 35 were of the 4th and the 5th ice class, i.e. had strengthened ship hulls, and two ships from the Arctia Shipping company (Finland) designed specially to be used in the Arctic. For the sake of comparison, only 46 transit vessels sailed via the NSR in 2012, 34 in 2011, and four in 2010.
 A significant proportion of the fleet sailing via the Northern Sea Route belongs to Scandinavian countries. Henrik Falk, Project Manager for Eastern Europe at Tschudi Shipping Company (Norway), said that the vessels are mainly dry bulk carriers and tankers. The latter transport oil bulk and LNG. Dry bulk carriers transport iron ore from Northern Europe to China. The potential of transit transportation of Norwegian LNG to Asia is estimated at 4 million tons, and that of Scandinavian iron ore to China – at approximately 5-7 million tons.
Specialists at Tschudi Shipping Company believe that a transport scheme, linking all the major points for handling and transit of mineral raw materials, should be created for the Arctic. It is Kirkenes in Norway. In Russia, such points could be Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. Commenting on this idea, specialists at Russian shipping companies said that the interest of the Norwegian to calling at the RF ports can be two-fold: firstly, they can load additional ore for transportation to China, secondly bunkering in Russian ports is cheaper than in Europe. Regardless of this, in the words of H. Falk, the logistics chain via the NSR is one third shorter than via the Panama Canal, thus saving about $180,000 per voyage. 
Besides, the Chinese have preferred to carry their goods to Europe themselves lately. In 2013, they began to use the Northern Sea Route for this purpose. Cosco Ships, specialising in bulk transportation, were the first to sail via the Arctic route. Consequently, a dry bulk carrier left the port of Dalian in the northwest of China for Rotterdam. The return voyage was a tramp – via the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean. There was no direct loading from Europe.
The second ship sent by Cosco via the NSR to Europe (again to Rotterdam but this time from the Taicang port near Shanghai) was a container vessel with hardware items and other general cargoes onboard. Again, its voyage lasted two weeks less than the traditional 48-day voyage via the southern route. Container transportation is another specialisation of Cosco. With the same deadweight (19,000 tons), each of the two vessels was typical of its class. Thus, the company used the NSR for the first time in 2013 in its two business activities to assess which of them they should develop in the future.
A month later after Cosco (in September 2013) a Chinese-Polish joint stock shipping company used the Northern Sea Route for its universal dry cargo ship. Experts say that in both cases a scheme similar to the strategy of Scandinavian shipowners was chosen: the northern provinces of China are linked to Northern Europe. Therefore, the shortest routes are taken. According to Tatyana Chekalova, Executive Secretary of the Marine Council at the Government of St Petersburg, voyages from Southern Europe to southern provinces of China are not so profitable because of the difference in the length of the northern and the southern routes. Not two weeks, but a little more than a week is saved this way. A representative of one of Russian companies noted that a ship can need additional bunkering.

No Pirates Among Ice

The new route greatly reduces costs for transportation. Also, as a manager of Cosco said, it allows diversifying such risk as piracy. From this viewpoint, the NSR is safer than sailing via southern seas, where ships can be attacked by pirates near the shore of Somalia between Indonesia and Malaysia. Also, the year of 2013 showed that the political situation in Europe can be unstable.
In their turn, South Korea chose in 2013 to approve the next route: the departure point was the Ust-Luga port (Russia), at berths of which 44,000 tons of petrochemicals were loaded into the tanker vessel. In 35 days the vessel called at Gwangyang. The journey took 10 days less in comparison with the route via the Suez Canal.
South Korea does not have its own ice class fleet. It does not mean, however, that the country’s shipyards cannot build such ships. As a reminder, Primorsk Sea Shipping Company (Prisco) has ordered tankers for northern routes at STX Shipbuilding (South Korea).
It became known recently that South Korea, China, and Japan are going to build the first Arctic nuclear ship. Deputy Director of the Institute of the Far East, Russian Academy of Science Andrey Ostrovsky said that it could mean that these countries were going to develop transportation via Arctic routes.  
Other sources confirm this. European countries are willing to receive goods from Asia via the NSR, wrote British newspaper “The Guardian” recently. Also information leaked via the Chinese mass media confirms that China plans to carry about 15 million tons of commercial cargo from Asia to Northern Europe via the Arctic by the summer of 2020. Also, 15 million tons of LNG and 10 million tons of oil may be carried via the Northern Sea Route. All in all, it is 40 million tons. It means that in 2020 the Chinese transit via this route could amount to 15% of the country’s foreign trade turnover.
According to some estimates, Beijing plans to carry at least 20% of its foreign trade turnover via the Northern Sea Route.
The development of trans-continental transportation and the use of the NSR were the main themes for discussion at the XVII meeting of the Russian-Chinese subcommittee for cooperation in the transport sector, held in September. “The freight base, which is in China, is of high importance to the cargo turnover of the Asian and the Pacific region and Europe. The Chinese party pays special interest to this international corridor. For the same reason, we think that the development of the Northern Sea Route is very important,” said Maxim Sokolov, Transport Minister of Russia, who headed the Russian party of the sub-committee, summing up the results of the meeting.
China, whose share of total world trade exceeds 20%, transports more than 70% of imports and 55% of exports, by sea. This country is developing its shipping actively, and believes that freight transportation via the Arctic is the way forward. 
Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General of IMO, acknowledged during the international conference “Arctic Shipping and Offshore Activities: Responding to Safety and Environmental Challenges ” held on October 17, 2013 in St Petersburg, that other countries in the Asian and Pacific regions have similar ambitions. He believes that in the next 5 years the NSR will be the main route through the Arctic. “We forecast that the transportation volume via this route will increase in the near future. The amount of transit from Asia to Europe will increase,” says K. Sekimizu. Other key states in the Asian and the Pacific region, as well as China, are working on transporting the majority of their transit by themselves.
For Russia, transit gives an additional stimulus for the development of the Northern Sea Route. And the important point is not in the increase in transported cargo volumes. Vladimir Arutyunyan, Head of Operations for the Fleet at Atomflot FSUE, notes that Asian cargoes load the Arctic route in the East – the West direction, while the fleet carrying Russian exports usually moves from the West to the East. It means that the historic disadvantage of Arctic transit, such as imbalanced cargo flow, gradually disappear.
In the words of Sergey Timofeev, Director of the Representative Office of BBC Chartering and Logistics GmbH and Co, the influx of foreign fleets stimulates competition and Russian shipowners’ interest in the northern routes.

A New Stage of the Development

V. Arutyunyan believes that over the next few years the Arctic transit could increase up to 15 million tons. Of course, 800 million tons are carried via the Suez Canal, but it is worth remembering once again that just four years ago the Russian Arctic route attracted no transit vessels at all.
Therefore, Alexander Davydenko, Head of the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot), said that Russia must promote the new stage in the development of the NSR. Some steps have already been taken towards that. The Administration of the Northern Sea Route was restored in 2013. Key facilities for safe shipping have been brought back to life.
Vladimir Domnyshev, Director General at SCF Arctic LLC, notes that the development of the infrastructure for shipping has become one of the reasons for the success of ice navigation. For example, the joint work of specialists at Sovcomflot and the Hydrographic Department carried out in 2011-2012 allowed captains of ships to access electronic navigational charts.
Additional investments are required to further increase transit transportation. Specialists at Rosmorrechflot believe that a new edition of the federal target programme World Ocean should be adopted. Measures must be taken to strengthen the position of the Northern Sea Route as an international transport corridor.
By Alexander Solntsev


Strategy of Success

According to Alexander Olshevsky, Head of the Administration of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), over 614 permissions for navigation via the Arctic route were granted in 2013, much more than in the previous year (just over 400 permissions). During the navigation, 94 vessels carrying foreign flags sailed via the Northern Sea Route, of which 35 were of the 4th and the 5th ice class, i.e. had strengthened ship hulls, and two ships from the Arctia Shipping company (Finland) designed specially to be used in the Arctic. For the sake of comparison, only 46 transit vessels sailed via the NSR in 2012, 34 in 2011, and four in 2010.
 A significant proportion of the fleet sailing via the Northern Sea Route belongs to Scandinavian countries. Henrik Falk, Project Manager for Eastern Europe at Tschudi Shipping Company (Norway), said that the vessels are mainly dry bulk carriers and tankers. The latter transport oil bulk and LNG. Dry bulk carriers transport iron ore from Northern Europe to China. The potential of transit transportation of Norwegian LNG to Asia is estimated at 4 million tons, and that of Scandinavian iron ore to China – at approximately 5-7 million tons.
Specialists at Tschudi Shipping Company believe that a transport scheme, linking all the major points for handling and transit of mineral raw materials, should be created for the Arctic. It is Kirkenes in Norway. In Russia, such points could be Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. Commenting on this idea, specialists at Russian shipping companies said that the interest of the Norwegian to calling at the RF ports can be two-fold: firstly, they can load additional ore for transportation to China, secondly bunkering in Russian ports is cheaper than in Europe. Regardless of this, in the words of H. Falk, the logistics chain via the NSR is one third shorter than via the Panama Canal, thus saving about $180,000 per voyage. 
Besides, the Chinese have preferred to carry their goods to Europe themselves lately. In 2013, they began to use the Northern Sea Route for this purpose. Cosco Ships, specialising in bulk transportation, were the first to sail via the Arctic route. Consequently, a dry bulk carrier left the port of Dalian in the northwest of China for Rotterdam. The return voyage was a tramp – via the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean. There was no direct loading from Europe.
The second ship sent by Cosco via the NSR to Europe (again to Rotterdam but this time from the Taicang port near Shanghai) was a container vessel with hardware items and other general cargoes onboard. Again, its voyage lasted two weeks less than the traditional 48-day voyage via the southern route. Container transportation is another specialisation of Cosco. With the same deadweight (19,000 tons), each of the two vessels was typical of its class. Thus, the company used the NSR for the first time in 2013 in its two business activities to assess which of them they should develop in the future.
A month later after Cosco (in September 2013) a Chinese-Polish joint stock shipping company used the Northern Sea Route for its universal dry cargo ship. Experts say that in both cases a scheme similar to the strategy of Scandinavian shipowners was chosen: the northern provinces of China are linked to Northern Europe. Therefore, the shortest routes are taken. According to Tatyana Chekalova, Executive Secretary of the Marine Council at the Government of St Petersburg, voyages from Southern Europe to southern provinces of China are not so profitable because of the difference in the length of the northern and the southern routes. Not two weeks, but a little more than a week is saved this way. A representative of one of Russian companies noted that a ship can need additional bunkering.

No Pirates Among Ice

The new route greatly reduces costs for transportation. Also, as a manager of Cosco said, it allows diversifying such risk as piracy. From this viewpoint, the NSR is safer than sailing via southern seas, where ships can be attacked by pirates near the shore of Somalia between Indonesia and Malaysia. Also, the year of 2013 showed that the political situation in Europe can be unstable.
In their turn, South Korea chose in 2013 to approve the next route: the departure point was the Ust-Luga port (Russia), at berths of which 44,000 tons of petrochemicals were loaded into the tanker vessel. In 35 days the vessel called at Gwangyang. The journey took 10 days less in comparison with the route via the Suez Canal.
South Korea does not have its own ice class fleet. It does not mean, however, that the country’s shipyards cannot build such ships. As a reminder, Primorsk Sea Shipping Company (Prisco) has ordered tankers for northern routes at STX Shipbuilding (South Korea).
It became known recently that South Korea, China, and Japan are going to build the first Arctic nuclear ship. Deputy Director of the Institute of the Far East, Russian Academy of Science Andrey Ostrovsky said that it could mean that these countries were going to develop transportation via Arctic routes.  
Other sources confirm this. European countries are willing to receive goods from Asia via the NSR, wrote British newspaper “The Guardian” recently. Also information leaked via the Chinese mass media confirms that China plans to carry about 15 million tons of commercial cargo from Asia to Northern Europe via the Arctic by the summer of 2020. Also, 15 million tons of LNG and 10 million tons of oil may be carried via the Northern Sea Route. All in all, it is 40 million tons. It means that in 2020 the Chinese transit via this route could amount to 15% of the country’s foreign trade turnover.
According to some estimates, Beijing plans to carry at least 20% of its foreign trade turnover via the Northern Sea Route.
The development of trans-continental transportation and the use of the NSR were the main themes for discussion at the XVII meeting of the Russian-Chinese subcommittee for cooperation in the transport sector, held in September. “The freight base, which is in China, is of high importance to the cargo turnover of the Asian and the Pacific region and Europe. The Chinese party pays special interest to this international corridor. For the same reason, we think that the development of the Northern Sea Route is very important,” said Maxim Sokolov, Transport Minister of Russia, who headed the Russian party of the sub-committee, summing up the results of the meeting.
China, whose share of total world trade exceeds 20%, transports more than 70% of imports and 55% of exports, by sea. This country is developing its shipping actively, and believes that freight transportation via the Arctic is the way forward. 
Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General of IMO, acknowledged during the international conference “Arctic Shipping and Offshore Activities: Responding to Safety and Environmental Challenges ” held on October 17, 2013 in St Petersburg, that other countries in the Asian and Pacific regions have similar ambitions. He believes that in the next 5 years the NSR will be the main route through the Arctic. “We forecast that the transportation volume via this route will increase in the near future. The amount of transit from Asia to Europe will increase,” says K. Sekimizu. Other key states in the Asian and the Pacific region, as well as China, are working on transporting the majority of their transit by themselves.
For Russia, transit gives an additional stimulus for the development of the Northern Sea Route. And the important point is not in the increase in transported cargo volumes. Vladimir Arutyunyan, Head of Operations for the Fleet at Atomflot FSUE, notes that Asian cargoes load the Arctic route in the East – the West direction, while the fleet carrying Russian exports usually moves from the West to the East. It means that the historic disadvantage of Arctic transit, such as imbalanced cargo flow, gradually disappear.
In the words of Sergey Timofeev, Director of the Representative Office of BBC Chartering and Logistics GmbH and Co, the influx of foreign fleets stimulates competition and Russian shipowners’ interest in the northern routes.

A New Stage of the Development

V. Arutyunyan believes that over the next few years the Arctic transit could increase up to 15 million tons. Of course, 800 million tons are carried via the Suez Canal, but it is worth remembering once again that just four years ago the Russian Arctic route attracted no transit vessels at all.
Therefore, Alexander Davydenko, Head of the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot), said that Russia must promote the new stage in the development of the NSR. Some steps have already been taken towards that. The Administration of the Northern Sea Route was restored in 2013. Key facilities for safe shipping have been brought back to life.
Vladimir Domnyshev, Director General at SCF Arctic LLC, notes that the development of the infrastructure for shipping has become one of the reasons for the success of ice navigation. For example, the joint work of specialists at Sovcomflot and the Hydrographic Department carried out in 2011-2012 allowed captains of ships to access electronic navigational charts.
Additional investments are required to further increase transit transportation. Specialists at Rosmorrechflot believe that a new edition of the federal target programme World Ocean should be adopted. Measures must be taken to strengthen the position of the Northern Sea Route as an international transport corridor.
By Alexander Solntsev


The Northern Sea Route is now considered not only as an internal route for
the Arctic regions of Russia, but also as an international transport corridor, where the turnover of vessels carrying foreign flags has more than doubled in 2013.


The Northern Sea Route is now considered not only as an internal route for
the Arctic regions of Russia, but also as an international transport corridor, where the turnover of vessels carrying foreign flags has more than doubled in 2013.

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considered not only as an internal route for <br /> the Arctic regions of Russia, but also as an international transport corridor, where the turnover of vessels carrying foreign flags has more than doubled in 2013.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart ) )

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Strategy of Success

According to Alexander Olshevsky, Head of the Administration of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), over 614 permissions for navigation via the Arctic route were granted in 2013, much more than in the previous year (just over 400 permissions). During the navigation, 94 vessels carrying foreign flags sailed via the Northern Sea Route, of which 35 were of the 4th and the 5th ice class, i.e. had strengthened ship hulls, and two ships from the Arctia Shipping company (Finland) designed specially to be used in the Arctic. For the sake of comparison, only 46 transit vessels sailed via the NSR in 2012, 34 in 2011, and four in 2010.
 A significant proportion of the fleet sailing via the Northern Sea Route belongs to Scandinavian countries. Henrik Falk, Project Manager for Eastern Europe at Tschudi Shipping Company (Norway), said that the vessels are mainly dry bulk carriers and tankers. The latter transport oil bulk and LNG. Dry bulk carriers transport iron ore from Northern Europe to China. The potential of transit transportation of Norwegian LNG to Asia is estimated at 4 million tons, and that of Scandinavian iron ore to China – at approximately 5-7 million tons.
Specialists at Tschudi Shipping Company believe that a transport scheme, linking all the major points for handling and transit of mineral raw materials, should be created for the Arctic. It is Kirkenes in Norway. In Russia, such points could be Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. Commenting on this idea, specialists at Russian shipping companies said that the interest of the Norwegian to calling at the RF ports can be two-fold: firstly, they can load additional ore for transportation to China, secondly bunkering in Russian ports is cheaper than in Europe. Regardless of this, in the words of H. Falk, the logistics chain via the NSR is one third shorter than via the Panama Canal, thus saving about $180,000 per voyage. 
Besides, the Chinese have preferred to carry their goods to Europe themselves lately. In 2013, they began to use the Northern Sea Route for this purpose. Cosco Ships, specialising in bulk transportation, were the first to sail via the Arctic route. Consequently, a dry bulk carrier left the port of Dalian in the northwest of China for Rotterdam. The return voyage was a tramp – via the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean. There was no direct loading from Europe.
The second ship sent by Cosco via the NSR to Europe (again to Rotterdam but this time from the Taicang port near Shanghai) was a container vessel with hardware items and other general cargoes onboard. Again, its voyage lasted two weeks less than the traditional 48-day voyage via the southern route. Container transportation is another specialisation of Cosco. With the same deadweight (19,000 tons), each of the two vessels was typical of its class. Thus, the company used the NSR for the first time in 2013 in its two business activities to assess which of them they should develop in the future.
A month later after Cosco (in September 2013) a Chinese-Polish joint stock shipping company used the Northern Sea Route for its universal dry cargo ship. Experts say that in both cases a scheme similar to the strategy of Scandinavian shipowners was chosen: the northern provinces of China are linked to Northern Europe. Therefore, the shortest routes are taken. According to Tatyana Chekalova, Executive Secretary of the Marine Council at the Government of St Petersburg, voyages from Southern Europe to southern provinces of China are not so profitable because of the difference in the length of the northern and the southern routes. Not two weeks, but a little more than a week is saved this way. A representative of one of Russian companies noted that a ship can need additional bunkering.

No Pirates Among Ice

The new route greatly reduces costs for transportation. Also, as a manager of Cosco said, it allows diversifying such risk as piracy. From this viewpoint, the NSR is safer than sailing via southern seas, where ships can be attacked by pirates near the shore of Somalia between Indonesia and Malaysia. Also, the year of 2013 showed that the political situation in Europe can be unstable.
In their turn, South Korea chose in 2013 to approve the next route: the departure point was the Ust-Luga port (Russia), at berths of which 44,000 tons of petrochemicals were loaded into the tanker vessel. In 35 days the vessel called at Gwangyang. The journey took 10 days less in comparison with the route via the Suez Canal.
South Korea does not have its own ice class fleet. It does not mean, however, that the country’s shipyards cannot build such ships. As a reminder, Primorsk Sea Shipping Company (Prisco) has ordered tankers for northern routes at STX Shipbuilding (South Korea).
It became known recently that South Korea, China, and Japan are going to build the first Arctic nuclear ship. Deputy Director of the Institute of the Far East, Russian Academy of Science Andrey Ostrovsky said that it could mean that these countries were going to develop transportation via Arctic routes.  
Other sources confirm this. European countries are willing to receive goods from Asia via the NSR, wrote British newspaper “The Guardian” recently. Also information leaked via the Chinese mass media confirms that China plans to carry about 15 million tons of commercial cargo from Asia to Northern Europe via the Arctic by the summer of 2020. Also, 15 million tons of LNG and 10 million tons of oil may be carried via the Northern Sea Route. All in all, it is 40 million tons. It means that in 2020 the Chinese transit via this route could amount to 15% of the country’s foreign trade turnover.
According to some estimates, Beijing plans to carry at least 20% of its foreign trade turnover via the Northern Sea Route.
The development of trans-continental transportation and the use of the NSR were the main themes for discussion at the XVII meeting of the Russian-Chinese subcommittee for cooperation in the transport sector, held in September. “The freight base, which is in China, is of high importance to the cargo turnover of the Asian and the Pacific region and Europe. The Chinese party pays special interest to this international corridor. For the same reason, we think that the development of the Northern Sea Route is very important,” said Maxim Sokolov, Transport Minister of Russia, who headed the Russian party of the sub-committee, summing up the results of the meeting.
China, whose share of total world trade exceeds 20%, transports more than 70% of imports and 55% of exports, by sea. This country is developing its shipping actively, and believes that freight transportation via the Arctic is the way forward. 
Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General of IMO, acknowledged during the international conference “Arctic Shipping and Offshore Activities: Responding to Safety and Environmental Challenges ” held on October 17, 2013 in St Petersburg, that other countries in the Asian and Pacific regions have similar ambitions. He believes that in the next 5 years the NSR will be the main route through the Arctic. “We forecast that the transportation volume via this route will increase in the near future. The amount of transit from Asia to Europe will increase,” says K. Sekimizu. Other key states in the Asian and the Pacific region, as well as China, are working on transporting the majority of their transit by themselves.
For Russia, transit gives an additional stimulus for the development of the Northern Sea Route. And the important point is not in the increase in transported cargo volumes. Vladimir Arutyunyan, Head of Operations for the Fleet at Atomflot FSUE, notes that Asian cargoes load the Arctic route in the East – the West direction, while the fleet carrying Russian exports usually moves from the West to the East. It means that the historic disadvantage of Arctic transit, such as imbalanced cargo flow, gradually disappear.
In the words of Sergey Timofeev, Director of the Representative Office of BBC Chartering and Logistics GmbH and Co, the influx of foreign fleets stimulates competition and Russian shipowners’ interest in the northern routes.

A New Stage of the Development

V. Arutyunyan believes that over the next few years the Arctic transit could increase up to 15 million tons. Of course, 800 million tons are carried via the Suez Canal, but it is worth remembering once again that just four years ago the Russian Arctic route attracted no transit vessels at all.
Therefore, Alexander Davydenko, Head of the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot), said that Russia must promote the new stage in the development of the NSR. Some steps have already been taken towards that. The Administration of the Northern Sea Route was restored in 2013. Key facilities for safe shipping have been brought back to life.
Vladimir Domnyshev, Director General at SCF Arctic LLC, notes that the development of the infrastructure for shipping has become one of the reasons for the success of ice navigation. For example, the joint work of specialists at Sovcomflot and the Hydrographic Department carried out in 2011-2012 allowed captains of ships to access electronic navigational charts.
Additional investments are required to further increase transit transportation. Specialists at Rosmorrechflot believe that a new edition of the federal target programme World Ocean should be adopted. Measures must be taken to strengthen the position of the Northern Sea Route as an international transport corridor.
By Alexander Solntsev


Strategy of Success

According to Alexander Olshevsky, Head of the Administration of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), over 614 permissions for navigation via the Arctic route were granted in 2013, much more than in the previous year (just over 400 permissions). During the navigation, 94 vessels carrying foreign flags sailed via the Northern Sea Route, of which 35 were of the 4th and the 5th ice class, i.e. had strengthened ship hulls, and two ships from the Arctia Shipping company (Finland) designed specially to be used in the Arctic. For the sake of comparison, only 46 transit vessels sailed via the NSR in 2012, 34 in 2011, and four in 2010.
 A significant proportion of the fleet sailing via the Northern Sea Route belongs to Scandinavian countries. Henrik Falk, Project Manager for Eastern Europe at Tschudi Shipping Company (Norway), said that the vessels are mainly dry bulk carriers and tankers. The latter transport oil bulk and LNG. Dry bulk carriers transport iron ore from Northern Europe to China. The potential of transit transportation of Norwegian LNG to Asia is estimated at 4 million tons, and that of Scandinavian iron ore to China – at approximately 5-7 million tons.
Specialists at Tschudi Shipping Company believe that a transport scheme, linking all the major points for handling and transit of mineral raw materials, should be created for the Arctic. It is Kirkenes in Norway. In Russia, such points could be Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. Commenting on this idea, specialists at Russian shipping companies said that the interest of the Norwegian to calling at the RF ports can be two-fold: firstly, they can load additional ore for transportation to China, secondly bunkering in Russian ports is cheaper than in Europe. Regardless of this, in the words of H. Falk, the logistics chain via the NSR is one third shorter than via the Panama Canal, thus saving about $180,000 per voyage. 
Besides, the Chinese have preferred to carry their goods to Europe themselves lately. In 2013, they began to use the Northern Sea Route for this purpose. Cosco Ships, specialising in bulk transportation, were the first to sail via the Arctic route. Consequently, a dry bulk carrier left the port of Dalian in the northwest of China for Rotterdam. The return voyage was a tramp – via the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean. There was no direct loading from Europe.
The second ship sent by Cosco via the NSR to Europe (again to Rotterdam but this time from the Taicang port near Shanghai) was a container vessel with hardware items and other general cargoes onboard. Again, its voyage lasted two weeks less than the traditional 48-day voyage via the southern route. Container transportation is another specialisation of Cosco. With the same deadweight (19,000 tons), each of the two vessels was typical of its class. Thus, the company used the NSR for the first time in 2013 in its two business activities to assess which of them they should develop in the future.
A month later after Cosco (in September 2013) a Chinese-Polish joint stock shipping company used the Northern Sea Route for its universal dry cargo ship. Experts say that in both cases a scheme similar to the strategy of Scandinavian shipowners was chosen: the northern provinces of China are linked to Northern Europe. Therefore, the shortest routes are taken. According to Tatyana Chekalova, Executive Secretary of the Marine Council at the Government of St Petersburg, voyages from Southern Europe to southern provinces of China are not so profitable because of the difference in the length of the northern and the southern routes. Not two weeks, but a little more than a week is saved this way. A representative of one of Russian companies noted that a ship can need additional bunkering.

No Pirates Among Ice

The new route greatly reduces costs for transportation. Also, as a manager of Cosco said, it allows diversifying such risk as piracy. From this viewpoint, the NSR is safer than sailing via southern seas, where ships can be attacked by pirates near the shore of Somalia between Indonesia and Malaysia. Also, the year of 2013 showed that the political situation in Europe can be unstable.
In their turn, South Korea chose in 2013 to approve the next route: the departure point was the Ust-Luga port (Russia), at berths of which 44,000 tons of petrochemicals were loaded into the tanker vessel. In 35 days the vessel called at Gwangyang. The journey took 10 days less in comparison with the route via the Suez Canal.
South Korea does not have its own ice class fleet. It does not mean, however, that the country’s shipyards cannot build such ships. As a reminder, Primorsk Sea Shipping Company (Prisco) has ordered tankers for northern routes at STX Shipbuilding (South Korea).
It became known recently that South Korea, China, and Japan are going to build the first Arctic nuclear ship. Deputy Director of the Institute of the Far East, Russian Academy of Science Andrey Ostrovsky said that it could mean that these countries were going to develop transportation via Arctic routes.  
Other sources confirm this. European countries are willing to receive goods from Asia via the NSR, wrote British newspaper “The Guardian” recently. Also information leaked via the Chinese mass media confirms that China plans to carry about 15 million tons of commercial cargo from Asia to Northern Europe via the Arctic by the summer of 2020. Also, 15 million tons of LNG and 10 million tons of oil may be carried via the Northern Sea Route. All in all, it is 40 million tons. It means that in 2020 the Chinese transit via this route could amount to 15% of the country’s foreign trade turnover.
According to some estimates, Beijing plans to carry at least 20% of its foreign trade turnover via the Northern Sea Route.
The development of trans-continental transportation and the use of the NSR were the main themes for discussion at the XVII meeting of the Russian-Chinese subcommittee for cooperation in the transport sector, held in September. “The freight base, which is in China, is of high importance to the cargo turnover of the Asian and the Pacific region and Europe. The Chinese party pays special interest to this international corridor. For the same reason, we think that the development of the Northern Sea Route is very important,” said Maxim Sokolov, Transport Minister of Russia, who headed the Russian party of the sub-committee, summing up the results of the meeting.
China, whose share of total world trade exceeds 20%, transports more than 70% of imports and 55% of exports, by sea. This country is developing its shipping actively, and believes that freight transportation via the Arctic is the way forward. 
Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General of IMO, acknowledged during the international conference “Arctic Shipping and Offshore Activities: Responding to Safety and Environmental Challenges ” held on October 17, 2013 in St Petersburg, that other countries in the Asian and Pacific regions have similar ambitions. He believes that in the next 5 years the NSR will be the main route through the Arctic. “We forecast that the transportation volume via this route will increase in the near future. The amount of transit from Asia to Europe will increase,” says K. Sekimizu. Other key states in the Asian and the Pacific region, as well as China, are working on transporting the majority of their transit by themselves.
For Russia, transit gives an additional stimulus for the development of the Northern Sea Route. And the important point is not in the increase in transported cargo volumes. Vladimir Arutyunyan, Head of Operations for the Fleet at Atomflot FSUE, notes that Asian cargoes load the Arctic route in the East – the West direction, while the fleet carrying Russian exports usually moves from the West to the East. It means that the historic disadvantage of Arctic transit, such as imbalanced cargo flow, gradually disappear.
In the words of Sergey Timofeev, Director of the Representative Office of BBC Chartering and Logistics GmbH and Co, the influx of foreign fleets stimulates competition and Russian shipowners’ interest in the northern routes.

A New Stage of the Development

V. Arutyunyan believes that over the next few years the Arctic transit could increase up to 15 million tons. Of course, 800 million tons are carried via the Suez Canal, but it is worth remembering once again that just four years ago the Russian Arctic route attracted no transit vessels at all.
Therefore, Alexander Davydenko, Head of the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot), said that Russia must promote the new stage in the development of the NSR. Some steps have already been taken towards that. The Administration of the Northern Sea Route was restored in 2013. Key facilities for safe shipping have been brought back to life.
Vladimir Domnyshev, Director General at SCF Arctic LLC, notes that the development of the infrastructure for shipping has become one of the reasons for the success of ice navigation. For example, the joint work of specialists at Sovcomflot and the Hydrographic Department carried out in 2011-2012 allowed captains of ships to access electronic navigational charts.
Additional investments are required to further increase transit transportation. Specialists at Rosmorrechflot believe that a new edition of the federal target programme World Ocean should be adopted. Measures must be taken to strengthen the position of the Northern Sea Route as an international transport corridor.
By Alexander Solntsev


The Northern Sea Route is now considered not only as an internal route for
the Arctic regions of Russia, but also as an international transport corridor, where the turnover of vessels carrying foreign flags has more than doubled in 2013.


The Northern Sea Route is now considered not only as an internal route for
the Arctic regions of Russia, but also as an international transport corridor, where the turnover of vessels carrying foreign flags has more than doubled in 2013.

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considered not only as an internal route for <br /> the Arctic regions of Russia, but also as an international transport corridor, where the turnover of vessels carrying foreign flags has more than doubled in 2013.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Northern Sea Route: Restart [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Northern Sea Route: Restart ) )

Transportation. Panorama

On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.

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Russia Opens Landmark North Korean Rail Link
On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.
Head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, who took part in the opening ceremony, said that the reconstructed line would transport coal and import goods from South Korea and Asian states. According to the plan, the single railway system of South Korea and isolated North Korea is to connect the Korean Peninsula with Europe via Russia.
The second phase of the project will include the construction of a container-handling facility and a terminal, the capacity of which will amount to 4 million tons, he said.
 “We, railway workers, are ready to cooperate. We always work for peace, and we hope that this project will not only promote peace on the Korean Peninsula, but help friendly and peaceful relations between our countries,” V. Yakunin was quoted as saying during the ceremony.

An Additional RUB 115 Million Will Be Allocated to Restore the Sakhalin Locomotive Fleet
Before the end of 2013, an additional RUB 115 million (approximately $3.5 million) will be allocated to improve the technical condition of diesel locomotives used on the Sakhalin railway network and to buy new line machinery, said Andrey Gorovoy, Head of the Far Eastern Directorate for Traction Rolling Stock Repair.
“RUB 85 million is allocated for the purchase of new line machinery. Another RUB 36.5 million will be spent to expand the repair programme. It is a large sum for Sakhalin,” said
A. Gorovoy. Additional funds must contribute to the stabilisation of the technical condition of the locomotive fleet. The average age of mainline locomotives of the TG16 series, which are in use on Sakhalin, is almost 40 years.
This year, there was a shortage of working locomotives, because of the lack of spares, new nodes, and power units.
He specified that the programme of diesel locomotives repair at the Sakhalin Railways for 2014 is being revised.

Kaztemirtrans Opens Direct Rail Service between Kazakhstan and Turkey
The first Kaztemirtrans wagons on the route Kazakhstan - Turkey were sent by train ferry from the port of Poti (Georgia) in the direction of the port Derince (Istanbul, Turkey) on the ship “Heroes of Shipka” on August 29, 2013.
On arrival at the port of Derince, the railway wagons were unloaded. On September 14, Kaztemirtrans wagons returned by ferry to the port of Poti for onward carriage of cargo by rail to Karagandy station.
“The project is being implemented through the active cooperation of several companies: shipping Ukrferry which is the largest Ukrainian ferry carrier on the Black Sea, Bati Rail - a well-known Turkish multimodal transport group, and Global Hauling - a Georgian transport company - regional operator of Kaztemirtrans JSC in Georgia,” noted the president of Kaztemirtrans Kanat Almagambetov.
The company intends to continue to work on the efficient use of its freight car fleet and expanding its geographical scope of operations. In the long term their ambition is the promotion of freight services by Kaztemirtrans wagons between the other countries of the Central Asian region - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey through this ferry and regional operator.

FCS and RZD Carry out Pilot Project to Streamline Customs Formalities
The Federal Customs Service of Russia (FCS) in cooperation with RZD is carrying out a pilot project to reduce the time needed for customs formalities on railway rolling stock and goods.
The project was developed to fulfill clauses 24 and 25 of the Activity Plan “Enhancement of Customs Administration” approved by governmental decree №1125-r dated 29.06.2012 (with amendments introduced by governmental decree №1721-r dated 26.09.2013).
To carry out the above mentioned clauses of the “road map”, the FCS issued orders №444 “The Temporary Order for Exchanging Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Destined for the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 11.03.2013 and №1490 “The Temporary Order for the Exchange of Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Leaving the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 24.07.2012. These orders define places, terms, and the procedure for carrying out the pilot project, and the list of participants. The list can be expanded if a participant in foreign economic activities wants to be added to it and is ready to meet the technical requirements set by RZD and consignees/consignors with regard to the usage of digital e-signatures, and if they notify the RF Federal Customs Service of their request to be added to the list of participants in the pilot zone.
The FCS plans to carry out the pilot project till December 31, 2014, and believes that the circle of its participants will expand.

Trend of Decline in Prices for Cargo Railcar Repair
There has appeared a trend of some decline in prices for repair of wagons, says Valery Shpakov, CEO of New Forwarding Company (a part of Globaltrans).
“Because of a decrease in cargo transportation, some rolling stock owners send it to idle, as a result wagon repair companies have spare capacity. Consequently, there appeared a trend of some decline in prices of services in this sector. Rolling stock owners in this situation choose the most profitable conditions of work for themselves,” he says. Also, new private depots appear, thus creating additional competition.
“One of the most important criteria for choosing a repair depot is the quality of repair, especially wagon casting, car underframe, wheel-sets, and brake equipment,” he notes.

SG-Trans Begins to Transport Cargo in Tank Containers
In October, SG-Trans dispatched the first batch of liquid bulk in tank containers.
Special rolling stock comprising 20-foot tank containers of the T11 and T14 models were used. Technical specifics of the wagon fleet allow the transport of liquefied gases and liquids, including hazardous ones.
By the end of 2014, SG-Trans plans to use approximately 3,000 wagons for this type of transportation and to get a 30% market share. Cargo in tank containers will be transported from stations in the areas of Moscow, Gorkov, Kuibyshev, the South-Urals, Western-Siberia, and Krasnoyarsk, to ports in Russia, the Baltic States, and Finland.

Terminal for Large-Capacity Containers Opened in Moscow

A reconstructed terminal for servicing large-capacity containers was put into operation at the Moscow-Tovarnaya-Paveletskaya station.
After the modernisation, the usable area of the terminal is more than 32,000 sq m. A new container yard for large-capacity containers was put into operation. Its capacity exceeds 1,500 TEU, and its size is almost 20,000 sq m. The capacity of the terminal grew by 70% to 2,845 TEU, and its handling capacity increased by more than 50%. Investment in the reconstruction of the terminal amounted to RUB 250 million.
“This container terminal meets all present-day requirements. Without a network of such terminals, you cannot organise regular cargo traffic,” said Salman Babayev, Vice President for Commercial Activities of RZD.

Heavy Fuel Oil Terminal Launched in Taman Port
Tamanneftegaz, a subsidiary of Russky Mir (controlled by the OTEKO holding company) put into operation a heavy oil fuel terminal in the Taman port.
Investment in the terminal was $180 million. The design capacity of the new facility is 4.5 million tons per annum.
OTEKO began to carry out the project to create a complex of deep-water terminals in the Taman port in 2005. The project had three phases: construction of terminals for oil, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, and heavy fuel oil. In 2012, Tamanneftegaz launched terminals for LHG and oil. Last year, the company handled 1.441 million tons of freight, and loaded 30 tankers.

Outlook for Loading Volumes and Cargo Turnover on the Russian Railway Network for 2014-2016
RZD submitted their loading volume and cargo turnover forecasts on the Russian railway network for 2014-2016 to the Government.
According to the forecasts, there will be a slight decline in many transportation sectors in 2014, which will be replaced by moderate growth over the subsequent two years.
The transporter believes that transportation of only two cargoes will increase next year: oil bulk (+3.1%) and grain and cereals (+16.3%). Loading volumes of other cargoes will be either slightly reduced (e.g. mineral and construction materials (-1%), metal ore (-0.4%)) or remain at the same level (e.g. coal). On the whole, it will contribute to only a 0.4% increase in comparison with 2013. As for the cargo turnover, the situation will hardly change. The outlook for the year is +0.6%. RZD forecast that the cargo turnover will rise in coal (+0.5%), oil (+3.5%), timber (+0.3%), and grain (+14.1%) sectors.

Ukraine and Turkey Intend to Jointly Develop “Viking” Project
Ukrzaliznytsia (the Administration of Railways of Ukraine) and Turkish State Railways (TCDD) signed a Memorandum about the development of the “Viking” project (transportation by a container train on the Baltic Sea – to the Black Sea route).
The document envisages the creation of a Black Sea transport corridor using the “Viking” train.
According to the Memorandum, the parties are to contribute to attracting cargo flows to load the “Viking” train; define directions for the expansion of the “Viking” route by means of gaining access to the Turkish ports; and to coordinate efforts to attract other countries as additional participants in the project. Also, the parties are going to form competitive conditions for the “Viking’s” work.
Additionally, the parties are ready to attract representatives from the sea transport market to the project – operators of sea transportation on the Black and the Baltic seas. The target of this initiative is to create conditions to attract sea container cargoes to the “Viking” route.

Rostransnadzor Implements Network of Automated Controlling Centres for Railways
The RF Federal Service for Transport Supervision (Rostransnadzor) launched a network of automated controlling centres for railways with regional offices in eight cities in Russia, said Gennady Sarafanov, Head of the Administration for State Railway Supervision at Rostransnadzor.
He added that according to the information from Rostransnadzor, safety standards are most often violated by railcar owners trying to extend the rolling stock’s lifespan.


Russia Opens Landmark North Korean Rail Link
On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.
Head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, who took part in the opening ceremony, said that the reconstructed line would transport coal and import goods from South Korea and Asian states. According to the plan, the single railway system of South Korea and isolated North Korea is to connect the Korean Peninsula with Europe via Russia.
The second phase of the project will include the construction of a container-handling facility and a terminal, the capacity of which will amount to 4 million tons, he said.
 “We, railway workers, are ready to cooperate. We always work for peace, and we hope that this project will not only promote peace on the Korean Peninsula, but help friendly and peaceful relations between our countries,” V. Yakunin was quoted as saying during the ceremony.

An Additional RUB 115 Million Will Be Allocated to Restore the Sakhalin Locomotive Fleet
Before the end of 2013, an additional RUB 115 million (approximately $3.5 million) will be allocated to improve the technical condition of diesel locomotives used on the Sakhalin railway network and to buy new line machinery, said Andrey Gorovoy, Head of the Far Eastern Directorate for Traction Rolling Stock Repair.
“RUB 85 million is allocated for the purchase of new line machinery. Another RUB 36.5 million will be spent to expand the repair programme. It is a large sum for Sakhalin,” said
A. Gorovoy. Additional funds must contribute to the stabilisation of the technical condition of the locomotive fleet. The average age of mainline locomotives of the TG16 series, which are in use on Sakhalin, is almost 40 years.
This year, there was a shortage of working locomotives, because of the lack of spares, new nodes, and power units.
He specified that the programme of diesel locomotives repair at the Sakhalin Railways for 2014 is being revised.

Kaztemirtrans Opens Direct Rail Service between Kazakhstan and Turkey
The first Kaztemirtrans wagons on the route Kazakhstan - Turkey were sent by train ferry from the port of Poti (Georgia) in the direction of the port Derince (Istanbul, Turkey) on the ship “Heroes of Shipka” on August 29, 2013.
On arrival at the port of Derince, the railway wagons were unloaded. On September 14, Kaztemirtrans wagons returned by ferry to the port of Poti for onward carriage of cargo by rail to Karagandy station.
“The project is being implemented through the active cooperation of several companies: shipping Ukrferry which is the largest Ukrainian ferry carrier on the Black Sea, Bati Rail - a well-known Turkish multimodal transport group, and Global Hauling - a Georgian transport company - regional operator of Kaztemirtrans JSC in Georgia,” noted the president of Kaztemirtrans Kanat Almagambetov.
The company intends to continue to work on the efficient use of its freight car fleet and expanding its geographical scope of operations. In the long term their ambition is the promotion of freight services by Kaztemirtrans wagons between the other countries of the Central Asian region - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey through this ferry and regional operator.

FCS and RZD Carry out Pilot Project to Streamline Customs Formalities
The Federal Customs Service of Russia (FCS) in cooperation with RZD is carrying out a pilot project to reduce the time needed for customs formalities on railway rolling stock and goods.
The project was developed to fulfill clauses 24 and 25 of the Activity Plan “Enhancement of Customs Administration” approved by governmental decree №1125-r dated 29.06.2012 (with amendments introduced by governmental decree №1721-r dated 26.09.2013).
To carry out the above mentioned clauses of the “road map”, the FCS issued orders №444 “The Temporary Order for Exchanging Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Destined for the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 11.03.2013 and №1490 “The Temporary Order for the Exchange of Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Leaving the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 24.07.2012. These orders define places, terms, and the procedure for carrying out the pilot project, and the list of participants. The list can be expanded if a participant in foreign economic activities wants to be added to it and is ready to meet the technical requirements set by RZD and consignees/consignors with regard to the usage of digital e-signatures, and if they notify the RF Federal Customs Service of their request to be added to the list of participants in the pilot zone.
The FCS plans to carry out the pilot project till December 31, 2014, and believes that the circle of its participants will expand.

Trend of Decline in Prices for Cargo Railcar Repair
There has appeared a trend of some decline in prices for repair of wagons, says Valery Shpakov, CEO of New Forwarding Company (a part of Globaltrans).
“Because of a decrease in cargo transportation, some rolling stock owners send it to idle, as a result wagon repair companies have spare capacity. Consequently, there appeared a trend of some decline in prices of services in this sector. Rolling stock owners in this situation choose the most profitable conditions of work for themselves,” he says. Also, new private depots appear, thus creating additional competition.
“One of the most important criteria for choosing a repair depot is the quality of repair, especially wagon casting, car underframe, wheel-sets, and brake equipment,” he notes.

SG-Trans Begins to Transport Cargo in Tank Containers
In October, SG-Trans dispatched the first batch of liquid bulk in tank containers.
Special rolling stock comprising 20-foot tank containers of the T11 and T14 models were used. Technical specifics of the wagon fleet allow the transport of liquefied gases and liquids, including hazardous ones.
By the end of 2014, SG-Trans plans to use approximately 3,000 wagons for this type of transportation and to get a 30% market share. Cargo in tank containers will be transported from stations in the areas of Moscow, Gorkov, Kuibyshev, the South-Urals, Western-Siberia, and Krasnoyarsk, to ports in Russia, the Baltic States, and Finland.

Terminal for Large-Capacity Containers Opened in Moscow

A reconstructed terminal for servicing large-capacity containers was put into operation at the Moscow-Tovarnaya-Paveletskaya station.
After the modernisation, the usable area of the terminal is more than 32,000 sq m. A new container yard for large-capacity containers was put into operation. Its capacity exceeds 1,500 TEU, and its size is almost 20,000 sq m. The capacity of the terminal grew by 70% to 2,845 TEU, and its handling capacity increased by more than 50%. Investment in the reconstruction of the terminal amounted to RUB 250 million.
“This container terminal meets all present-day requirements. Without a network of such terminals, you cannot organise regular cargo traffic,” said Salman Babayev, Vice President for Commercial Activities of RZD.

Heavy Fuel Oil Terminal Launched in Taman Port
Tamanneftegaz, a subsidiary of Russky Mir (controlled by the OTEKO holding company) put into operation a heavy oil fuel terminal in the Taman port.
Investment in the terminal was $180 million. The design capacity of the new facility is 4.5 million tons per annum.
OTEKO began to carry out the project to create a complex of deep-water terminals in the Taman port in 2005. The project had three phases: construction of terminals for oil, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, and heavy fuel oil. In 2012, Tamanneftegaz launched terminals for LHG and oil. Last year, the company handled 1.441 million tons of freight, and loaded 30 tankers.

Outlook for Loading Volumes and Cargo Turnover on the Russian Railway Network for 2014-2016
RZD submitted their loading volume and cargo turnover forecasts on the Russian railway network for 2014-2016 to the Government.
According to the forecasts, there will be a slight decline in many transportation sectors in 2014, which will be replaced by moderate growth over the subsequent two years.
The transporter believes that transportation of only two cargoes will increase next year: oil bulk (+3.1%) and grain and cereals (+16.3%). Loading volumes of other cargoes will be either slightly reduced (e.g. mineral and construction materials (-1%), metal ore (-0.4%)) or remain at the same level (e.g. coal). On the whole, it will contribute to only a 0.4% increase in comparison with 2013. As for the cargo turnover, the situation will hardly change. The outlook for the year is +0.6%. RZD forecast that the cargo turnover will rise in coal (+0.5%), oil (+3.5%), timber (+0.3%), and grain (+14.1%) sectors.

Ukraine and Turkey Intend to Jointly Develop “Viking” Project
Ukrzaliznytsia (the Administration of Railways of Ukraine) and Turkish State Railways (TCDD) signed a Memorandum about the development of the “Viking” project (transportation by a container train on the Baltic Sea – to the Black Sea route).
The document envisages the creation of a Black Sea transport corridor using the “Viking” train.
According to the Memorandum, the parties are to contribute to attracting cargo flows to load the “Viking” train; define directions for the expansion of the “Viking” route by means of gaining access to the Turkish ports; and to coordinate efforts to attract other countries as additional participants in the project. Also, the parties are going to form competitive conditions for the “Viking’s” work.
Additionally, the parties are ready to attract representatives from the sea transport market to the project – operators of sea transportation on the Black and the Baltic seas. The target of this initiative is to create conditions to attract sea container cargoes to the “Viking” route.

Rostransnadzor Implements Network of Automated Controlling Centres for Railways
The RF Federal Service for Transport Supervision (Rostransnadzor) launched a network of automated controlling centres for railways with regional offices in eight cities in Russia, said Gennady Sarafanov, Head of the Administration for State Railway Supervision at Rostransnadzor.
He added that according to the information from Rostransnadzor, safety standards are most often violated by railcar owners trying to extend the rolling stock’s lifespan.


On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.


On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.

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=> Y [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Дополнительные фотографии [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [PUBLIC_ACCESS] => Array ( [ID] => 110 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Открытый доступ [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => PUBLIC_ACCESS [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => L [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => C [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Открытый доступ [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => 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Panorama [SECTION_META_KEYWORDS] => transportation. panorama [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => transportation. panorama [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama ) )

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Russia Opens Landmark North Korean Rail Link
On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.
Head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, who took part in the opening ceremony, said that the reconstructed line would transport coal and import goods from South Korea and Asian states. According to the plan, the single railway system of South Korea and isolated North Korea is to connect the Korean Peninsula with Europe via Russia.
The second phase of the project will include the construction of a container-handling facility and a terminal, the capacity of which will amount to 4 million tons, he said.
 “We, railway workers, are ready to cooperate. We always work for peace, and we hope that this project will not only promote peace on the Korean Peninsula, but help friendly and peaceful relations between our countries,” V. Yakunin was quoted as saying during the ceremony.

An Additional RUB 115 Million Will Be Allocated to Restore the Sakhalin Locomotive Fleet
Before the end of 2013, an additional RUB 115 million (approximately $3.5 million) will be allocated to improve the technical condition of diesel locomotives used on the Sakhalin railway network and to buy new line machinery, said Andrey Gorovoy, Head of the Far Eastern Directorate for Traction Rolling Stock Repair.
“RUB 85 million is allocated for the purchase of new line machinery. Another RUB 36.5 million will be spent to expand the repair programme. It is a large sum for Sakhalin,” said
A. Gorovoy. Additional funds must contribute to the stabilisation of the technical condition of the locomotive fleet. The average age of mainline locomotives of the TG16 series, which are in use on Sakhalin, is almost 40 years.
This year, there was a shortage of working locomotives, because of the lack of spares, new nodes, and power units.
He specified that the programme of diesel locomotives repair at the Sakhalin Railways for 2014 is being revised.

Kaztemirtrans Opens Direct Rail Service between Kazakhstan and Turkey
The first Kaztemirtrans wagons on the route Kazakhstan - Turkey were sent by train ferry from the port of Poti (Georgia) in the direction of the port Derince (Istanbul, Turkey) on the ship “Heroes of Shipka” on August 29, 2013.
On arrival at the port of Derince, the railway wagons were unloaded. On September 14, Kaztemirtrans wagons returned by ferry to the port of Poti for onward carriage of cargo by rail to Karagandy station.
“The project is being implemented through the active cooperation of several companies: shipping Ukrferry which is the largest Ukrainian ferry carrier on the Black Sea, Bati Rail - a well-known Turkish multimodal transport group, and Global Hauling - a Georgian transport company - regional operator of Kaztemirtrans JSC in Georgia,” noted the president of Kaztemirtrans Kanat Almagambetov.
The company intends to continue to work on the efficient use of its freight car fleet and expanding its geographical scope of operations. In the long term their ambition is the promotion of freight services by Kaztemirtrans wagons between the other countries of the Central Asian region - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey through this ferry and regional operator.

FCS and RZD Carry out Pilot Project to Streamline Customs Formalities
The Federal Customs Service of Russia (FCS) in cooperation with RZD is carrying out a pilot project to reduce the time needed for customs formalities on railway rolling stock and goods.
The project was developed to fulfill clauses 24 and 25 of the Activity Plan “Enhancement of Customs Administration” approved by governmental decree №1125-r dated 29.06.2012 (with amendments introduced by governmental decree №1721-r dated 26.09.2013).
To carry out the above mentioned clauses of the “road map”, the FCS issued orders №444 “The Temporary Order for Exchanging Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Destined for the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 11.03.2013 and №1490 “The Temporary Order for the Exchange of Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Leaving the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 24.07.2012. These orders define places, terms, and the procedure for carrying out the pilot project, and the list of participants. The list can be expanded if a participant in foreign economic activities wants to be added to it and is ready to meet the technical requirements set by RZD and consignees/consignors with regard to the usage of digital e-signatures, and if they notify the RF Federal Customs Service of their request to be added to the list of participants in the pilot zone.
The FCS plans to carry out the pilot project till December 31, 2014, and believes that the circle of its participants will expand.

Trend of Decline in Prices for Cargo Railcar Repair
There has appeared a trend of some decline in prices for repair of wagons, says Valery Shpakov, CEO of New Forwarding Company (a part of Globaltrans).
“Because of a decrease in cargo transportation, some rolling stock owners send it to idle, as a result wagon repair companies have spare capacity. Consequently, there appeared a trend of some decline in prices of services in this sector. Rolling stock owners in this situation choose the most profitable conditions of work for themselves,” he says. Also, new private depots appear, thus creating additional competition.
“One of the most important criteria for choosing a repair depot is the quality of repair, especially wagon casting, car underframe, wheel-sets, and brake equipment,” he notes.

SG-Trans Begins to Transport Cargo in Tank Containers
In October, SG-Trans dispatched the first batch of liquid bulk in tank containers.
Special rolling stock comprising 20-foot tank containers of the T11 and T14 models were used. Technical specifics of the wagon fleet allow the transport of liquefied gases and liquids, including hazardous ones.
By the end of 2014, SG-Trans plans to use approximately 3,000 wagons for this type of transportation and to get a 30% market share. Cargo in tank containers will be transported from stations in the areas of Moscow, Gorkov, Kuibyshev, the South-Urals, Western-Siberia, and Krasnoyarsk, to ports in Russia, the Baltic States, and Finland.

Terminal for Large-Capacity Containers Opened in Moscow

A reconstructed terminal for servicing large-capacity containers was put into operation at the Moscow-Tovarnaya-Paveletskaya station.
After the modernisation, the usable area of the terminal is more than 32,000 sq m. A new container yard for large-capacity containers was put into operation. Its capacity exceeds 1,500 TEU, and its size is almost 20,000 sq m. The capacity of the terminal grew by 70% to 2,845 TEU, and its handling capacity increased by more than 50%. Investment in the reconstruction of the terminal amounted to RUB 250 million.
“This container terminal meets all present-day requirements. Without a network of such terminals, you cannot organise regular cargo traffic,” said Salman Babayev, Vice President for Commercial Activities of RZD.

Heavy Fuel Oil Terminal Launched in Taman Port
Tamanneftegaz, a subsidiary of Russky Mir (controlled by the OTEKO holding company) put into operation a heavy oil fuel terminal in the Taman port.
Investment in the terminal was $180 million. The design capacity of the new facility is 4.5 million tons per annum.
OTEKO began to carry out the project to create a complex of deep-water terminals in the Taman port in 2005. The project had three phases: construction of terminals for oil, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, and heavy fuel oil. In 2012, Tamanneftegaz launched terminals for LHG and oil. Last year, the company handled 1.441 million tons of freight, and loaded 30 tankers.

Outlook for Loading Volumes and Cargo Turnover on the Russian Railway Network for 2014-2016
RZD submitted their loading volume and cargo turnover forecasts on the Russian railway network for 2014-2016 to the Government.
According to the forecasts, there will be a slight decline in many transportation sectors in 2014, which will be replaced by moderate growth over the subsequent two years.
The transporter believes that transportation of only two cargoes will increase next year: oil bulk (+3.1%) and grain and cereals (+16.3%). Loading volumes of other cargoes will be either slightly reduced (e.g. mineral and construction materials (-1%), metal ore (-0.4%)) or remain at the same level (e.g. coal). On the whole, it will contribute to only a 0.4% increase in comparison with 2013. As for the cargo turnover, the situation will hardly change. The outlook for the year is +0.6%. RZD forecast that the cargo turnover will rise in coal (+0.5%), oil (+3.5%), timber (+0.3%), and grain (+14.1%) sectors.

Ukraine and Turkey Intend to Jointly Develop “Viking” Project
Ukrzaliznytsia (the Administration of Railways of Ukraine) and Turkish State Railways (TCDD) signed a Memorandum about the development of the “Viking” project (transportation by a container train on the Baltic Sea – to the Black Sea route).
The document envisages the creation of a Black Sea transport corridor using the “Viking” train.
According to the Memorandum, the parties are to contribute to attracting cargo flows to load the “Viking” train; define directions for the expansion of the “Viking” route by means of gaining access to the Turkish ports; and to coordinate efforts to attract other countries as additional participants in the project. Also, the parties are going to form competitive conditions for the “Viking’s” work.
Additionally, the parties are ready to attract representatives from the sea transport market to the project – operators of sea transportation on the Black and the Baltic seas. The target of this initiative is to create conditions to attract sea container cargoes to the “Viking” route.

Rostransnadzor Implements Network of Automated Controlling Centres for Railways
The RF Federal Service for Transport Supervision (Rostransnadzor) launched a network of automated controlling centres for railways with regional offices in eight cities in Russia, said Gennady Sarafanov, Head of the Administration for State Railway Supervision at Rostransnadzor.
He added that according to the information from Rostransnadzor, safety standards are most often violated by railcar owners trying to extend the rolling stock’s lifespan.


Russia Opens Landmark North Korean Rail Link
On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.
Head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, who took part in the opening ceremony, said that the reconstructed line would transport coal and import goods from South Korea and Asian states. According to the plan, the single railway system of South Korea and isolated North Korea is to connect the Korean Peninsula with Europe via Russia.
The second phase of the project will include the construction of a container-handling facility and a terminal, the capacity of which will amount to 4 million tons, he said.
 “We, railway workers, are ready to cooperate. We always work for peace, and we hope that this project will not only promote peace on the Korean Peninsula, but help friendly and peaceful relations between our countries,” V. Yakunin was quoted as saying during the ceremony.

An Additional RUB 115 Million Will Be Allocated to Restore the Sakhalin Locomotive Fleet
Before the end of 2013, an additional RUB 115 million (approximately $3.5 million) will be allocated to improve the technical condition of diesel locomotives used on the Sakhalin railway network and to buy new line machinery, said Andrey Gorovoy, Head of the Far Eastern Directorate for Traction Rolling Stock Repair.
“RUB 85 million is allocated for the purchase of new line machinery. Another RUB 36.5 million will be spent to expand the repair programme. It is a large sum for Sakhalin,” said
A. Gorovoy. Additional funds must contribute to the stabilisation of the technical condition of the locomotive fleet. The average age of mainline locomotives of the TG16 series, which are in use on Sakhalin, is almost 40 years.
This year, there was a shortage of working locomotives, because of the lack of spares, new nodes, and power units.
He specified that the programme of diesel locomotives repair at the Sakhalin Railways for 2014 is being revised.

Kaztemirtrans Opens Direct Rail Service between Kazakhstan and Turkey
The first Kaztemirtrans wagons on the route Kazakhstan - Turkey were sent by train ferry from the port of Poti (Georgia) in the direction of the port Derince (Istanbul, Turkey) on the ship “Heroes of Shipka” on August 29, 2013.
On arrival at the port of Derince, the railway wagons were unloaded. On September 14, Kaztemirtrans wagons returned by ferry to the port of Poti for onward carriage of cargo by rail to Karagandy station.
“The project is being implemented through the active cooperation of several companies: shipping Ukrferry which is the largest Ukrainian ferry carrier on the Black Sea, Bati Rail - a well-known Turkish multimodal transport group, and Global Hauling - a Georgian transport company - regional operator of Kaztemirtrans JSC in Georgia,” noted the president of Kaztemirtrans Kanat Almagambetov.
The company intends to continue to work on the efficient use of its freight car fleet and expanding its geographical scope of operations. In the long term their ambition is the promotion of freight services by Kaztemirtrans wagons between the other countries of the Central Asian region - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey through this ferry and regional operator.

FCS and RZD Carry out Pilot Project to Streamline Customs Formalities
The Federal Customs Service of Russia (FCS) in cooperation with RZD is carrying out a pilot project to reduce the time needed for customs formalities on railway rolling stock and goods.
The project was developed to fulfill clauses 24 and 25 of the Activity Plan “Enhancement of Customs Administration” approved by governmental decree №1125-r dated 29.06.2012 (with amendments introduced by governmental decree №1721-r dated 26.09.2013).
To carry out the above mentioned clauses of the “road map”, the FCS issued orders №444 “The Temporary Order for Exchanging Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Destined for the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 11.03.2013 and №1490 “The Temporary Order for the Exchange of Electronic Documents and Information During Customs Procedures and Customs Control for Railway Vehicles and Goods Leaving the Customs Space of the Customs Union” dated 24.07.2012. These orders define places, terms, and the procedure for carrying out the pilot project, and the list of participants. The list can be expanded if a participant in foreign economic activities wants to be added to it and is ready to meet the technical requirements set by RZD and consignees/consignors with regard to the usage of digital e-signatures, and if they notify the RF Federal Customs Service of their request to be added to the list of participants in the pilot zone.
The FCS plans to carry out the pilot project till December 31, 2014, and believes that the circle of its participants will expand.

Trend of Decline in Prices for Cargo Railcar Repair
There has appeared a trend of some decline in prices for repair of wagons, says Valery Shpakov, CEO of New Forwarding Company (a part of Globaltrans).
“Because of a decrease in cargo transportation, some rolling stock owners send it to idle, as a result wagon repair companies have spare capacity. Consequently, there appeared a trend of some decline in prices of services in this sector. Rolling stock owners in this situation choose the most profitable conditions of work for themselves,” he says. Also, new private depots appear, thus creating additional competition.
“One of the most important criteria for choosing a repair depot is the quality of repair, especially wagon casting, car underframe, wheel-sets, and brake equipment,” he notes.

SG-Trans Begins to Transport Cargo in Tank Containers
In October, SG-Trans dispatched the first batch of liquid bulk in tank containers.
Special rolling stock comprising 20-foot tank containers of the T11 and T14 models were used. Technical specifics of the wagon fleet allow the transport of liquefied gases and liquids, including hazardous ones.
By the end of 2014, SG-Trans plans to use approximately 3,000 wagons for this type of transportation and to get a 30% market share. Cargo in tank containers will be transported from stations in the areas of Moscow, Gorkov, Kuibyshev, the South-Urals, Western-Siberia, and Krasnoyarsk, to ports in Russia, the Baltic States, and Finland.

Terminal for Large-Capacity Containers Opened in Moscow

A reconstructed terminal for servicing large-capacity containers was put into operation at the Moscow-Tovarnaya-Paveletskaya station.
After the modernisation, the usable area of the terminal is more than 32,000 sq m. A new container yard for large-capacity containers was put into operation. Its capacity exceeds 1,500 TEU, and its size is almost 20,000 sq m. The capacity of the terminal grew by 70% to 2,845 TEU, and its handling capacity increased by more than 50%. Investment in the reconstruction of the terminal amounted to RUB 250 million.
“This container terminal meets all present-day requirements. Without a network of such terminals, you cannot organise regular cargo traffic,” said Salman Babayev, Vice President for Commercial Activities of RZD.

Heavy Fuel Oil Terminal Launched in Taman Port
Tamanneftegaz, a subsidiary of Russky Mir (controlled by the OTEKO holding company) put into operation a heavy oil fuel terminal in the Taman port.
Investment in the terminal was $180 million. The design capacity of the new facility is 4.5 million tons per annum.
OTEKO began to carry out the project to create a complex of deep-water terminals in the Taman port in 2005. The project had three phases: construction of terminals for oil, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, and heavy fuel oil. In 2012, Tamanneftegaz launched terminals for LHG and oil. Last year, the company handled 1.441 million tons of freight, and loaded 30 tankers.

Outlook for Loading Volumes and Cargo Turnover on the Russian Railway Network for 2014-2016
RZD submitted their loading volume and cargo turnover forecasts on the Russian railway network for 2014-2016 to the Government.
According to the forecasts, there will be a slight decline in many transportation sectors in 2014, which will be replaced by moderate growth over the subsequent two years.
The transporter believes that transportation of only two cargoes will increase next year: oil bulk (+3.1%) and grain and cereals (+16.3%). Loading volumes of other cargoes will be either slightly reduced (e.g. mineral and construction materials (-1%), metal ore (-0.4%)) or remain at the same level (e.g. coal). On the whole, it will contribute to only a 0.4% increase in comparison with 2013. As for the cargo turnover, the situation will hardly change. The outlook for the year is +0.6%. RZD forecast that the cargo turnover will rise in coal (+0.5%), oil (+3.5%), timber (+0.3%), and grain (+14.1%) sectors.

Ukraine and Turkey Intend to Jointly Develop “Viking” Project
Ukrzaliznytsia (the Administration of Railways of Ukraine) and Turkish State Railways (TCDD) signed a Memorandum about the development of the “Viking” project (transportation by a container train on the Baltic Sea – to the Black Sea route).
The document envisages the creation of a Black Sea transport corridor using the “Viking” train.
According to the Memorandum, the parties are to contribute to attracting cargo flows to load the “Viking” train; define directions for the expansion of the “Viking” route by means of gaining access to the Turkish ports; and to coordinate efforts to attract other countries as additional participants in the project. Also, the parties are going to form competitive conditions for the “Viking’s” work.
Additionally, the parties are ready to attract representatives from the sea transport market to the project – operators of sea transportation on the Black and the Baltic seas. The target of this initiative is to create conditions to attract sea container cargoes to the “Viking” route.

Rostransnadzor Implements Network of Automated Controlling Centres for Railways
The RF Federal Service for Transport Supervision (Rostransnadzor) launched a network of automated controlling centres for railways with regional offices in eight cities in Russia, said Gennady Sarafanov, Head of the Administration for State Railway Supervision at Rostransnadzor.
He added that according to the information from Rostransnadzor, safety standards are most often violated by railcar owners trying to extend the rolling stock’s lifespan.


On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.


On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.

[PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => html [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => html [PREVIEW_PICTURE] => [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => [LANG_DIR] => / [~LANG_DIR] => / [CODE] => transportation--panorama4-13 [~CODE] => transportation--panorama4-13 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 8899 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 8899 [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => info [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => info [IBLOCK_CODE] => articles_magazines [~IBLOCK_CODE] => articles_magazines [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [LID] => s1 [~LID] => s1 [EDIT_LINK] => [DELETE_LINK] => [DISPLAY_ACTIVE_FROM] => [FIELDS] => Array ( ) [PROPERTIES] => Array ( [AUTHOR] => Array ( [ID] => 97 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Автор [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 400 [CODE] => AUTHOR [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => S [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => Y [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Автор [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96793:97 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [AUTHOR_PHOTO] => Array ( [ID] => 108 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Автор фото [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 410 [CODE] => AUTHOR_PHOTO [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => S [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Автор фото [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96793:108 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [ISSUE] => Array ( [ID] => 93 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Выпуск [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => ISSUE [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => E [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => Y [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Выпуск [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => 94702 [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96793:93 [DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => 94702 [~DESCRIPTION] => ) [BLOG_POST_ID] => Array ( [ID] => 94 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => ID поста блога для комментариев [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => BLOG_POST_ID [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => N [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => ID поста блога для комментариев [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96793:94 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT] => Array ( [ID] => 95 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Количество комментариев [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => N [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Количество комментариев [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96793:95 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [MORE_PHOTO] => Array ( [ID] => 98 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Дополнительные фотографии [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => MORE_PHOTO [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => F [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Дополнительные фотографии [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [PUBLIC_ACCESS] => Array ( [ID] => 110 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Открытый доступ [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => PUBLIC_ACCESS [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => L [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => C [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Открытый доступ [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96793:110 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM_ID] => ) [ATTACHED_PDF] => Array ( [ID] => 324 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Прикрепленный PDF [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => ATTACHED_PDF [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => F [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => pdf [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Прикрепленный PDF [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96793:324 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) ) [DISPLAY_PROPERTIES] => Array ( ) [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( [SECTION_META_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [SECTION_META_KEYWORDS] => transportation. panorama [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => transportation. panorama [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>On September 22, 2013, Russia reopened a 54-kilometer railway link connecting the North Korean port city of Rason with the Russian border town of Khasan as part of a project that is expected to speed up shipments and trade in the region.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Transportation. Panorama [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Transportation. Panorama ) )

A Network of Corridors

A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?

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Huge potential

Nine transport corridors will link the 28 EU member countries in 2015. Their creation is intended to resolve a number of problems for the transport sector. For example, the problem of an insufficient number of routes, particularly in cross-border areas, which is a really serious obstacle to the free movement of goods today.
For example, the route of a project which will connect Poland and Germany was presented in TEN-T for the first time. Accordingly, there are three elements: Szczecin-Berlin, Warsaw-Berlin and Dresden–Wroclaw. The Warsaw–Berlin line is also a part of the corridor, which extends from Rotterdam to Tallinn.
German ports were also not previously connected with the Central European countries – Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania. Now they will be linked into one eastern corridor. Slovakia and the Czech Republic have not been previously linked with southern Germany. Now we have two network connections: Prague–Nurnberg–Frankfurt and Prague–Munich–Stuttgart.  Both of these routes pass along the corridor from the Rhine to the Danube. The most important is the corridor from Rotterdam–Genoa. But there are currently many bottlenecks on this line: in Ebenhauzene, Basel and Milan.

Necessary acceleration

While a number of routes exist only in the scheme, and transport infrastructure continues to be fragmented within the EU, there is no large-scale development of intermodality at the moment. Many freight terminals, passenger stations, ports, airports can operate just with one mode of transport, which creates bottlenecks.
The current situation is that freight trains move along many international corridors with an average speed of 18 kph, while the average speed on domestic routes is 25 kph. Travel time is often lost because of both complex cross-border operations and the lack of cooperation between transport operators. The result is that railcars, unlike road transport, deliver cargos too slowly, it contributes to the growth of popularity of the road transport.
Development of rail freight corridors should prepare shippers for the fact that within a few years, the trend will change in any case. The EU has taken a course to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and according to a White Paper, 60% of goods is to be switched to the railway.

At one’s own pace

Today the European Commission plans to develop the nine corridors. Each of them must meet the following requirements: to be able to serve three types of transport, to merge three EU member states and to pass through at least two border crossings.
“In my opinion, in 2050 for freight traffic over a distance of 300 kilometers railways will be used predominantly. The creation of these freight corridors provided by the new legislation will allow operators to attract new customers to this environmentally friendly mode of transport,” – said Siim Kallas, European Commissioner responsible of transport.
The problem of control of the functioning of corridors is already solved – there will not be pressure on companies, carriers actually provide it themselves. At least, it is promised by the International Union of Railways (the UIC). According to Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, the Director General of the organization, the system of advisory councils will be launched. It will monitor both the work of railway companies and the progress of the project in general. These advisory institutions will be established to ensure dialogue between the authorities and railway companies, they will be involved in planning of development of infrastructure and they will control the connection of new countries to certain routes. But it does not mean the establishment of strict control.
With the coming into force of the Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 regarding the Unified European railway network, freight corridors are created at their own pace and without legal pressure.
By Christina Alexandrova

Bernd Weiler,
Head of Communications Transportation and Logistics, International DB Schenker:

– The rail freight corridors are intended to make international rail freight transport more competitive and to encourage a shift from road to rail. If the measures included in the regulation (such as pre-arranged train paths for international rail freight), are implemented in an appropriate way, the situation of rail freight will improve. Although very few trains run along the entire corridor, as the majority use only a short section, there could be a positive impact to all freight traffic.
Issues of technical harmonisation, of course, exist along the rail freight corridors. They include e.g. ERTMS, train length, axle weight or cross acceptance of locomotives. However, the issues of technical harmonisation seem minor compared to the additional administrative burden for the railway undertakings and the lack of harmonisation for operational rules. The corridor regime is established by the infrastructure managers. The corridor one stop shop (C-OSS) is for capacity allocation and distribution of international Pre-arranged Paths (PaP) on the corridor, which adds another administrative layer to the existing infrastructure administration, which is contrary to EU-regulations. If the EU-regulation for rail freight corridors is implemented in a practical and cooperative manner between all relevant parties (IM’s, RU’s, Member States), additional bureaucracy can be avoided. This could be a chance for a smooth international process. On the other hand there is as well the risk of a lack of harmonisation across the rail freight corridors that could further aggravate the situation for the railway undertakings.


Huge potential

Nine transport corridors will link the 28 EU member countries in 2015. Their creation is intended to resolve a number of problems for the transport sector. For example, the problem of an insufficient number of routes, particularly in cross-border areas, which is a really serious obstacle to the free movement of goods today.
For example, the route of a project which will connect Poland and Germany was presented in TEN-T for the first time. Accordingly, there are three elements: Szczecin-Berlin, Warsaw-Berlin and Dresden–Wroclaw. The Warsaw–Berlin line is also a part of the corridor, which extends from Rotterdam to Tallinn.
German ports were also not previously connected with the Central European countries – Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania. Now they will be linked into one eastern corridor. Slovakia and the Czech Republic have not been previously linked with southern Germany. Now we have two network connections: Prague–Nurnberg–Frankfurt and Prague–Munich–Stuttgart.  Both of these routes pass along the corridor from the Rhine to the Danube. The most important is the corridor from Rotterdam–Genoa. But there are currently many bottlenecks on this line: in Ebenhauzene, Basel and Milan.

Necessary acceleration

While a number of routes exist only in the scheme, and transport infrastructure continues to be fragmented within the EU, there is no large-scale development of intermodality at the moment. Many freight terminals, passenger stations, ports, airports can operate just with one mode of transport, which creates bottlenecks.
The current situation is that freight trains move along many international corridors with an average speed of 18 kph, while the average speed on domestic routes is 25 kph. Travel time is often lost because of both complex cross-border operations and the lack of cooperation between transport operators. The result is that railcars, unlike road transport, deliver cargos too slowly, it contributes to the growth of popularity of the road transport.
Development of rail freight corridors should prepare shippers for the fact that within a few years, the trend will change in any case. The EU has taken a course to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and according to a White Paper, 60% of goods is to be switched to the railway.

At one’s own pace

Today the European Commission plans to develop the nine corridors. Each of them must meet the following requirements: to be able to serve three types of transport, to merge three EU member states and to pass through at least two border crossings.
“In my opinion, in 2050 for freight traffic over a distance of 300 kilometers railways will be used predominantly. The creation of these freight corridors provided by the new legislation will allow operators to attract new customers to this environmentally friendly mode of transport,” – said Siim Kallas, European Commissioner responsible of transport.
The problem of control of the functioning of corridors is already solved – there will not be pressure on companies, carriers actually provide it themselves. At least, it is promised by the International Union of Railways (the UIC). According to Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, the Director General of the organization, the system of advisory councils will be launched. It will monitor both the work of railway companies and the progress of the project in general. These advisory institutions will be established to ensure dialogue between the authorities and railway companies, they will be involved in planning of development of infrastructure and they will control the connection of new countries to certain routes. But it does not mean the establishment of strict control.
With the coming into force of the Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 regarding the Unified European railway network, freight corridors are created at their own pace and without legal pressure.
By Christina Alexandrova

Bernd Weiler,
Head of Communications Transportation and Logistics, International DB Schenker:

– The rail freight corridors are intended to make international rail freight transport more competitive and to encourage a shift from road to rail. If the measures included in the regulation (such as pre-arranged train paths for international rail freight), are implemented in an appropriate way, the situation of rail freight will improve. Although very few trains run along the entire corridor, as the majority use only a short section, there could be a positive impact to all freight traffic.
Issues of technical harmonisation, of course, exist along the rail freight corridors. They include e.g. ERTMS, train length, axle weight or cross acceptance of locomotives. However, the issues of technical harmonisation seem minor compared to the additional administrative burden for the railway undertakings and the lack of harmonisation for operational rules. The corridor regime is established by the infrastructure managers. The corridor one stop shop (C-OSS) is for capacity allocation and distribution of international Pre-arranged Paths (PaP) on the corridor, which adds another administrative layer to the existing infrastructure administration, which is contrary to EU-regulations. If the EU-regulation for rail freight corridors is implemented in a practical and cooperative manner between all relevant parties (IM’s, RU’s, Member States), additional bureaucracy can be avoided. This could be a chance for a smooth international process. On the other hand there is as well the risk of a lack of harmonisation across the rail freight corridors that could further aggravate the situation for the railway undertakings.


A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?


A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?

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[~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:97 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [AUTHOR_PHOTO] => Array ( [ID] => 108 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Автор фото [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 410 [CODE] => AUTHOR_PHOTO [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => S [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Автор фото [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:108 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [ISSUE] => Array ( [ID] => 93 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Выпуск [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => ISSUE [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => E [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => Y [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Выпуск [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => 94702 [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:93 [DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => 94702 [~DESCRIPTION] => ) [BLOG_POST_ID] => Array ( [ID] => 94 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => ID поста блога для комментариев [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => BLOG_POST_ID [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => N [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => ID поста блога для комментариев [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:94 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT] => Array ( [ID] => 95 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Количество комментариев [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => N [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Количество комментариев [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:95 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [MORE_PHOTO] => Array ( [ID] => 98 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Дополнительные фотографии [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => MORE_PHOTO [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => F [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Дополнительные фотографии [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [PUBLIC_ACCESS] => Array ( [ID] => 110 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Открытый доступ [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => PUBLIC_ACCESS [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => L [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => C [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Открытый доступ [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:110 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM_ID] => ) [ATTACHED_PDF] => Array ( [ID] => 324 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Прикрепленный PDF [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => ATTACHED_PDF [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => F [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => pdf [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Прикрепленный PDF [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:324 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) ) [DISPLAY_PROPERTIES] => Array ( ) [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( [SECTION_META_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_META_KEYWORDS] => a network of corridors [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => a network of corridors [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors ) )

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    [NAME] => A Network of Corridors
    [~NAME] => A Network of Corridors
    [ACTIVE_FROM_X] => 
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    [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /info/index.php?ID=25
    [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /info/index.php?ID=25
    [DETAIL_TEXT] => 

Huge potential

Nine transport corridors will link the 28 EU member countries in 2015. Their creation is intended to resolve a number of problems for the transport sector. For example, the problem of an insufficient number of routes, particularly in cross-border areas, which is a really serious obstacle to the free movement of goods today.
For example, the route of a project which will connect Poland and Germany was presented in TEN-T for the first time. Accordingly, there are three elements: Szczecin-Berlin, Warsaw-Berlin and Dresden–Wroclaw. The Warsaw–Berlin line is also a part of the corridor, which extends from Rotterdam to Tallinn.
German ports were also not previously connected with the Central European countries – Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania. Now they will be linked into one eastern corridor. Slovakia and the Czech Republic have not been previously linked with southern Germany. Now we have two network connections: Prague–Nurnberg–Frankfurt and Prague–Munich–Stuttgart.  Both of these routes pass along the corridor from the Rhine to the Danube. The most important is the corridor from Rotterdam–Genoa. But there are currently many bottlenecks on this line: in Ebenhauzene, Basel and Milan.

Necessary acceleration

While a number of routes exist only in the scheme, and transport infrastructure continues to be fragmented within the EU, there is no large-scale development of intermodality at the moment. Many freight terminals, passenger stations, ports, airports can operate just with one mode of transport, which creates bottlenecks.
The current situation is that freight trains move along many international corridors with an average speed of 18 kph, while the average speed on domestic routes is 25 kph. Travel time is often lost because of both complex cross-border operations and the lack of cooperation between transport operators. The result is that railcars, unlike road transport, deliver cargos too slowly, it contributes to the growth of popularity of the road transport.
Development of rail freight corridors should prepare shippers for the fact that within a few years, the trend will change in any case. The EU has taken a course to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and according to a White Paper, 60% of goods is to be switched to the railway.

At one’s own pace

Today the European Commission plans to develop the nine corridors. Each of them must meet the following requirements: to be able to serve three types of transport, to merge three EU member states and to pass through at least two border crossings.
“In my opinion, in 2050 for freight traffic over a distance of 300 kilometers railways will be used predominantly. The creation of these freight corridors provided by the new legislation will allow operators to attract new customers to this environmentally friendly mode of transport,” – said Siim Kallas, European Commissioner responsible of transport.
The problem of control of the functioning of corridors is already solved – there will not be pressure on companies, carriers actually provide it themselves. At least, it is promised by the International Union of Railways (the UIC). According to Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, the Director General of the organization, the system of advisory councils will be launched. It will monitor both the work of railway companies and the progress of the project in general. These advisory institutions will be established to ensure dialogue between the authorities and railway companies, they will be involved in planning of development of infrastructure and they will control the connection of new countries to certain routes. But it does not mean the establishment of strict control.
With the coming into force of the Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 regarding the Unified European railway network, freight corridors are created at their own pace and without legal pressure.
By Christina Alexandrova

Bernd Weiler,
Head of Communications Transportation and Logistics, International DB Schenker:

– The rail freight corridors are intended to make international rail freight transport more competitive and to encourage a shift from road to rail. If the measures included in the regulation (such as pre-arranged train paths for international rail freight), are implemented in an appropriate way, the situation of rail freight will improve. Although very few trains run along the entire corridor, as the majority use only a short section, there could be a positive impact to all freight traffic.
Issues of technical harmonisation, of course, exist along the rail freight corridors. They include e.g. ERTMS, train length, axle weight or cross acceptance of locomotives. However, the issues of technical harmonisation seem minor compared to the additional administrative burden for the railway undertakings and the lack of harmonisation for operational rules. The corridor regime is established by the infrastructure managers. The corridor one stop shop (C-OSS) is for capacity allocation and distribution of international Pre-arranged Paths (PaP) on the corridor, which adds another administrative layer to the existing infrastructure administration, which is contrary to EU-regulations. If the EU-regulation for rail freight corridors is implemented in a practical and cooperative manner between all relevant parties (IM’s, RU’s, Member States), additional bureaucracy can be avoided. This could be a chance for a smooth international process. On the other hand there is as well the risk of a lack of harmonisation across the rail freight corridors that could further aggravate the situation for the railway undertakings.


Huge potential

Nine transport corridors will link the 28 EU member countries in 2015. Their creation is intended to resolve a number of problems for the transport sector. For example, the problem of an insufficient number of routes, particularly in cross-border areas, which is a really serious obstacle to the free movement of goods today.
For example, the route of a project which will connect Poland and Germany was presented in TEN-T for the first time. Accordingly, there are three elements: Szczecin-Berlin, Warsaw-Berlin and Dresden–Wroclaw. The Warsaw–Berlin line is also a part of the corridor, which extends from Rotterdam to Tallinn.
German ports were also not previously connected with the Central European countries – Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania. Now they will be linked into one eastern corridor. Slovakia and the Czech Republic have not been previously linked with southern Germany. Now we have two network connections: Prague–Nurnberg–Frankfurt and Prague–Munich–Stuttgart.  Both of these routes pass along the corridor from the Rhine to the Danube. The most important is the corridor from Rotterdam–Genoa. But there are currently many bottlenecks on this line: in Ebenhauzene, Basel and Milan.

Necessary acceleration

While a number of routes exist only in the scheme, and transport infrastructure continues to be fragmented within the EU, there is no large-scale development of intermodality at the moment. Many freight terminals, passenger stations, ports, airports can operate just with one mode of transport, which creates bottlenecks.
The current situation is that freight trains move along many international corridors with an average speed of 18 kph, while the average speed on domestic routes is 25 kph. Travel time is often lost because of both complex cross-border operations and the lack of cooperation between transport operators. The result is that railcars, unlike road transport, deliver cargos too slowly, it contributes to the growth of popularity of the road transport.
Development of rail freight corridors should prepare shippers for the fact that within a few years, the trend will change in any case. The EU has taken a course to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and according to a White Paper, 60% of goods is to be switched to the railway.

At one’s own pace

Today the European Commission plans to develop the nine corridors. Each of them must meet the following requirements: to be able to serve three types of transport, to merge three EU member states and to pass through at least two border crossings.
“In my opinion, in 2050 for freight traffic over a distance of 300 kilometers railways will be used predominantly. The creation of these freight corridors provided by the new legislation will allow operators to attract new customers to this environmentally friendly mode of transport,” – said Siim Kallas, European Commissioner responsible of transport.
The problem of control of the functioning of corridors is already solved – there will not be pressure on companies, carriers actually provide it themselves. At least, it is promised by the International Union of Railways (the UIC). According to Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, the Director General of the organization, the system of advisory councils will be launched. It will monitor both the work of railway companies and the progress of the project in general. These advisory institutions will be established to ensure dialogue between the authorities and railway companies, they will be involved in planning of development of infrastructure and they will control the connection of new countries to certain routes. But it does not mean the establishment of strict control.
With the coming into force of the Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 regarding the Unified European railway network, freight corridors are created at their own pace and without legal pressure.
By Christina Alexandrova

Bernd Weiler,
Head of Communications Transportation and Logistics, International DB Schenker:

– The rail freight corridors are intended to make international rail freight transport more competitive and to encourage a shift from road to rail. If the measures included in the regulation (such as pre-arranged train paths for international rail freight), are implemented in an appropriate way, the situation of rail freight will improve. Although very few trains run along the entire corridor, as the majority use only a short section, there could be a positive impact to all freight traffic.
Issues of technical harmonisation, of course, exist along the rail freight corridors. They include e.g. ERTMS, train length, axle weight or cross acceptance of locomotives. However, the issues of technical harmonisation seem minor compared to the additional administrative burden for the railway undertakings and the lack of harmonisation for operational rules. The corridor regime is established by the infrastructure managers. The corridor one stop shop (C-OSS) is for capacity allocation and distribution of international Pre-arranged Paths (PaP) on the corridor, which adds another administrative layer to the existing infrastructure administration, which is contrary to EU-regulations. If the EU-regulation for rail freight corridors is implemented in a practical and cooperative manner between all relevant parties (IM’s, RU’s, Member States), additional bureaucracy can be avoided. This could be a chance for a smooth international process. On the other hand there is as well the risk of a lack of harmonisation across the rail freight corridors that could further aggravate the situation for the railway undertakings.


A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?


A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?

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[~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:97 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [AUTHOR_PHOTO] => Array ( [ID] => 108 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Автор фото [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 410 [CODE] => AUTHOR_PHOTO [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => S [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Автор фото [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:108 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [ISSUE] => Array ( [ID] => 93 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Выпуск [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => ISSUE [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => E [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => Y [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Выпуск [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => 94702 [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:93 [DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => 94702 [~DESCRIPTION] => ) [BLOG_POST_ID] => Array ( [ID] => 94 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => ID поста блога для комментариев [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => BLOG_POST_ID [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => N [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => ID поста блога для комментариев [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:94 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT] => Array ( [ID] => 95 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Количество комментариев [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => N [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Количество комментариев [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:95 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [MORE_PHOTO] => Array ( [ID] => 98 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Дополнительные фотографии [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => MORE_PHOTO [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => F [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Дополнительные фотографии [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) [PUBLIC_ACCESS] => Array ( [ID] => 110 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Открытый доступ [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => PUBLIC_ACCESS [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => L [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => C [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Открытый доступ [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:110 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM_ID] => ) [ATTACHED_PDF] => Array ( [ID] => 324 [IBLOCK_ID] => 25 [NAME] => Прикрепленный PDF [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => ATTACHED_PDF [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => F [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => N [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => pdf [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 0 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 2 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Прикрепленный PDF [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => 96792:324 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~VALUE] => ) ) [DISPLAY_PROPERTIES] => Array ( ) [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( [SECTION_META_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_META_KEYWORDS] => a network of corridors [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => a network of corridors [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>A system of European rail freight corridors has been designed in order to create a Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T. To achieve this the European Commission plans to increase financing of infrastructure until 2020 year threefold. There is no doubt that the railway has huge potential, but could a complex management mechanism destroy everything?</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => A Network of Corridors [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => A Network of Corridors ) )

Future Trends in the Passenger Market

Future Trends  in the Passenger Market

The period from today until 2020 will be critical for the European rail industry. Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.

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    [~NAME] => Future Trends  in the Passenger Market
    [ACTIVE_FROM_X] => 
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    [ACTIVE_FROM] => 
    [~ACTIVE_FROM] => 
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    [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 01.09.2016 18:07:13
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    [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /publications/rzd-partner-int/36/future-trends--in-the-passenger-market/
    [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /info/index.php?ID=25
    [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /info/index.php?ID=25
    [DETAIL_TEXT] => 

Potential for Growth

– Mr Drexler, passenger rail travel has changed radically in Europe over the last few years. What trends will define the future of this sector in your opinion?

– Liberalisation will of course be an important factor in the evolving rail landscape in the coming years. As competition increases, it will become ever more important to rail companies to find new ways to generate revenues and increase efficiency, and perhaps we’ll see rail companies look to generate revenue growth through new products and services, which will enhance the journey experience that they can offer the traveller. Thinking about what the traveller wants and needs, and adopting a customer-orientated approach to meet these, is perhaps one of the most important trends: rail companies will need to put the traveller at the heart of everything they do.
I also think that multimodality is a really important trend for the future of European passenger rail: we will see rail cooperating and connecting more effectively with other transport modes. This is the vision of the EC’s Roadmap to an Integrated European Transport System, which paints a picture of a truly multimodal Europe, where travellers can easily and habitually combine different transport modes to best match the requirements of their journey, from door-to-door. Rail is at the heart of this vision, not only for long-distance and medium-distance journeys, but also providing commuter and urban rail services within and around cities and towns, often serving as the middle link between airline services and other modes of ground transportation.

– But don’t you think that it may increase the fragmentation of the market we see today?

– Liberalisation can lead to some fragmentation as the market becomes more complex and competitive.  In many ways, this can spur positive change – for example, rail companies may choose to respond to this changing marketplace by creating partnerships and cooperating with other providers to provide new options and services for the traveller.

– What are the major threats for the European rail market today?

– There is significant potential for growth in the European rail industry, thanks to an expanding high-speed network, a growing consumer appetite for rail, and industry liberalisation. Rail companies can make the most of this opportunity by moving towards a customer-orientated model, putting the customer at the heart of everything they do, in order to secure competitive differentiation and open up new sources of revenue from passenger rail. It’s important that rail companies act now so that they don’t miss this opportunity.

No Domination

– It is an open secret that competition exists only in theory, but not in practice now. Why are national operators are still dominating in the EU?

– National operators remain the biggest rail companies in Europe, and liberalisation – which will help to spur competition on domestic and cross-border routes - has only been implemented in recent years. The way is being paved for new market entrants, but it will take more time before we see how this alters the rail landscape.

– What can you say about the competition between different transport modes? What type of transport is dominating?

– I don’t believe that any transport type is ‘dominating’; travellers use numerous different modes, at different times, and in different ways. What’s much more significant is the way in which these transport modes work together to create a multi-modal service, allowing the traveller to use multiple modes to create the most cost and time-efficient journey possible.
Amadeus is leading the All Ways Travelling consortium, and one of its key aims is to evaluate the marketing and technical feasibility for the emergence of multimodal passenger transport information and booking capabilities in the European travel market. Increasing cooperation between different transport modes will have significant benefits for the traveller; they will be afforded a wider range of options, allowing them to pick the most cost and time-effective journey.

Brand Is Important

– What will be more important for passengers in future – price or variety of services?

– Each passenger has different priorities: some will be guided by price, others with look for a variety of services to be offered during their journey, and others will be looking at journey times. In an age of greater personalisation, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach is no longer appropriate, and customising a journey around a traveller’s individual needs will be key. What’s imperative is that the travellers can shop for and book the fare that best meets their needs, at the time that they need to, and in the way that suits them best.

– What factors will transform rail industry in your opinion?

– In our report ‘The Rail Journey to 2020’, published earlier this year, we highlighted six key factors which will shape the development of the rail industry over the period to 2020. The first of these is liberalisation, as I’ve discussed. We also believe that new market entrants will be an important factor, as will the completion of new high-speed lines: Europe’s high-speed network will add 5000 km between 2012 and 2020.
Continuing the infrastructure theme, the development of new hubs is another important factor – through its TEN-T programme (Trans-European Transport Network), the EU aims to support the introduction of multimodal hubs at 37 key airports by 2030. This will support another important factor: greater levels of cooperation,  both between rail companies and between railways and airlines, which will be key to delivering the kind of seamless passenger experiences that will drive up passenger volumes.
Finally and fundamentally, railways’ costs remain an important factor. Over the period to 2020, the chief impact on railways’ costs are likely to be external and relate to economic conditions. Longer-term, structural changes driven by liberalisation may alter the cost base as rail operators seek efficiencies and to leverage their scale.

– So what are your predictions - how will rail market change by 2020?

– Passenger rail providers will face a very different world in 2020: we anticipate that long-distance passenger traffic in Europe will increase by 21% (2.2% annually) to reach over 1.35 billion by 2020. The surge in customer demand will mean the rail operators will need to operate with a traveller-centric approach, and offer a high-quality, stable service to the customer. For the first time, service and brand differentiation will become a key weapon in the battle for the loyalty of the 21st century rail traveller.
By Christina Alexandrova


Potential for Growth

– Mr Drexler, passenger rail travel has changed radically in Europe over the last few years. What trends will define the future of this sector in your opinion?

– Liberalisation will of course be an important factor in the evolving rail landscape in the coming years. As competition increases, it will become ever more important to rail companies to find new ways to generate revenues and increase efficiency, and perhaps we’ll see rail companies look to generate revenue growth through new products and services, which will enhance the journey experience that they can offer the traveller. Thinking about what the traveller wants and needs, and adopting a customer-orientated approach to meet these, is perhaps one of the most important trends: rail companies will need to put the traveller at the heart of everything they do.
I also think that multimodality is a really important trend for the future of European passenger rail: we will see rail cooperating and connecting more effectively with other transport modes. This is the vision of the EC’s Roadmap to an Integrated European Transport System, which paints a picture of a truly multimodal Europe, where travellers can easily and habitually combine different transport modes to best match the requirements of their journey, from door-to-door. Rail is at the heart of this vision, not only for long-distance and medium-distance journeys, but also providing commuter and urban rail services within and around cities and towns, often serving as the middle link between airline services and other modes of ground transportation.

– But don’t you think that it may increase the fragmentation of the market we see today?

– Liberalisation can lead to some fragmentation as the market becomes more complex and competitive.  In many ways, this can spur positive change – for example, rail companies may choose to respond to this changing marketplace by creating partnerships and cooperating with other providers to provide new options and services for the traveller.

– What are the major threats for the European rail market today?

– There is significant potential for growth in the European rail industry, thanks to an expanding high-speed network, a growing consumer appetite for rail, and industry liberalisation. Rail companies can make the most of this opportunity by moving towards a customer-orientated model, putting the customer at the heart of everything they do, in order to secure competitive differentiation and open up new sources of revenue from passenger rail. It’s important that rail companies act now so that they don’t miss this opportunity.

No Domination

– It is an open secret that competition exists only in theory, but not in practice now. Why are national operators are still dominating in the EU?

– National operators remain the biggest rail companies in Europe, and liberalisation – which will help to spur competition on domestic and cross-border routes - has only been implemented in recent years. The way is being paved for new market entrants, but it will take more time before we see how this alters the rail landscape.

– What can you say about the competition between different transport modes? What type of transport is dominating?

– I don’t believe that any transport type is ‘dominating’; travellers use numerous different modes, at different times, and in different ways. What’s much more significant is the way in which these transport modes work together to create a multi-modal service, allowing the traveller to use multiple modes to create the most cost and time-efficient journey possible.
Amadeus is leading the All Ways Travelling consortium, and one of its key aims is to evaluate the marketing and technical feasibility for the emergence of multimodal passenger transport information and booking capabilities in the European travel market. Increasing cooperation between different transport modes will have significant benefits for the traveller; they will be afforded a wider range of options, allowing them to pick the most cost and time-effective journey.

Brand Is Important

– What will be more important for passengers in future – price or variety of services?

– Each passenger has different priorities: some will be guided by price, others with look for a variety of services to be offered during their journey, and others will be looking at journey times. In an age of greater personalisation, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach is no longer appropriate, and customising a journey around a traveller’s individual needs will be key. What’s imperative is that the travellers can shop for and book the fare that best meets their needs, at the time that they need to, and in the way that suits them best.

– What factors will transform rail industry in your opinion?

– In our report ‘The Rail Journey to 2020’, published earlier this year, we highlighted six key factors which will shape the development of the rail industry over the period to 2020. The first of these is liberalisation, as I’ve discussed. We also believe that new market entrants will be an important factor, as will the completion of new high-speed lines: Europe’s high-speed network will add 5000 km between 2012 and 2020.
Continuing the infrastructure theme, the development of new hubs is another important factor – through its TEN-T programme (Trans-European Transport Network), the EU aims to support the introduction of multimodal hubs at 37 key airports by 2030. This will support another important factor: greater levels of cooperation,  both between rail companies and between railways and airlines, which will be key to delivering the kind of seamless passenger experiences that will drive up passenger volumes.
Finally and fundamentally, railways’ costs remain an important factor. Over the period to 2020, the chief impact on railways’ costs are likely to be external and relate to economic conditions. Longer-term, structural changes driven by liberalisation may alter the cost base as rail operators seek efficiencies and to leverage their scale.

– So what are your predictions - how will rail market change by 2020?

– Passenger rail providers will face a very different world in 2020: we anticipate that long-distance passenger traffic in Europe will increase by 21% (2.2% annually) to reach over 1.35 billion by 2020. The surge in customer demand will mean the rail operators will need to operate with a traveller-centric approach, and offer a high-quality, stable service to the customer. For the first time, service and brand differentiation will become a key weapon in the battle for the loyalty of the 21st century rail traveller.
By Christina Alexandrova


The period from today until 2020 will be critical for the European rail industry. Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.


The period from today until 2020 will be critical for the European rail industry. Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.

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Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => future trends in the passenger market [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>The period from today until 2020 will be critical for the European rail industry. Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market ) )

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Potential for Growth

– Mr Drexler, passenger rail travel has changed radically in Europe over the last few years. What trends will define the future of this sector in your opinion?

– Liberalisation will of course be an important factor in the evolving rail landscape in the coming years. As competition increases, it will become ever more important to rail companies to find new ways to generate revenues and increase efficiency, and perhaps we’ll see rail companies look to generate revenue growth through new products and services, which will enhance the journey experience that they can offer the traveller. Thinking about what the traveller wants and needs, and adopting a customer-orientated approach to meet these, is perhaps one of the most important trends: rail companies will need to put the traveller at the heart of everything they do.
I also think that multimodality is a really important trend for the future of European passenger rail: we will see rail cooperating and connecting more effectively with other transport modes. This is the vision of the EC’s Roadmap to an Integrated European Transport System, which paints a picture of a truly multimodal Europe, where travellers can easily and habitually combine different transport modes to best match the requirements of their journey, from door-to-door. Rail is at the heart of this vision, not only for long-distance and medium-distance journeys, but also providing commuter and urban rail services within and around cities and towns, often serving as the middle link between airline services and other modes of ground transportation.

– But don’t you think that it may increase the fragmentation of the market we see today?

– Liberalisation can lead to some fragmentation as the market becomes more complex and competitive.  In many ways, this can spur positive change – for example, rail companies may choose to respond to this changing marketplace by creating partnerships and cooperating with other providers to provide new options and services for the traveller.

– What are the major threats for the European rail market today?

– There is significant potential for growth in the European rail industry, thanks to an expanding high-speed network, a growing consumer appetite for rail, and industry liberalisation. Rail companies can make the most of this opportunity by moving towards a customer-orientated model, putting the customer at the heart of everything they do, in order to secure competitive differentiation and open up new sources of revenue from passenger rail. It’s important that rail companies act now so that they don’t miss this opportunity.

No Domination

– It is an open secret that competition exists only in theory, but not in practice now. Why are national operators are still dominating in the EU?

– National operators remain the biggest rail companies in Europe, and liberalisation – which will help to spur competition on domestic and cross-border routes - has only been implemented in recent years. The way is being paved for new market entrants, but it will take more time before we see how this alters the rail landscape.

– What can you say about the competition between different transport modes? What type of transport is dominating?

– I don’t believe that any transport type is ‘dominating’; travellers use numerous different modes, at different times, and in different ways. What’s much more significant is the way in which these transport modes work together to create a multi-modal service, allowing the traveller to use multiple modes to create the most cost and time-efficient journey possible.
Amadeus is leading the All Ways Travelling consortium, and one of its key aims is to evaluate the marketing and technical feasibility for the emergence of multimodal passenger transport information and booking capabilities in the European travel market. Increasing cooperation between different transport modes will have significant benefits for the traveller; they will be afforded a wider range of options, allowing them to pick the most cost and time-effective journey.

Brand Is Important

– What will be more important for passengers in future – price or variety of services?

– Each passenger has different priorities: some will be guided by price, others with look for a variety of services to be offered during their journey, and others will be looking at journey times. In an age of greater personalisation, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach is no longer appropriate, and customising a journey around a traveller’s individual needs will be key. What’s imperative is that the travellers can shop for and book the fare that best meets their needs, at the time that they need to, and in the way that suits them best.

– What factors will transform rail industry in your opinion?

– In our report ‘The Rail Journey to 2020’, published earlier this year, we highlighted six key factors which will shape the development of the rail industry over the period to 2020. The first of these is liberalisation, as I’ve discussed. We also believe that new market entrants will be an important factor, as will the completion of new high-speed lines: Europe’s high-speed network will add 5000 km between 2012 and 2020.
Continuing the infrastructure theme, the development of new hubs is another important factor – through its TEN-T programme (Trans-European Transport Network), the EU aims to support the introduction of multimodal hubs at 37 key airports by 2030. This will support another important factor: greater levels of cooperation,  both between rail companies and between railways and airlines, which will be key to delivering the kind of seamless passenger experiences that will drive up passenger volumes.
Finally and fundamentally, railways’ costs remain an important factor. Over the period to 2020, the chief impact on railways’ costs are likely to be external and relate to economic conditions. Longer-term, structural changes driven by liberalisation may alter the cost base as rail operators seek efficiencies and to leverage their scale.

– So what are your predictions - how will rail market change by 2020?

– Passenger rail providers will face a very different world in 2020: we anticipate that long-distance passenger traffic in Europe will increase by 21% (2.2% annually) to reach over 1.35 billion by 2020. The surge in customer demand will mean the rail operators will need to operate with a traveller-centric approach, and offer a high-quality, stable service to the customer. For the first time, service and brand differentiation will become a key weapon in the battle for the loyalty of the 21st century rail traveller.
By Christina Alexandrova


Potential for Growth

– Mr Drexler, passenger rail travel has changed radically in Europe over the last few years. What trends will define the future of this sector in your opinion?

– Liberalisation will of course be an important factor in the evolving rail landscape in the coming years. As competition increases, it will become ever more important to rail companies to find new ways to generate revenues and increase efficiency, and perhaps we’ll see rail companies look to generate revenue growth through new products and services, which will enhance the journey experience that they can offer the traveller. Thinking about what the traveller wants and needs, and adopting a customer-orientated approach to meet these, is perhaps one of the most important trends: rail companies will need to put the traveller at the heart of everything they do.
I also think that multimodality is a really important trend for the future of European passenger rail: we will see rail cooperating and connecting more effectively with other transport modes. This is the vision of the EC’s Roadmap to an Integrated European Transport System, which paints a picture of a truly multimodal Europe, where travellers can easily and habitually combine different transport modes to best match the requirements of their journey, from door-to-door. Rail is at the heart of this vision, not only for long-distance and medium-distance journeys, but also providing commuter and urban rail services within and around cities and towns, often serving as the middle link between airline services and other modes of ground transportation.

– But don’t you think that it may increase the fragmentation of the market we see today?

– Liberalisation can lead to some fragmentation as the market becomes more complex and competitive.  In many ways, this can spur positive change – for example, rail companies may choose to respond to this changing marketplace by creating partnerships and cooperating with other providers to provide new options and services for the traveller.

– What are the major threats for the European rail market today?

– There is significant potential for growth in the European rail industry, thanks to an expanding high-speed network, a growing consumer appetite for rail, and industry liberalisation. Rail companies can make the most of this opportunity by moving towards a customer-orientated model, putting the customer at the heart of everything they do, in order to secure competitive differentiation and open up new sources of revenue from passenger rail. It’s important that rail companies act now so that they don’t miss this opportunity.

No Domination

– It is an open secret that competition exists only in theory, but not in practice now. Why are national operators are still dominating in the EU?

– National operators remain the biggest rail companies in Europe, and liberalisation – which will help to spur competition on domestic and cross-border routes - has only been implemented in recent years. The way is being paved for new market entrants, but it will take more time before we see how this alters the rail landscape.

– What can you say about the competition between different transport modes? What type of transport is dominating?

– I don’t believe that any transport type is ‘dominating’; travellers use numerous different modes, at different times, and in different ways. What’s much more significant is the way in which these transport modes work together to create a multi-modal service, allowing the traveller to use multiple modes to create the most cost and time-efficient journey possible.
Amadeus is leading the All Ways Travelling consortium, and one of its key aims is to evaluate the marketing and technical feasibility for the emergence of multimodal passenger transport information and booking capabilities in the European travel market. Increasing cooperation between different transport modes will have significant benefits for the traveller; they will be afforded a wider range of options, allowing them to pick the most cost and time-effective journey.

Brand Is Important

– What will be more important for passengers in future – price or variety of services?

– Each passenger has different priorities: some will be guided by price, others with look for a variety of services to be offered during their journey, and others will be looking at journey times. In an age of greater personalisation, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach is no longer appropriate, and customising a journey around a traveller’s individual needs will be key. What’s imperative is that the travellers can shop for and book the fare that best meets their needs, at the time that they need to, and in the way that suits them best.

– What factors will transform rail industry in your opinion?

– In our report ‘The Rail Journey to 2020’, published earlier this year, we highlighted six key factors which will shape the development of the rail industry over the period to 2020. The first of these is liberalisation, as I’ve discussed. We also believe that new market entrants will be an important factor, as will the completion of new high-speed lines: Europe’s high-speed network will add 5000 km between 2012 and 2020.
Continuing the infrastructure theme, the development of new hubs is another important factor – through its TEN-T programme (Trans-European Transport Network), the EU aims to support the introduction of multimodal hubs at 37 key airports by 2030. This will support another important factor: greater levels of cooperation,  both between rail companies and between railways and airlines, which will be key to delivering the kind of seamless passenger experiences that will drive up passenger volumes.
Finally and fundamentally, railways’ costs remain an important factor. Over the period to 2020, the chief impact on railways’ costs are likely to be external and relate to economic conditions. Longer-term, structural changes driven by liberalisation may alter the cost base as rail operators seek efficiencies and to leverage their scale.

– So what are your predictions - how will rail market change by 2020?

– Passenger rail providers will face a very different world in 2020: we anticipate that long-distance passenger traffic in Europe will increase by 21% (2.2% annually) to reach over 1.35 billion by 2020. The surge in customer demand will mean the rail operators will need to operate with a traveller-centric approach, and offer a high-quality, stable service to the customer. For the first time, service and brand differentiation will become a key weapon in the battle for the loyalty of the 21st century rail traveller.
By Christina Alexandrova


The period from today until 2020 will be critical for the European rail industry. Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.


The period from today until 2020 will be critical for the European rail industry. Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.

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Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.</p> [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS] => future trends in the passenger market [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => <p>The period from today until 2020 will be critical for the European rail industry. Increased competition and liberalisation of the market may open new opportunities for passengers, but also can make the life of rail operators harder as they will have to compete for customers. The new research “The Rail Journey to 2020” carried out by the Global Distribution System “Amadeus” focuses on the specific factors that will shape the rail market in the near future. We met the director of the company, Tom Drexler, to enquire about his predictions.</p> [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [SECTION_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [SECTION_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_PREVIEW_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_ALT] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market [ELEMENT_DETAIL_PICTURE_FILE_TITLE] => Future Trends in the Passenger Market ) )

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